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I hope NEETcels realise how good they have it.



Dec 9, 2017
Living the life of no obligations, you guys have got it good.
I'll have to suffer for like 10+ hours tomorrow.
It's over tbh.
I do
NEETdom is the only thing that keeps me alive - I can cope all day long
if I had to wageslave, I'd go ER instantly
I remember going to school, Jesus Christ what a terror, no one should be forced to slave away their lives
I did more 'personal development' and education when I wasn't forced to than back in school
Been on neetbux since 1992. Other than not having to sleep in squats or under bridges anymore it kinda sucks. Sure, I have my PS4 and fairly sizeable collection of horror films, but boredom can be a rawboned bitch. That’s when all the depressive shit comes to the fore and I feel like smoking a shotgun. So even a part time wage cuck gig would be welcome just to break the monotony. Unfortunately, no one hires unmedicated psychotics in my area.
Been on neetbux since 1992. Other than not having to sleep in squats or under bridges anymore it kinda sucks. Sure, I have my PS4 and fairly sizeable collection of horror films, but boredom can be a rawboned bitch. That’s when all the depressive shit comes to the fore and I feel like smoking a shotgun. So even a part time wage cuck gig would be welcome just to break the monotony. Unfortunately, no one hires unmedicated psychotics in my area.


As if you wouldn't get bored working some shit labor or office job like we do. Every day when I wake up for woke I contemplate seriously injuring myself so that I don't need to work anymore

As if you wouldn't get bored working some shit labor or office job like we do. Every day when I wake up for woke I contemplate seriously injuring myself so that I don't need to work anymore
I just wish I don't ever wake up again before going to sleep.
Am currently a NEET but sadly might start wageslaving soon. Really wanted to get NEETbuxx but its a long process
Im NEET at the moment, its not that great. No income means a lower quality of life.
I'm actually glad i'm not a NEET, i was one for a year when i was younger and it made me feel way worse.
That being said i still feel really fucking shitty...
Least i have money though

i love being a neet. wish i had a little more pocket change but thats about it.
What job do you do?
Entry level accounting, the job itself isn't bad because I'm good at it, but the company I work at is a bloody nightmare to work for. I can barely get any accounting done as they swamp me with work that isn't even on my job description.
Entry level accounting, the job itself isn't bad because I'm good at it, but the company I work at is a bloody nightmare to work for. I can barely get any accounting done as they swamp me with work that isn't even on my job description.
Accounting is a well respected field and can allow you to status max, I thought you was doing some manual labour shit haha.
Accounting is a well respected field and can allow you to status max, I thought you was doing some manual labour shit haha.
You can't status max with accounting, and even if you can, at best you'll land a 30 year old that "is done partying, and is looking to settle down" I wish I hung out with the druggies at school as they most likely lead a much better life than I ever will.
I've spent long periods of time NEET, it gets boring and depressing.

As if you wouldn't get bored working some shit labor or office job like we do. Every day when I wake up for woke I contemplate seriously injuring myself so that I don't need to work anymore
True. But the extra coin would be nice. And doing demolition for remodeling companies isn’t boring. Getting paid to break shit is pretty cool. Did it for a lot of years.
Ngl, it’s actually depressing. Every day’s the same monotony. Sure, you can take some course online or maybe organise an experience when you save up your benefits enough to do something but really it’s just a monotonous grind, and the isolation makes your already shit social skills even worse. You end up this weird wild eyed recluse. It’s not actually nice. I always thought I would be a success when coping during high school bullying and that the bullies would all be losers on the minimum wage whilst I was a barrister or something. It was all cope. I’m now a loser sitting around hoping the job centre don’t check up on how ‘genuine’ my job searches are and those guys are living decent lives. I want to kiss a shotgun every day now.
I need a job to finance my surgerymaxxing
Accounting is a well respected field and can allow you to status max, I thought you was doing some manual labour shit haha.
that is me. construction. going to slave away tomorrow for 8 hours in the 90+ degree weather op is a high iq faggot complaining about his cushy 60k/year(starting salary) job
am mentalcel with serious issus so im also a NEET. but i do take time to enjoy the little things in life
I do
NEETdom is the only thing that keeps me alive - I can cope all day long
if I had to wageslave, I'd go ER instantly
I remember going to school, Jesus Christ what a terror, no one should be forced to slave away their lives
I did more 'personal development' and education when I wasn't forced to than back in school
I won't deny it the NEET life is easy. It consists of just LDARing, consuming media, playing games, and fapping all day while your parents still support you. It's a lifestyle that requires no effort at all. It does get pretty miserable however, you get stuck in the same routine everyday doing the same cope shit, and you begin to contemplate and reflect on your life, time feels like it's moving fast, and it gets depressing real quick. I don't plan on NEETing forever, just the summer until fall semester of college begins.
eh theres pros and cons of being a neet and pros and cons of working. I think its suprisingly ( idk y) better to have a job because if i was still NEET id probably have suicided from pure boredom
I've been NEET for so long, it's better than slaving away all day though. There isn't mush less motivating than wageslaving solely to support your own solitary existence.

It does get pretty miserable however, you get stuck in the same routine everyday doing the same cope shit, and you begin to contemplate and reflect on your life, time feels like it's moving fast, and it gets depressing real quick.
I think this is true, but eventually I realized that it's not important. Everything I'm doing, almost anything I could be doing, it's all totally futile. Not in a depressive sense, but speaking realistically. I don't regret any of my choices, just the fact that I was born. The things which years of isolation have taught me, is that this existence is not only fleeting, but it's a mistake.

If any of you NEETs are like me you'll eventually come to the point where you just don't care about the outside world, or anything that other people might be doing.
I work from home, so I earn my NEETdom. Feels good. :feelsokman:
You can't status max with accounting, and even if you can, at best you'll land a 30 year old that "is done partying, and is looking to settle down" I wish I hung out with the druggies at school as they most likely lead a much better life than I ever will.

fuck man, I'm so done.

I don't want to go to work tomorrow goddamn.
Been on neetbux since 1992. Other than not having to sleep in squats or under bridges anymore it kinda sucks. Sure, I have my PS4 and fairly sizeable collection of horror films, but boredom can be a rawboned bitch. That’s when all the depressive shit comes to the fore and I feel like smoking a shotgun. So even a part time wage cuck gig would be welcome just to break the monotony. Unfortunately, no one hires unmedicated psychotics in my area.
Damn man how old are you now?
work can sometimes be a cope in it's own way, lets me forget about the large part of life i'm cut out of

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