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Cope I Hate The “Just Give Your Kids A Better Life” Cope

  • Thread starter CircumcisedClown
  • Start date


Aug 14, 2022
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
Last edited:
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
starts off good but last part goes way off target. both of my parents are good looking but they weren't good parents at all and now as a result I am incel like everyone else on this obscure forum
starts off good but last part goes way off target. both of my parents are good looking but they weren't good parents at all and now as a result I am incel like everyone else on this obscure forum
Usually good looking parents make good looking kids.
Narcissistic parents are also like this. They dont see their kids as own individuals but instead the're extensions of themselves.
Kids like this have loads of rules and pressure put on themselves very early and they almost always become narcissistic as well.

I dont believe in this just let your kids do whatever they want type of parenting thou, my upbringing was like that and it kinda made me become nothing.
I have no fkn idea thou, ill never be a father anyway but its tough. Kids minds are fragile and it doesent take alot to fuck up another life.
My life was not destroyed by my parents, I was destroyed by the outside world :feelsrope:
I look like both my parents, doesn't matter, they put me into shit environment
Confused Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter

>My parents are attractive
>I look like my parents
>I am incel
Narcissistic parents are also like this. They dont see their kids as own individuals but instead the're extensions of themselves.
Kids like this have loads of rules and pressure put on themselves very early and they almost always become narcissistic as well.

I dont believe in this just let your kids do whatever they want type of parenting thou, my upbringing was like that and it kinda made me become nothing.
I have no fkn idea thou, ill never be a father anyway but its tough. Kids minds are fragile and it doesent take alot to fuck up another life.
My life was not destroyed by my parents, I was destroyed by the outside world :feelsrope:
like a boss win GIF

Because genetic determinism is still at play. Every parent realizes if their kid’s disabled/Down’s, then it’s over. But they never wanna admit that if their kid is short/ugly, it’s also over. Tallfags often feed themselves these lies when they marry some 4’11” woman.

>He’ll probably still be tall.
>Okay, he’s short, but height’s not that important.
>It’s not my fault his life sucks.

Is the usual progression of tallfag dads.

American parents, of course, will never take responsibility for circumcising their kids.
I was going to reply seriusly to your post until i saw so many "circumcised" this and that. Even your username has that shit, it's not that big of a deal. A chad i knew from HS even did it voluntarily and everyone joked about it
like a boss win GIF

Because genetic determinism is still at play. Every parent realizes if their kid’s disabled/Down’s, then it’s over. But they never wanna admit that if their kid is short/ugly, it’s also over. Tallfags often feed themselves these lies when they marry some 4’11” woman.

>He’ll probably still be tall.
>Okay, he’s short, but height’s not that important.
>It’s not my fault his life sucks.

Is the usual progression of tallfag dads.

American parents, of course, will never take responsibility for circumcising their kids.
I was going to reply seriusly to your post until i saw so many "circumcised" this and that. Even your username has that shit, it's not that big of a deal. A chad i knew from HS even did it voluntarily and everyone joked about it
Losing 75% of your dick's nerve endings doesn't matter

I was going to reply seriusly to your post until i saw so many "circumcised" this and that. Even your username has that shit, it's not that big of a deal. A chad i knew from HS even did it voluntarily and everyone joked about it
American Mask GIF by INTO ACTION

Amerimutt cope. If you were born in Ancient Rome, your parents would be crucified for mutilating you.
Both my parents are very low IQ and genetically average at best. Don't know why they even birthed me. There is nothing but suffering in my life. What exactly do they think their 5'7 ugly son is gonna accomplish in life ? Probably see me as a retirement fund like most curry parents.
it's not that big of a deal to remove most of the sensation of the penis, reduce its girth, and change the mechanics of sex and masturbation for the worse.
Go complain about real problems you privileged scum, you're no different than a foid
Work Lunes GIF by happyslave

Retard goyslave. Doesn’t even have the dignity to demand clownworld to respect his own body.
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
Over for me

My dad was short. Circumcised. White and bald. And got with a 4'10 latina. Because his first wife hated how he looked. My existence is nothing
Over for me

My dad was short. Circumcised. White and bald. And got with a 4'10 latina. Because his first wife hated how he looked. My existence is nothing
Will Ferrell Dad GIF by filmeditor

Did he circumcuck you too?
I dont believe in this just let your kids do whatever they want type of parenting thou, my upbringing was like that and it kinda made me become nothing.
I have no fkn idea thou, ill never be a father anyway but its tough. Kids minds are fragile and it doesent take alot to fuck up another life.
My life was not destroyed by my parents, I was destroyed by the outside world :feelsrope:
Yeah, I get what you're talking about. Though me more or less raising myself did help me avoid the fate of becoming a normie (retarded), I am more or less basically a loser right now. Didn't receive the proper mental treatment I needed, just bullshit bluepilled boomer shit about hard work (jfl) and now I'm here. Hell, I don't know if you could even call me a loser since I don't even fucking participate jfl
I was going to reply seriusly to your post until i saw so many "circumcised" this and that. Even your username has that shit, it's not that big of a deal. A chad i knew from HS even did it voluntarily and everyone joked about it
It's so funny how niggas will latch unto the most random shit imaginable to make their lives "miserable"
This is a good post. If I have a son one day then only thing I'll do for him that's non standard is pump him with HGH
Yeah, I get what you're talking about. Though me more or less raising myself did help me avoid the fate of becoming a normie (retarded), I am more or less basically a loser right now. Didn't receive the proper mental treatment I needed, just bullshit bluepilled boomer shit about hard work (jfl) and now I'm here. Hell, I don't know if you could even call me a loser since I don't even fucking participate jfl
Tbf, you would never "become" a normie if u ever find urself in a place like this :lul: :feelsbadman:

I try to see it that way to, ofc im a loser. But if I escape real life and dont interact with other people its just me right.
Its not mentally healthy to beat urself down like I do to myself.
I never got a chance at a normal life and should not punish myself more by comparing myself to normies:feelsrope:
Creating new life in a fucked up world such as this is the cruelest decision I can think of. I hate everyone who has kids, such a stupid decision.
Tbf, you would never "become" a normie if u ever find urself in a place like this :lul: :feelsbadman:

I try to see it that way to, ofc im a loser. But if I escape real life and dont interact with other people its just me right.
Its not mentally healthy to beat urself down like I do to myself.
I never got a chance at a normal life and should not punish myself more by comparing myself to normies:feelsrope:
You're right, but I at least am not bluepilled is what I'm saying. If I was a bluepilled normie rn, I'd be extremely miserable. More than I already am. I'd keep thinking "there weas someone out there," and I'd just get buxxed. At least now, I know to looksmaxx, geomaxx, etc. though tbh I don't even know if it's worth it.

I'd like to say I'd never get married, but if you find a foid that's 100% into you and you know won't cheat on you, signs a prenup, etc. then idk if it's any different from just not getting married. May as well just do it to please everyone around you, idk. But is getting married really that important?
You're right, but I at least am not bluepilled is what I'm saying. If I was a bluepilled normie rn, I'd be extremely miserable. More than I already am. I'd keep thinking "there weas someone out there," and I'd just get buxxed. At least now, I know to looksmaxx, geomaxx, etc. though tbh I don't even know if it's worth it.

I'd like to say I'd never get married, but if you find a foid that's 100% into you and you know won't cheat on you, signs a prenup, etc. then idk if it's any different from just not getting married. May as well just do it to please everyone around you, idk. But is getting married really that important?

Im not the guy who will settle for a low iq shallow mail order bride from the Philippines or whatever. Rather stay truecel than torture myself with a whore I have nothing in common with.
Maby you are that guy and then marriage is ofc possible.

Marriage in itself is ofc not needed. You just need a woman in your life but that will probably not happen since ur probably a sub5 posting on an incel forum :feelsrope:
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
Good post. Creating life is evil because life is suffering. It's fucking stupid how many retarded breeders perpetuate the cycles of suffering because they think "this time will be different". Like imagine if poor and stupid people and unattractive women didn't have kids. Almost none of their kids lives are worth living, so much suffering would be avoided.

I don't think any normies care about this though. Love is a purely self interested pursuit. They don't actually care about their kid as a person, they just care about the validation that having a kid will give them.
giving your kids a better life only depends on how much money you got.
Lol imagine you manage to have a son and give him a better life, pump him full of HGH, feed him expensive diets, and just watching him life the life you wished you had. Just like those shitty Disney movies where the side character goes through hell to set up the whore with the prince, and gets no reward.
The reality is, at least half the population shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, bare minimum.
giving your kids a better life only depends on how much money you got.
Michael Che Nbc GIF by Saturday Night Live

This isn’t even remotely true. Jews are proof of that. Plenty of short, ugly, mutilated men born with tons of money.

Assuming you live in the USA, I’ll take genetics + foreskin over money any day. Any 6’3” highschool quarterback Chad here can do construction or drive a semi-truck making $70k a year, plus all the benefits of being a Chad. Some ugly cutfag manlet could be a millionaire, and his life will still suck in comparison.
Lol imagine you manage to have a son and give him a better life, pump him full of HGH, feed him expensive diets, and just watching him life the life you wished you had. Just like those shitty Disney movies where the side character goes through hell to set up the whore with the prince, and gets no reward.
randall park whats the point GIF by The Orchard Films

Your only reward is knowing your son (and whoever’s soul is lucky enough to be imbued in his body) escaped the gay retardation that is your bloodline. But who cares? There’s enough Travis Kelce’s and Chris Hemsworth’s in the world already. It’s only different because now it’s my son.

>Son, you know I protected your cock from being chopped up by (((them))).
>But dad, we’re not even Jewish?
>Yes, but we used to it anyways, but I saved you.
>Whatever dad. Stop being weird.

Wow, what an awesome reward.
over for circ'd naggers
randall park whats the point GIF by The Orchard Films

Your only reward is knowing your son (and whoever’s soul is lucky enough to be imbued in his body) escaped the gay retardation that is your bloodline. But who cares? There’s enough Travis Kelce’s and Chris Hemsworth’s in the world already. It’s only different because now it’s my son.

>Son, you know I protected your cock from being chopped up by (((them))).
>But dad, we’re not even Jewish?
>Yes, but we used to it anyways, but I saved you.
>Whatever dad. Stop being weird.

Wow, what an awesome reward.
Jesus imagine going to extreme lengths just to save your son from globohomo and he doesn't give a fuck. Because if you do it right, he'd grow up to be that Chad who laughed at you in school. And Chad doesn't care about any of the shit you care about, he just fucks and gets high. Or even worse, you have a daughter. Christ.
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
beyond brutal
Jesus imagine going to extreme lengths just to save your son from globohomo and he doesn't give a fuck. Because if you do it right, he'd grow up to be that Chad who laughed at you in school. And Chad doesn't care about any of the shit you care about, he just fucks and gets high. Or even worse, you have a daughter. Christ.
Kevin James Kingofqueens GIF by TV Land

Well, that, and, if your son is unmutilated, he will never know the significance of what that means. It’s just the default. He won’t appreciate it.

>You’re welcome son for not gouging out your eyeballs.
>You’re welcome son for not buttfucking you.
>You’re welcome son for not chopping up your cock in the name of a religion we don’t practice.

The premise itself doesn’t make sense.

In the same way tallfags don’t appreciate being tall (unless they’re late bloomers). It just happened. It’s their default. They never thought about it, and then one day, the doctor measured them and read out “6’3”. Usually if you’re tall, you’ve been on the taller side compared to your peers since birth. It’s all you’ve ever known.
Jesus imagine going to extreme lengths just to save your son from globohomo and he doesn't give a fuck. Because if you do it right, he'd grow up to be that Chad who laughed at you in school. And Chad doesn't care about any of the shit you care about, he just fucks and gets high. Or even worse, you have a daughter. Christ.
actually fucking brutal
actually fucking brutal
Life seems incredibly simple and easy if you’re born lucky.

>Girls like tall dudes bro, so just be tall
>Says the dude who just happened to be born tall

If you raises your son right, he won’t even be able to realize how lucky he is because it’s all he’s ever known.
Zoomers and maybe some millennials are the first generation that has worse economic opportunities than earlier generations. We got fucked over.
Family GIF

You see this a lot for a lot of topics, including circumcision.

>Bro, just give your kids the life you wish you had bro.
>Just dedicate your whole life to sacrificing everything for your kids bro.

I get that this doesn’t apply to most people on here because you’ll never breed, but it’s no less cringe.


First of all, you’re not your kids. Giving your son a great life won’t make your life any better. Yes, it’s noble and will probably make you feel better, but in the grand scheme, it’s not really groundbreaking. They’re are lucky, happy Chads born everyday. You’re just creating one more, but it’s different cuz it’s yours at least. However, practically, it’s the same idea as Ronaldo’s son living an awesome life, which I doubt you jump for joy over. They’re are dudes living awesome lives everywhere, you’re just not one of them. I guess it’s cool if your son can be one of them, but it adds nothing to the big picture. The world’s the same whether you have a Chad son, a loser son, or no son.

Will Forte Snl GIF by MacGruber

Pessimistic, antinatalism aside, circumcucked, ugly, poor losers don’t make good dads. Those aren’t the type of guys who turn into father of the year. Those are the type of dads who

>Project their insecurities and failures onto their children
>Try to beat their broken dreams into their kids
>Try to raise their kids into identical copies of themselves (but without all the failure)
>Micromanage their kids’ lives and try to steer them into all the things they couldn’t achieve themselves
>Think they have life figured out and force their kids to do exactly what they think will stop their kids from turning into them
>Require their kids to be the pinnacle of success in everything (the opposite of him) because, from his perspective, a good life only exists for the top of the top.

These are the type of dads who refuse to let their son star in the school musical because he has to play football and achieve his dad’s broken NFL dreams, as if any of it matters in the end.

I know a dude that made it to the NFL because his dad was like that. His dad pushed him into football from the day he was born, micromanaged his whole life, got him to Yale, and then got him drafted. Through it all, I don’t even know if the kid liked football, but who cares? At least he got drafted and makes almost $1mil a year. The problem is for every 1 kid like him, there’s a million kids that will never make it despite all the bullshit they deal with growing up.

Nba All Star Sport GIF by Twitter

So who does make a good dad?

>Nothing to prove
>Already lived all the life he wants to and is ready to move onto the dad stage of life

These are the men that make great fathers. They won’t project their broken dreams onto their kids, because they’re living their dreams right now. They’ve accomplished everything they wanted, and now they just want to give the world to their kids.

Here’s the rubric:

>Be born Chad
>Do whatever you want
>Fuck all sorts of hot girls
>Live your dreams
>Makes lot of money because Chad
>Fall in love with a super hot girl
>Settle down, get married, have kids
>Raise your kids and enjoy fatherhood without an inferiority complex because you achieved everything you wanted in life
Simple as.


Jokic is living an amazing life, and his children probably won’t live a better life, but who cares? Their life will still be awesome. He doesn’t need to project his failed NBA dream onto his son, because he achieved it. His son can do whatever he wants. If he wants to be a painter, fine, go ahead son. You have all the money you need to live any dream you want. I don’t care what you do because I fulfilled my dream, so you don’t need to do it for me. He probably realizes that you don’t need to be ontop of the world to live a happy life, and many men like that are pretty unhappy. A tall, rich, good looking, not famous dude with a hot wife is still pretty happy, so his son will be fine.

His son will be uncut not because Jokic wants to save his bloodline from (((them))), but because it’s just normal to him. He doesn’t even think about dick cutting.

Weird Al GIF by The Roku Channel

My dad was always obsessed with

>Giving us a better life

Which meant micromanaging everything and pushing us into living out his failed dreams. My dad used to say, unironically, that his greatest regret was quitting highschool football in his sophomore year. This is coming from a guy that was a college track athlete. His biggest regret in his entire life was not playing more JV niggerball 30 years ago. It was honestly kind of pathetic to hear. He genuinely thinks his life would be radically different if he played two more years as a back up cornerback or something.

Of course, his attempts at turning us into a miniature version of him didn’t work out.

Circumcision, naturally, is just another way for him to submit us to his will and try to turn his sons into his clones. Even Sigmund Freud theorized that was were the desire for circumcised men to perpetuate the procedure stemmed from.

Fail College Football GIF by Clemson Tigers

If my dad really wanted to give me a better life, he would have married a taller, hotter woman and started an investment fund for me when I was born. But, of course, that didn’t matter. What really mattered was turning us into the best niggerball players we could be, as if his 5’0” wife was gonna pop out D1 athletes.

All this is to say,
>Give your kids a better life
Is cope. If you’re a loser, you’ll be a bad dad. Awesome dudes turn into good dads, not failures with inferiority complexes.
Fuck those retards who live in their dream worlds

Giving kids a good life ? My ass , i deserve a good life not anyone else
I feel that there should be a license to have kids or something

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