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Serious I just tried to rope, can't go through



Feb 21, 2018
I don't have rope, I used 2 belts, but I tried a couple times and I'm too much of a pussy, I tried to look up hoe long until you passout (10-20 seconds) but that's probably with a real rope, I felt like I was close so many times, tellI got myself when am I gonna die or atleast passout, after I stop I can see my vision getting super blurry, and my arms and chest feel weird as if all the blood and oxygen was trying to get through my body, my body started to shake was the closet I got but I had to take a breathe it was scary. But now impissed at myself because I was probably close to it. I might do it later at night when everyone is asleep.
Perry if my typing and spelling sucks I'm still kinda fucked up after this and needed to get it out
If I dint post tomorrow, that's when you know
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Good luck. Hope you can find peace.
Dont know whether to wish you luck or not. Whatever makes you happy though OP, rip if you go through with it
I don’t want my fellow nigga dying
Dont know whether to wish you luck or not. Whatever makes you happy though OP, rip if you go through with it

Thank you, I just can't go through anymore of this, I couldn't be a wizard this is too much, this life is not for me, there's gotta be some type of afterlife or something
I don’t want my fellow nigga dying

I have to do this eventually, I was trying to cope with video games and I just started tearing up and knew the option was there, I tried and it's hard without a real noose
I don't have rope, I used 2 belts, but I tried a couple times and I'm too much of a pussy, I tried to look up hoe long until you passout (10-20 seconds) but that's probably with a real rope, I felt like I was close so many times, tellI got myself when am I gonna die or atleast passout, after I stop I can see my vision getting super blurry, and my arms and chest feel weird as if all the blood and oxygen was trying to get through my body, my body started to shake was the closet I got but I had to take a breathe it was scary. But now impissed at myself because I was probably close to it. I might do it later at night when everyone is asleep.
Perry if my typing and spelling sucks I'm still kinda fucked up after this and needed to get it out
If I dint post tomorrow, that's when you know
Don't dude. Please. Cope with creepypastas. Those often help. Watch dank memes compilation, those are funny
Not gonna try and convince you otherwise but I hope you find peace man
Don't dude. Please. Cope with creepypastas. Those often help. Watch dank memes compilation, those are funny

I cope with Xbox but today I just couldn't, I was just running around hip firing and I started to cry and just set the thing up, I was so close
I cope with Xbox but today I just couldn't, I was just running around hip firing and I started to cry and just set the thing up, I was so close
Try and find better copes man, don't sui unless you have tried all the copes
because youre larping as an incel


Because it's actually fucking scary, I want to live, but not like this, and to know just like that it could've been rip is crazy, I might just nap
Games and anime is pure cope but it's still working for me just prolonging the inevitable. I assume you have but taking a long think about anything at all the makes u happy might be good enough of a reason to stick around. Anime and games are only gonna get more dope tbh. If u do off then rest in peace.
Before you go, can you please buy some lsd and watch yuru yuri while fucked up on it? And post what you see here? I wanna do that but i'm too much of a pussy to buy drugs.
I have to do this eventually, I was trying to cope with video games and I just started tearing up and knew the option was there, I tried and it's hard without a real noose
Your in high school still right?
Try and find better copes man, don't sui unless you have tried all the copes

Well I like to program and was working on a game for IOS, but now I just no motivation for anything anymore, that I even quit my job, the couples, chads, and tall people I seen everyday was fucking me up
There are less painful ways, like CO poisoning, Nembutal overdose or Sodium nitrite.
As a mammal, you have a natural imperative to survive. Overcoming that isn't easy, and if you're struggling with it, its because the time is not right.
Games and anime is pure cope but it's still working for me just prolonging the inevitable. I assume you have but taking a long think about anything at all the makes u happy might be good enough of a reason to stick around. Anime and games are only gonna get more dope tbh. If u do off then rest in peace.

Games are the only thing I'm good at, not an anime person though, I'm trying again tonight if I can't I try to take a break
Before you go, can you please buy some lsd and watch yuru yuri while fucked up on it? And post what you see here? I wanna do that but i'm too much of a pussy to buy drugs.

Well I like to program and was working on a game for IOS, but now I just no motivation for anything anymore, that I even quit my job, the couples, chads, and tall people I seen everyday was fucking me up
You should get some medication to fix your brain chemistry. It won't help your inceldom but it will allow you to cope more effectively. Don't sui out of impulse
Hey! I set up this account just to talk to you.
Please don't do it.
If not for yourself, for all the people in your life that love and care about you.
I UNDERSTAND - the suffering is unreal, but it will get better.
There will be a point in your life that you no longer feel this way. The choice is obviously yours, but choose to change your life, and not negatively affect so many who you may not even realise care about you.

Thank you for your kind words but uo Seem positive and need to leave before its too late, I've been thinking of Sui more than anything, the closest i got to it was a year ago but my parents caught me running into my room with a knife
Hey! I set up this account just to talk to you.
Please don't do it.
If not for yourself, for all the people in your life that love and care about you.
I UNDERSTAND - the suffering is unreal, but it will get better.
There will be a point in your life that you no longer feel this way. The choice is obviously yours, but choose to change your life, and not negatively affect so many who you may not even realise care about you.
This, OP. Don't rope until you at least reach the age of 40.
As a mammal, you have a natural imperative to survive. Overcoming that isn't easy, and if you're struggling with it, its because the time is not right.

I want to live, just like this, even being an average normie who had a good jOh and find a below average girl is nice, I don't need yo be a chad
You should get some medication to fix your brain chemistry. It won't help your inceldom but it will allow you to cope more effectively. Don't sui out of impulse
No money and my parents have no clue I'm suicidal and tried to rope,
Pls dont do it buddy :(
Your sexual drive will be dead by then and you will not feel so bad because of loneliness.
This, my drive is crazy, I wouldn't rape,I just wish there was a girl I could fuck, even though I'd last a couple fucking seconds probably
I hope you find happiness OP, in this world or the next.
please dont do anything drastic m8 get some rest fuck the games off for a bit and dont even worry about women or sex its not the be all and end all.
lol i remember that guy in your avi he was an autistic mentalcel redditor, boi i have good memory, he was very high inhib in highschool i think he was in his senior year, he looks like your typical mulatoo tyrone, he prolly below 6ft2 idk why he was a virgin but he prolly ascended now
I want to live, just like this, even being an average normie who had a good jOh and find a below average girl is nice, I don't need yo be a chad
Not trying to be a dick but playing with suicide with that attitude can really fuck you up. You might choke off the oxygen and wake up brain damaged or get found early and put in a mental hospital for months to years. You probably won't succeed at suicide because you want to live but you might really hurt yourself in the process. Just be honest with yourself that this is a mood that will pass, and wait until it passes.
I want to live, just like this, even being an average normie who had a good jOh and find a below average girl is nice, I don't need yo be a chad
Let's talk about this more, finding ways to reconcile yourself to the stuff you can't change, and focusing on the stuff you can. Pretty much every person can benefit from that kind of evaluation. I'm glad you didn't succeed. More options need to be explored before you decide to stop trying altogether. ♡
Is the guy in your profile pic your oneitis' bf?
i try almost every day i wish i didn't have instinct
Hey! I set up this account just to talk to you.
Please don't do it.
If not for yourself, for all the people in your life that love and care about you.
I UNDERSTAND - the suffering is unreal, but it will get better.
There will be a point in your life that you no longer feel this way. The choice is obviously yours, but choose to change your life, and not negatively affect so many who you may not even realise care about you.
lmao it won't get better, and this whole "omg you're so egoistic think about your family" is probably the most retarded argument against suicide

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