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Serious I have to kill myself.

I'm not saying you haven't tried, but I'm interested in knowing what you did try to remedy these things. No, you can never be Chad. But not being Chad is no reason to kill yourself. Most people aren't Chad.
This actually happens. But only to Chads and women
Chad doesn’t have to be saved.
Women always want to “fix” a bad boy but it never works because either she succeeds and then loses attraction to her Chad, or Chad never changes because he ain’t falling for that shit.
I'm not saying you haven't tried, but I'm interested in knowing what you did try to remedy these things. No, you can never be Chad. But not being Chad is no reason to kill yourself. Most people aren't Chad.
Weight loss, joining clubs, trying to be more social, inviting people over and asking to hang. My hygiene and fashion sense are fine. It never works and it’s even harder when you struggle to keep up with normies with better social skills.
I wouldn't do it bro. Rich coming from me, probably the last person to say this. Focus on what makes you happy. They'll be something, I know there will be. Focus on getting that and at least go out fighting. Don't let this fucked up world get the better of you.
That said, I know you've thought over all of this far more than just this thread, as have I. But if I was to make a similar post, I'd hope you'd write something similar for me.
Preserve mate, and I'll try do the same.
There’s no other option. There is no escape.
From what, a world full of anime? Even if I could finish all of it, memory is so unreliable and nostalgia so good that at that point I could probably rewatch it all again and enjoy it.

No one will want to be friends with me.
Some (though not all) waifu appreciators I think are open to comradery with each other online. Albeit not in the sense of reliable regular-contact relationships since I think many of us are very flippant at where we browse and how often we return. In some cases years might go by before revisiting communities. I've gone 5-10 years before remembering some communities, personally.

Not exactly the impression you will enjoy at IRL animu congregations, of course. Since girls come to those, thirst will sabotage our opportunitites for friendships as we become suspicious of each other, feel an urge to complete, etc.

Girls will never want to love me. I’m not Chad, and I never will be. I will always be alone. I am too friendly. I can’t do it. There is no other way to escape the pain.
Being too friendly solves itself as we become hardened and bitter against the cruel world. That isolation won't necessarily draw women to you as the non-desperation of Chad, but I don't think it will necessarily hurt chances and might slightly improve them at least enough to counteract our decreased appeal as we age.

Have you tried weird shit like hanging upside down on an inversion table or trying to get flexible hamstrings by doing downward dog?


I've taken up hobbies like this and I think it helps, even though I don't really do either of them very often. Even as a fun occasional experience it's a cool reset, and it gives me "resort to this" options for when I experience anxiety/consternation/stress.

These won't in any major way deal with the major differences between us and Chad. There might be some minor benefits like being temporarily taller, a little less tense, a little more confident, maybe burning a few more calories. I still think it's a decent type of thing to try out.

Foids shouldn't be the end goal. They do seem like the ultimate hope and fulfillment sometimes when we watch our stories with our waifus, but I do try to remind myself how usually protagonists in these have other values too that make me like them, other values which actually makes their harem like them, above and beyond being 8s/9s/10s that is.

There's a lot of pathetic guys who are miserable because they settle for low-tier women anyway. I think on some level we realize that (though it might be subconscious) and our lack of having sex with sub-Betty 1s/2s (and I'm not just talking about looks, but also personality, we can rate women at girst glance but also collectively) might actually be because our heart truly isn't behind rewriting ourselves to attain her.

I believe the root of the misery is in their accepting the culturally indoctrinated fixation upon attaining a romantic partner as some kind of primary necessity. If we view it as merely a potentially-super-awesome-thing-that-could-make-our-life-better (like being a million-aire, or having a super power to teleport) then I think it puts it in more of a perspective. Yes, it could be awesome, but it's not an absolute necessity, and we can find enjoyment and purpose without it, find other awesome things.

I have to commit suicide at some point if I want to avoid living an entire life of pain.
There is pain in everyone's life (minimum 1% pain) but no life is entirely pain (maximum 99% pain). Let's keep this in mind. All-or-nothing absolutes are the type of cognitive distortion that CBT taught me to recognize.

Obviously the 99% pain lives are harder to bear than the 1% pain lives. It is a harsh path we tread upon.

Pain can diminish if we detach a bit from it's cause. Putting 3DPD on pedestols is one such cause.

There will not be a solution in my lifetime. Sexbots or AI that can fulfill your sexual and social needs won’t be happening.
Fun fact: even if we had girlfriends/wives, that wouldn't necessarily fulfill ALL our sexual/social needs. Even if they were 10/10 gigastacies appearance-wise. I think relationships which work out well like that are in the minority. We probably get a falsely inflated sense of how common that actually is by people coping and RPing about how perfect their foids are.

Genetic engineering to turn ugly men into Chads won’t happen. It’ll never get better.
In our currently estimated lifetime? Probably not. But... see this beard guy?
Aubrey and neighbors

beard guy is Aubrey Gray and his beard is like the mascot of SENS, which is like this fringe thing (not quite Flat Earth fringe, maybe more like Raelians fringe) where people are trying to brainstorm ways we might live longer. So maybe if we somehow do that (maybe 1% chance) we would have more time to work on becoming pretty or inventing Chii for Hideki?

I have to die. No amount of lifting, video games, drugs, alcohol, hobbies, whatever will make it better.
Lifting/Vidya/Hobbies can make it a degree better, even if we view that as a small degree.

Better ENOUGH? I guess that's all about where you draw the line on your desires, how many imperfections we are able to tolerate.

I have to kill myself. It’s the only way. No one will save me. There’s no manic pixie dream girl who’ll see past my issues, my looks, and will save me via her love.
That thing probably is a rarity, and a temporary fix when it does happen. Getting red+black pilled seems like an inevitably revelation for most, even if it takes more decades for some than others to get there.

There’s no dudes out there who will wanna hang with me. There’s no one to turn to for emotional support.
Harsh what are we?

That said, I might totally bail on this place for months at a time again in the future as I've already done in the past.

Even when we find people who want to hang with us, it's sometimes not a reliable thing.

I have to die. There’s no other option.
I don’t know when. But I have no choice. I don’t know how much more I can take.
This type of thinking is part of what I worry about embracing a misleading label like "involuntary" might encourage. By not recognizing the options involved in our behavior, we get in a pattern of not looking for options in general.

The damage is done. The trauma, the emotional scars, irreversible.
You can't undissolve the pill once you swallow it, I get that. But I think you do gain a tolerance for it over time.

More than likely there is no Heaven. There is no reincarnating into someone worthy of love. There is simply non-existence. But it is probably better than living a life of pain.
You probably won't reincarnate as a slime and be the little girl, but we should distinguish between being worthy of love and being loved.

The actual outcomes that happen to people don't always line up with what they are worthy of.

Pain and suffering are part of experience, like how there is a disturbing revelation partyway through season 3 of Overlord which totally flips the theme of the anime into a new tier but I still want to watch s4.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
That was before Halloween for leaf people.
U need Meditation
Alright bro, set up a date and make sure to follow through.
play garfield kart instead
I know the feeling too well, I'm in my mid 20's and shits still exactly the same as it was from the start. Get the exact same shitty treatment I always got from others, no matter what I do doesn't make any difference since people will just dislike you from the get go. No relationships, no real friends, no real prospects. I know it's not personality like the BPers say because it literally doesn't matter how I act acround people, can be as friendly and polite, talkative, whatever as I want, makes zero difference, same treatment every time. It's very obviously a looks thing.

Eventually you get to the point where you realise you have no actual prospects beyond working some shitty job you hate and going home and use copes to try and keep your mind off it. When that's all there is whats even the point of continuing? Fact is it's only going to get worse from here on now that I've started balding as well, I really am probably best just ending it here before it had a chance to get even worse.
It has to be a personality issue with me as well tho because even making and keeping friends is super difficult for me
We are semi dead. Just wait a few years and it'll be complete.
There are the occasional people I can get on with fine so I don't really feel mine is a personality problem. Looks can really influence the way people view your personality as well, if you look ugly people will treat you as such, and the friends you do get will always treat you as disposable.
I don’t feel people treat me bad on average but I struggle to interact with them and I’m not exactly the highest priority of people to chat and hang out with tbh”
Same with me bro. There's nothing for us just wageslaving until we die, i don't even enjoy the copes anymore, i don't know how long i will be able to stand this life tbh

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