rip your done for lol
Naw jk here is some advice:
-if you haven't watch some popular franchise movies/ shows or look up videos explaining them (for example: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, etc.) that way you could bring that up as something you like. since these are so popular you are bound to have it in common with someone making you more likable in their eyes.
-for music look up the top 100s for this month and listen to like the first 20 of them. This should give you reference of the music that is trending right now. If you want to go extra listen to additional songs from the trending artist.
-um for hobbies.....well just say you enjoy watching Netflix or some shit
thats pretty much what most normies do, and they may talk about there life so if you want just lie about past experiences that seem relatable and acceptable to them (for example: if they mention something about their kids just lie and say something similar happened to your nephew, or if they share a funny experience just make one up that is also funny so you also seem more relatable) The thing I have noticed with normal people is they feel more commutable around you if they can relate with you. So just lie about situations that will make you seem more relatable. That how I blend in at least