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Serious I have a sneaking suspicion that there are infiltrators here.



Feb 16, 2019
I think there may be spies here posing as long-term users. What I seem to notice about these strange users who seem to be spies is they have low post counts, despite having old accounts. I'm not pointing the finger at anyone here, but I do have an uneasy feeling I cannot explain when I see some users on here. It's not too outlandish or crazy to feel this way considering how some infiltrators have came forward or been exposed before. For all we know, they could just simply be better at pretending to be one of us.

Some of these users in question will post a thread, and the same thread will end up on IT quickly. They also seem to justify the actions of those who hate us in a fashion that puts the blame on us, similarly to how IT always makes everything our fault and downplays everything. They also seem to be overtly loud and expressive, to act in a way to convince us that they are "one of us" and not rouse suspicion. For all we know, this could just be an act.

Who else somewhat feels this way? Am I crazy or do some of you also feel like some people here might be "spies"?
If there are or aren't spies here, it doesn't matter because cucks and FBI can just visit as guests, always be careful
There is something creepy about a 2017cel to early 2018cel with less than 500 posts. The ones that come out of nowhere are the unsettling ones. Good thing they added the total time online so we can see whose actually hanging around and whose just dipping in and out.
If there are or aren't spies here, it doesn't matter because cucks and FBI can just visit as guests, always be careful
I know. At least they can't do anything to stop us from congregating. They have to put on a fake act if they want to be in our space, so they either have to take breaks from this site to go to places they actually enjoy (such as r/inceltears) or they become unraveled and eventually get sick and tired of pretending, and they get banned.
Everyone here is an infiltrator except for you.
There is something creepy about a 2017cel to early 2018cel with less than 500 posts. Except the ones that are around a lot, but the ones that come out of nowhere are the unsettling ones. Good thing they added the total time online so we can see whose actually hanging around and whose just dipping in and out.
Especially when they talk about killing all of us, but then dress it under a hypothetical situation (it's only hypothetical, don't get mad you ugly subhuman fuck teehee :)))))))) so that you can't call them out. These IT fucks always do this bullshit, talking about doing this shit to us BUT ONLY HYPOTHETIKULLY!

Everyone here is an infiltrator except for you.
Ah, yes. On-purposely taking what I say out of context. Haven't seen that before.
Especially when they talk about killing all of us, but then dress it under a hypothetical situation (it's only hypothetical, don't get mad you ugly subhuman fuck teehee :)))))))) so that you can't call them out. These IT fucks always do this bullshit, talking about doing this shit to us BUT ONLY HYPOTHETIKULLY!
I wish I saw that so I can call them soycucks to their face.
Yes, I am especially suspicious of people who ask for contact details outside of this place. I am also suspicious of "ER" posters, any kind of repeated borderline illegal activity seems like honey-pot or entrapment activity to me.

Its very similar to how autistic/mentally retarded/disabled Muslims get honey-potted/entrapped by feds acting as IS recruiters. I'm just an autistic guy noticing patterns in posting behaviors, that's all.
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I wish I saw that so I can call them soycucks to their face.
There's already a thread of that nature up, talking about how he wants to "kill all of you ugly subhumans" but hypothetically. Again, everyone always dresses their true motives up in "haha I'm just joking srs" or "it's hypothetic bruh", or my favorite, "it's good for the gene pool and society if we brutally murder all of you pesky ugly men". They do this all the time to not technically break the rules or get banned, because then they can pretend that they didn't really want to do any of these things despite talking non-stop about it.

Just so you know, anyone doing the same shit as them except for with the subject matter being breaking the law would get in trouble with the law enforcement for this. Why should these retards get away with "pretending" to want to kill us all off or calling us the same names IT does?
Could be some faggot trying to Larp as an incel and a member of IT at the same time for attention. but what about someones account getting brute forced or hijacked? I don't think anyone would but what if
"it's good for the gene pool and society if we brutally murder all of you pesky ugly men". They do this all the time to not technically break the rules.
Why do those faggots care about "muh gene pool" anyway, are they humanitarians or something?
funny how intuitive we cynics are.
Why do those faggots care about "muh gene pool" anyway, are they humanitarians or something?
They actually don't give a shit about it at all, they're just trying to use it to justify a means to an end. Kind of like how liberals pretend to care about Christianity to argue against conservatives when they actually don't, only whenever it benefits them do they pretend to care. They're "concern trolling". If they truly cared about the gene pool, they would remove women's power in society and lower hypergamy. They don't really care, they're just trying to justify being the sacks of shit they are.
Notice how nothing is ever their fault and always ours? This is exactly what an abusive person does to whoever they're abusing, always making the victim at fault. IT and society are the abusers of us, always pointing the finger at us and blaming us while simultaneously beating us down.
I wonder whatever gave you that idea
The (((electrons))) have eyes.
Little (((screens))) have big ears.
You're not wrong, I'm not surprised if those people were IT spies.
liberals pretend to care about Christianity to argue against conservatives when they actually don't, only whenever it benefits them do they pretend to care. They're "concern trolling". If they truly cared about the gene pool, they would remove women's power in society and lower hypergamy. They don't really care, they're just trying to justify being the sacks of shit they are.
If they really cared about the betterment of the world they'd get rid of feminism and the cucked laws, but no, they think letting holes have a buffet of chad dick while using cuck's and tax payer's money is the best long term solution for society, and any inkel who speaks up against it should be killed, jfl.
There definitely are, but who cares. It's a public forum, browsable without login and not hard to get an account on. You'll read anti-cel articles sometimes about how they "infiltrated" this or some other public board like they're James fucking Bond rather than just a landwhale in front of a laptop. This isn't supposed to be secret, and if all they have to do in their life is act like hackerman for having found a public forum to gawk at, that's on them.
You're not wrong, I'm not surprised if those people were IT spies.
Yes, they all have the same rhetoric and drivel as ITers and roasties. If you compare the way they speak with how they speak, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference when they aren't LARPing for a brief moment. They all want us dead.

If they really cared about the betterment of the world they'd get rid of feminism and the cucked laws, but no, they think letting holes have a buffet of chad dick while using cuck's and tax payer's money is the best long term solution for society, and any inkel who speaks up against it should be killed, jfl.
Most of them are really just losers themselves, so who gives a fuck about them anyway? At the end of the day, all fat lazy feminists want to do is make everyone else miserable like them.

I'll be honest I have at times wondered if I'm the only actual incel here and everyone else is just larping, with me being the only one taking it remotely seriously, finding out I truly was alone after all.
It feels like that sometimes. But it sort of feels like most of us are just being passive to not look bad in the eyes of who already hates us no matter what anyway. It's a pretty futile fight, to be honest, considering how they already didn't want us when we were being as civilized and nice as possible anyway.
I think there are probably some users who larp and pretend and make this shit into some sort of joke, but those people come and go anyway.
There is something creepy about a 2017cel to early 2018cel with less than 500 posts. The ones that come out of nowhere are the unsettling ones. Good thing they added the total time online so we can see whose actually hanging around and whose just dipping in and out.
Tbh the quality of this site is a lot lower than that of braincels.This site feels quite dull
Tbh the quality of this site is a lot lower than that of braincels.This site feels quite dull
I try to post things of quality but they get glossed over by shitposts. Don't take this personally guys, I understand why you would rather shitpost than make an effort when your posts of high effort also get ignored and go to waste.
Anyone can browse this forum without an account. The only real "infiltrators" we have are IT cucks who make sock accounts to shitpost.
Tbh the quality of this site is a lot lower than that of braincels.This site feels quite dull
You seriously lol? 6/10 posts on there are just baitposts and the occasional ‘I do post on IT, how did you know?’ post
There was a foid who had an account from 2017 who messaged me here. I immediately reported it and the mods blocked her.

I'm pretty sure there are more, but they won't be as bold as this one was.
There was a foid who had an account from 2017 who messaged me here. I immediately reported it and the mods blocked her. View attachment 125918

I'm pretty sure there are more, but they won't be as bold as this one was.
Nice job taking out the trash and reporting that dirty dyke that thinks women should be entitled to put cuck slaves in their friendzone.
There was a foid who had an account from 2017 who messaged me here. I immediately reported it and the mods blocked her. View attachment 125918

I'm pretty sure there are more, but they won't be as bold as this one was.
Expose them all. I want every single one of them singled out and removed. Fuck them all for trying to take away our one and only place that truly accepts us for once.
They always were and always will be, unless we close forum. I always knew @NEETAndTidy was one, nice to see him banned. Don't stare at me, i'm legit truecel @Evildoer is my old main.
an infiltrator would say that wouldn't they

I'm more suspicious about if I'm the only one with actual incel tier looks here tbh
I'm an infiltrator but for some reason the mods haven't caught on yet
There was a foid who had an account from 2017 who messaged me here. I immediately reported it and the mods blocked her. View attachment 125918

I'm pretty sure there are more, but they won't be as bold as this one was.
I wish she was an african american lesbian in saudi arabia
Im 100% certain there are infilrators, theres too many post from long term members that just reek of someone “playing along” and ridiculous stories that are clearly made to draw attention.
There are some infiltrators 100% ,but what's the point ? What is that going to accomplish ?
IT can see everything as guests anyway, who cares if they have an account or not?
Joined Feb 17, 2019
Messages 755
Im 100% certain there are infilrators, theres too many post from long term members that just reek of someone “playing along” and ridiculous stories that are clearly made to draw attention.
I've always taken it for granted.
I also think cucktears make troll posts here and then put it on IT and claim "all inkels are like this"
no shit they are here and they could have any post counts.
I'll be honest I have at times wondered if I'm the only actual incel here and everyone else is just larping, with me being the only one taking it remotely seriously, finding out I truly was alone after all.
yes everyone else on this site is an FBI agent and you’re going to be arrested at your doorstep in a few hours
Early Join date: check
Low post count: check
Getting reported for mentioning ER: check

I've been exposed boyos. Tbh I'm still trying to find the cuck who keeps reporting and getting my threads deleted. That's the real infiltrator.
I saw one yesterday defending women in one of the pinned threads. I suspect it was a foid, he/she had a low number of posts and was posting bluepilled shit since the beginning.
Expose them all. I want every single one of them singled out and removed. Fuck them all for trying to take away our one and only place that truly accepts us for once.
Agreed bro.
Tbh I'm still trying to find the cuck who keeps reporting and getting my threads deleted. That's the real infiltrator.
Those are the worse kind of infiltrators, I can't stand snitches.

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