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I hate woke, change my mind



Jun 4, 2022
I hate woke and identity politics. Change my mind
No need to change your mind, it's correct
Define, woke I know you don't even know the meaning of woke. This is why I hate right wing cuckservaties they don't know the meaning and starts to hate. If you wanna hate base your hate on understanding of what you hate, not because I saw a short rage bait clip posted by right wing channel to farm views.
this isn't a very controversial place to air these takes
Define, woke I know you don't even know the meaning of woke. This is why I hate right wing cuckservaties they don't know the meaning and starts to hate. If you wanna hate base your hate on understanding of what you hate, not because I saw a short rage bait clip posted by right wing channel to farm views.
This. MAGAtards call anything woke these days.
Keep your head up... remember: Equality and diversity is our strength:soy:


Define, woke I know you don't even know the meaning of woke.
alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. I hope this is clear enough.

This is why I hate right wing cuckservaties they don't know the meaning and starts to hate.
This is why I hate left wing soyboys they don't know who they talking to and make assumptions.

If you wanna hate base your hate on understanding of what you hate, not because I saw a short rage bait clip posted by right wing channel to farm views.
Let me explain. Woke leftards claim they fight discrimination, but in fact they only fight for certain groups. If you split people in group by race, sex, nationality and then apply different rules to each group this is still discrimination
Let me explain. Woke leftards claim they fight discrimination, but in fact they only fight for certain groups. If you split people in group by race, sex, nationality and then apply different rules to each group this is still discrimination
No, it doesn't cause discrimination because when certain groups have been oppressed for centuries, it has socioeconomic bad affects on their successors. While when a certain group is upheld it also have better socioeconomic effects for their successors.
Those who are accustomed to privilege equality seems like oppression.
i wish the woke shit at least did some virtue signalling for autistic and lonely men but of course we are one of their main enemies
No, it doesn't cause discrimination because when certain groups have been oppressed for centuries, it has socioeconomic bad affects on their successors. While when a certain group is upheld it also have better socioeconomic effects for their successors.
Those who are accustomed to privilege equality seems like oppression.
I meant exactly this utter bullshit.
I meant exactly this utter bullshit.
You uttered most basic right wing response that it's discrimination against certain groups and by that you meant whites. And if you didn't meant whites I'm probably too autistic to understand what you were trying to say.
You uttered most basic right wing response that it's discrimination against certain groups and by that you meant whites. And if you didn't meant whites I'm probably too autistic to understand what you were trying to say.
Dumbfucks like you unable to even conceive the world where people are not judged by their race.
Dumbfucks like you unable to even conceive the world where people are not judged by their race.
You moron we can't just unsee race after what Europeans did. You have to make up for what you did. You can't just unsee races after centuries of oppressing other races and uplifting your own.
So what exactly I did?
You did nothing but you are benefitting from colonialism, all of Europe is built on looted colonial wealth. While some one as the same as you is living in poverty in global south. Give them reparations.
Give me back my girlfriend. Cunt of which Chad enjoys in bed.
How told you it was your girlfriend, you don't own it have rights to a girlfriend. While they owned their land and resources. Learn the difference.
You moron we can't just unsee race after what Europeans did. You have to make up for what you did. You can't just unsee races after centuries of oppressing other races and uplifting your own.
this conversation is hilarious

keep celebrating black history month, kang! whitey will pay!
The difference you told me to learn
It's simple you, you didn't have the right to a girlfriend. While those people had a right to their land, which was stolen used and money was sent to build Europe, into what it is now. The difference is you are comparing two different things which have no correlation with each other.
While those people had a right to their land, which was stolen used and money was sent to build Europe, into what it is now.
1. Which people
2. What land
3. How and when their land was stolen
4. How exactly I benefit from this?
1. Which people
2. What land
3. How and when their land was stolen
1.Whole of global south
2.Africa, Asia, South America and North America. Oceania too.
3. When Europeans started colonialism.
Why'd anyone here argue woke is good? Seriously if they did they should be permabanned as infiltrators and fuck off right back to reddit.
You know what global south is.
Apart from north america these are mainly independent countries.
Not really if western agencies and countries even after looting whole countries, still coups the government which trys to benefit their people.
So like 400 years ago right?
Yes, when Europeans looted and stole trillions of Dollars to build Europe.
So your point is that people who live in Europe/US are privileged because of that?
Yes, who else is enjoying the fruits of colonial money not people of global south.
So its not about race, its about place of redidence
It's about race, because whites justified their colonialism in the name that white are superior to everyone and they are "civilising" other races.
If by woke you mean liberal degeneracy, feminism, LGBTQ, political correctness, communism, satanism, judaism, "diversity", etc. then there is no need to change your mind.
How exactly?

All people involved are dead by now.
Their children are enjoying the fruits of their oppression. Europe was build by their looted colonial money, and people in Europe are still enjoying all the amenities that were given to them by stolen money. Europeans should give their money back.
So not being descendant of colonizers equals being oppressed?
Serious question are you retarded and do you have a sub 60 iq.

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