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I hate when religions glorify suffering



Oct 13, 2019
Many religions like to glorify suffering as being a good thing in disguise or say its only suffering because you aren't looking at it the right way. Or telling you that suffering is there to teach you something.

Even if that's true,suffering would only be worth it if what you gained at the end outweighed the suffering. So telling me I'm suffering so you can learn "patience" or "perseverance" is not fucking worth it because what the hell can I do with more patience and perseverance??? I can't even use it to get a 35 cent pack of gum from the corner store.

Sometimes bad shit just happens with no rhyme or reason and glorifying it is a giant cope.
Just die a martyr bro
My people do this all the time, it's how they cope with being ugly sand niggers with shitty living conditions in the most pathetic nation in the world. They tell themselves that they are more blessed then people who live easy lives. I wish my stupid Christian sect would die out already.
I hate suffering. I want to be happy and make others happy.

Glorifying suffering is a very feminine way of thinking. "Life would be boring without the suffering". Hm, no. Maybe some mild drama is good, but suffering to the amounts we have in life is way, way to much to be justified by boredom.

I want to live like a Greek God. Just banquets, carelessness, love, sex and mild drama.
incels are the chosen people
God's just testing ur faith bro
Turn the other cheek bro
Religion is cope
I hate suffering. I want to be happy and make others happy.

Glorifying suffering is a very feminine way of thinking. "Life would be boring without the suffering". Hm, no. Maybe some mild drama is good, but suffering to the amounts we have in life is way, way to much to be justified by boredom.

I want to live like a Greek God. Just banquets, carelessness, love, sex and mild drama.
Yeah there's a difference between penance and outright suffering all the time.

What many incels are going through is way, way beyond what is religiously justifiable.
religion is a cope for the less fortunate
Suffering is an effort, but it doesn't really matter when you're going to rot anyway.
Many religions like to glorify suffering as being a good thing in disguise or say its only suffering because you aren't looking at it the right way. Or telling you that suffering is there to teach you something.

Even if that's true,suffering would only be worth it if what you gained at the end outweighed the suffering. So telling me I'm suffering so you can learn "patience" or "perseverance" is not fucking worth it because what the hell can I do with more patience and perseverance??? I can't even use it to get a 35 cent pack of gum from the corner store.

Sometimes bad shit just happens with no rhyme or reason and glorifying it is a giant cope.

All religions are cruel, all founded on blood; for all rest principally on the idea of sacrifice — that is, on the perpetual immolation of humanity to the insatiable vengeance of divinity.
I want to be happy

Religion is fairly simple on this matter. If you can't die for the glory of your religion so that you can please God. He'll make you suffer to repent.

When it comes to religion. If you're not a warrior. You're a slave.

Religion is fairly simple on this matter. If you can't die for the glory of your religion so that you can please God. He'll make you suffer to repent.

When it comes to religion. If you're not a warrior. You're a slave.
Problem is, believers as a whole suffer as much as nonbelievers. No religion guarantees it followers happier, better lives, good health, long life, immunity from accidents. No religion even guarantees its followers cars that break down less often or lower car insurance rates.

As a group, no religion has it better than the nonbelievers in that religion.

All things being equal, a devoutly Christian couple has the same chance of having a son that grows up to be incel as an atheist couple.
You hate to see it
Religions are coping movements
Yeah there's a difference between penance and outright suffering all the time.

What many incels are going through is way, way beyond what is religiously justifiable.
Sometimes bad shit just happens with no rhyme or reason and glorifying it is a giant cope.
This, most suffering is useless, and has 0 value and won't teach you a lesson.

I hate people who pretend everyone has it equal in life. "Oh those moviestars are depressed too, don't worry about it!"
Problem is, believers as a whole suffer as much as nonbelievers. No religion guarantees it followers happier, better lives, good health, long life, immunity from accidents. No religion even guarantees its followers cars that break down less often or lower car insurance rates.

As a group, no religion has it better than the nonbelievers in that religion.

All things being equal, a devoutly Christian couple has the same chance of having a son that grows up to be incel as an atheist couple.
Of course.
There's no god/entity to save you after all. You're on your own from the moment your mother poops you out. it's only an illusion that believers have, that somehow people with faith and atheists suffer differently.

I see that many of you incels tend to forget that the concept of reward in almost all religions is not something to be given in this "material world" but rather the afterlife. it's like an atheist projecting his view of how things should be, on a believer whose worldview is very simply. "work in the material world, and get a better deal on the afterlife".
Just pray and it'll get better bro
Suffering is salutary in the sense that it can melt away apathy and reveal anger.

Suffermaxxing is essential for gymcelling, for example.
Just pray and it'll get better bro

Matthew 21 22 if you believe you will receive whatever you 22765519
eVerYtHINg hAS a REAsOn
It helps people who are suffering to cope i guess
Apparently only 144000 virgin men get into heaven
Apparently only 144000 virgin men get into heaven
Revelation 14:3-4

3. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4. These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb

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