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News I have the most normal male straight sexuality ever



May 2, 2018

This graph corresponds almost perfectly to my sexual attraction to foids according to their age on average.
Same here bro, cope if you wouldn't want to fuck a tight, hot, prime JB.
I wonder how CuckTears will hurdle over this one
Only balding trans queens and numales from IT deny this tbh every normal male knows its true
Easy. "Muh patriarchy", "muh toxic masculinity" and "muh white male privilege".
Or they’ll just skip over this thread because it has a graph in it. Either that or they’ll call us pseudo intellectuals
Cucktears are deluding themselves. Those virtue signaling cucks would fuck a 16 year old girl if they had half a chance.
Cucktears won't touch this with a 10ft pole.
I've never been attracted by girls after I entered uni. I don't know if they just all get ugly af past 20 or if my libido has dropped to 0 as a coping mechanism. :feelsbadman:
Different power dynaimcs meaning = being an legal adult and all the rights which that brings, it usually also gives you power over resources.
The same difference exists between a parent and his or her kid. Or, in a similar fashion, between a rich American guy and poor foid from a fucked country.

In practice, nowadays, the person who supposedly has less power actually has more. If I dated a 14 yo girl for example (minimal age I can reach legally in Brazil for that), one false accusation from her is all is takes to destroy my life.
lol, no. I don't know but it's like all girls I used to consider oneitis turned from that
to that
damn, so 13 is actually prime :ha..feels:
Biology is always right. Inceltears in... well, tears :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
Ok, I just do not see the link between inceldom and advocating for social acceptance on sex with minors.
It is probably good as it is on that point.
Because the biggest inceldom is the impossibility to get with prime young foids. Maybe someday I can be in a position where I can betabuxx a 40 yo fat 2/10 single mom of four, which many people here would count as a chance of ascending, but I don't consider that ascending personally.

It's more about age than looks for me. I want prime-aged foids, old foids are useless.
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I wish I had the IQ to make a 15 year old chadbot and upload my consciousness into it.
Ok, I just do not see the link between inceldom and advocating for social acceptance on sex with minors.

It's because they're sexually at their prime and haven't been exposed to the toxicity of feminism and other liberal ideas. Young women are also less likely to give birth to unhealthy offsprings.
It's because they're sexually at their prime and haven't been exposed to the toxicity of feminism and other liberal ideas. Young women are also less likely to give birth to unhealthy offsprings.
i still cant find one moral flaw of getting a boner for a 15 or 16 year old, not one

Do you hate him, OP? For the non-brazilians: he's a member of a popular indie band.He was able to get a 14y jb pregnant and now he's married to her.
"That's disgusting, don't you have shame you fucking pedophile ?" :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
pretty much truth

you could easily demonstrate this by taking and comparing high-res photos of the same woman at 14, 18, 22, 26...

would they ever allow that or take it seriously if it happened? fuck no lol.

PS: lol that 46 year old women are about as sexually attractive as a 9 year old, makes sense because they're about equally fertile, you could probably treat the whole thing as closely approximating fertility, more specifically fertility reserves because the very young woman has way more fertility years in her, than an older woman of equal fertility but with fewer fertility years left in her
Can old hags post-29 even be still considered women?
The biggest suifuel to me is that i never got to experience making love to pure teen girls in their prime.

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