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RageFuel I hate the fact that indian and asian men are the looksmatches of black women! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Brutal that you got sent back to your spic shithole I’d kill myself if I was sent back to china.
Nah, my dad forced me to move here because of ssi and the US is too expensive I hope he changes his mind in the future because there's too much crime here in Colombia. I hate living here alot
Nah, my dad forced me to move here because of ssi and the US is too expensive I hope he changes his mind in the future because there's too much crime here in Colombia. I hate living here alot
Latin Americas hyper nt sounds like a horrible place for an incel.
i don't want nigger foids tbh
Latin Americas hyper nt sounds like a horrible place for an incel.
Yeah gang members use foids as bait and put Scopolamine on victim men that try to get in relationships with foids but then put the drugs like on their drinks and then rob them or worse kill them. I really hope I only last a few years on this shithole not a trustworthy place especially if my dad’s foolish choice. We already got scammed here twice
Yeah gang members use foids as bait and put Scopolamine on victim men that try to get in relationships and rob them. I really hope I only last a few years on this shithole not a trustworthy place especially if my dad’s foolish choice. We already got scammed here twice
Some ricecel oldcel died trying to ascend there.
Some ricecel oldcel died trying to ascend there.
Their men don't take kindly to gooks trying to plow their women, his fate was sealed the minute he left the airport.
no untrue because looksmatch=racematch as well which means the lowest smv male race(asians and indians) is the looksmatches of sheboons, black men arent!

if what u r saying is true then explain why the majority of blacks do better than most curries and asians but the majority of asian women do better than black women it makes zero sense
The second is Foid Priviledge
And also,most Sheebons are facially ugly but us cannot be choosers . And Facial Looksmatch is one example that these toilet sheebons at the first glance will not even choose you.
And Foids in various cases of not getting Chads(surely will get Tyrones atleast in Africa),restore to other features like Heightpill,Statuspill etc
cope fuck off
If you aren't attracted to this, you're gay


keep cherrypicking the boon i saw in my nightmare was so goddamn hideous
Keep coping, that a below average sheboon
That’s what I hated about black and white people they outcasted me both of those race a it use to piss me off and I resent them for it. That’s what was bad about being in your race minority school. Now I bet as an Asian dude you now wish you were a black guy (specifically a Tyrone, like a black male model)
The moment I got outcasted in school by my own race.
I knew it was over. :cryfeels:
besides only mulattas like beyonce or zendaya are hot and they defininetly arent the looksmatches of the avg asian guy

and b4 muh rihanna muh tyra banks cope rihanna is ugly though not as ugly as other sheboons and tyra banks is 1 in a million so her looksmatch is definitely chadpreet or chang not the avg curry/rice rotter here
Tyrna banks is a ugly tyranny. Halley berry , Rosario Dawson, Nathaniel Emanuel, Cassie (diddys wife) nia long , pam Grier are examples of good looking black women.
Tyrna banks is a ugly tyranny. Halley berry , Rosario Dawson, Nathaniel Emanuel, Cassie (diddys wife) nia long , pam Grier are examples of good looking black women.
Rosario looks mixed
As a curry, I would rather choose to be boiled alive than to insert my penis into a nigress's bobs n vagene

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