I make this offer to every incel in the planet, as well as anyone else reading:
You pay for my mortgage, car payment, utility bills, either my salary for the time missed from work or convince my boss to pay me for this missed time, and of course the plane ticket from the Midwest to some shithole SEA country. You do this, I’ll humor you. I’ll prove exactly how JBW “works”.
JBW is not a thing in any western country (in fact the opposite is true due to media propoganda: whites —> evil, nigs and spics —>gods) and is only partially true in the east. You may have sex, but is basically prostitution... you get sex, but she uses you for money, status, and passport. If you’re dumb enough to bring her back to west, GL keeping her from Chad. Also, JBW for SEA should stand for “just be western, not just be white”.
In conclusion, average IQ level of shitskins is exposed by propagating JBW. They love their meme “online dating statistics” (which is basically who will be the biggest betabux = whites). They love to hate themselves. They are cucked.