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i have a job interview next week pls help me normie max



Jan 1, 2018
I just got a job interview next week for 3 hours. 2 of the hours is literally just eating lunch to see if they enjoy my company??? They will think I'm so an autist as I sit there and say nothing. WHAT THE FUCK. Should I even go?? I can bullshit an interview but I can't socialize. WhT THE FUCK MAN!!!! How can I NT max until then? WHat movies do I need to watch? What music do I need to know??? How do I watch news??? What are normie restaurants????  I need to NT max hard this week. Jesus fucking christ. 2 hour lunch?????????
stop being a cuck thats a good start
theultimate341 said:
stop being a cuck thats a good start

im such a fukcing autist I can't hold a conversation for longer than 20 seconds. I'm freaking out because it's such as incel job and pays good but they want me to be friends with them????? FUCKING FUCKONG FUCK
Just go, and be as calm as you can. You're new so they don't expect you to know anything or do a lot of talking for the first week or so.
Just noticed your signature, and if it's actualy real.... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
imbored21 said:
I just got a job interview next week for 3 hours. 2 of the hours is literally just eating lunch to see if they enjoy my company??? They will think I'm so an autist as I sit there and say nothing. WHAT THE FUCK. Should I even go?? I can bullshit an interview but I can't socialize. WhT THE FUCK MAN!!!! How can I NT max until then? WHat movies do I need to watch? What music do I need to know??? How do I watch news??? What are normie restaurants????  I need to NT max hard this week. Jesus fucking christ. 2 hour lunch?????????

I see your problem dude.
There's an easy fix.

Ask them what they like doing and check if you have some of those things in common.
Like...ask about hobbies, what series/movies they watch etc.

It's doable.
Then speak about what you do in your free time and it should work out nicely in the end.
NormieCunt97 said:
I see your problem dude.
There's an easy fix.

Ask them what they like doing and check if you have some of those things in common.
Like...ask about hobbies, what series/movies they watch etc.

It's doable.
Then speak about what you do in your free time and it should work out nicely in the end.

I don't have anything in common with normies. My only hobbies are masturbating, escorts, and shit posting.
Drink a shit load of coffee prior. Be groomed and wear nice clothing and have good posture and maintain eye contact. & don't overthink things.
imbored21 said:
I don't have anything in common with normies. My only hobbies are masturbating, escorts, and shit posting.
Well what job are you applying for? You gotta have some qualifications or something.
NormieCunt97 said:
Well what job are you applying for? You gotta have some qualifications or something.

it's a research scientist. It's literally just an incel job with no human interaction for 70k/year. I am qualified. I just won't pass the "social" portion of the interview. I don't get why I have to fucking go through this.
imbored21 said:
it's a research scientist. It's literally just an incel job with no human interaction for 70k/year. I am qualified. I just won't pass the "social" portion of the interview. I don't get why I have to fucking go through this.

How can I become a research scientist? 

Sounds perfect for me.
imbored21 said:
it's a research scientist. It's literally just an incel job with no human interaction for 70k/year. I am qualified. I just won't pass the "social" portion of the interview. I don't get why I have to fucking go through this.

Really doesn't sound like a position they could possibly expect a person with great social skills on. Don't worry about it.
imbored21 said:
I don't have anything in common with normies. My only hobbies are masturbating, escorts, and shit posting.

rip your done for lol

Naw jk here is some advice:

-if you haven't watch some popular franchise movies/ shows or look up videos explaining them (for example: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, etc.) that way you could bring that up as something you like. since these are so popular you are bound to have it in common with someone making you more likable in their eyes.

-for music look up the top 100s for this month and listen to like the first 20 of them. This should give you reference of the music that is trending right now. If you want to go extra listen to additional songs from the trending artist.

-um for hobbies.....well just say you enjoy watching Netflix or some shit

thats pretty much what most normies do, and they may talk about there life so if you want just lie about past experiences that seem relatable and acceptable to them (for example: if they mention something about their kids just lie and say something similar happened to your nephew, or if they share a funny experience just make one up that is also funny so you also seem more relatable) The thing I have noticed with normal people is they feel more commutable around you if they can relate with you. So just lie about situations that will make you seem more relatable. That how I blend in at least
Wagecucking is just suffering for 40h/week+ especially for incels.
I'd rather just go back to being a NEET tbh.
take some xanax or have a few drinks beforehand dont get too fucked up though
70k is solid money. Think of all the escorts you can get. Do it for them, OP.
dont do anything i would do.
Holy fuck, OP. You may hit the jackpot of incel jobs, but you have to be beaten to an inch of your life to get it. Having a 2 hour lunch 'audition' seems to be a cruel and unusual punishment for an incel. Hopefully some of them are the same as you.

As has been said, ask them lots of questions about life/work/news/films/celeb bullshit (NOT politics), then ask follow up questions. You'l probably have to study current affairs for the next week. As they'll probably ask you the same, you'll need a normie sounding story to refer to and you'll have to stick to it. Godspeed.
I'll give you a tip that worked for me and is perhaps the only reason I have the job I'm in right now.


I took it before my interview. Felt like nothing could stop me, went from being scared to talk to strangers to joking around with the interviewer, acting intelligent and getting the job.

Don't use it more than once a week though. Heard it has bad side effects.
imbored21 said:
it's a research scientist. It's literally just an incel job with no human interaction for 70k/year. I am qualified. I just won't pass the "social" portion of the interview. I don't get why I have to fucking go through this.

I'm a research scientist too. They probably expect you to be an aspie so don't worry too much about it. Just read up on the company and get them to talk about. Appear to be super interested in the work (you probably are anyway so you probably wont have to fake that). When they ask if you have any questions, ask questions like 'what do you expect me to do during my first week?' to get them thinking of you as an employee.

The super normie social shit is for when you start working. During this lunch interview you could just nerd out during the interview and talk about some shit you are super interested in.
Sadist said:
rip your done for lol

Naw jk here is some advice:

-if you haven't watch some popular franchise movies/ shows or look up videos explaining them (for example: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, etc.) that way you could bring that up as something you like. since these are so popular you are bound to have it in common with someone making you more likable in their eyes.

-for music look up the top 100s for this month and listen to like the first 20 of them. This should give you reference of the music that is trending right now. If you want to go extra listen to additional songs from the trending artist.

-um for hobbies.....well just say you enjoy watching Netflix or some shit

thats pretty much what most normies do, and they may talk about there life so if you want just lie about past experiences that seem relatable and acceptable to them (for example: if they mention something about their kids just lie and say something similar happened to your nephew, or if they share a funny experience just make one up that is also funny so you also seem more relatable) The thing I have noticed with normal people is they feel more commutable around you if they can relate with you. So just lie about situations that will make you seem more relatable. That how I blend in at least

This x100.
Also, it's a research job and like somebody else said here, they kinda expect you to have low social skils, so don't be a tryhard.
Just speak a bit about some normie things like watching movies and studying and they'll be happy
Damn eating lunch during an interview that sucks lol good luck
Towards the end of the interview, ask the person you're talking to: "Obviously I'd like to get this job but when you're thinking down the line whether you hire me or someone else, how will you know a year from now if you made the right choice? What will that person had to have done to be an excellent hire?"
I wanna know how this goes. Keep us updated, friendo
Never had a job interview before, and I'm quite an autist like yourself (although undiagnosed).

Gonna need to prepare for one soon though...
Dekim said:
Just noticed your signature, and if it's actualy real.... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

his mobile carrier is also Virgin KEK

Aim for this.

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