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It's Over I hate that as an incel you still have social needs that will never be met. If only it was possible to turn off your desire to have friends and a gf



Miss Shirley an I sho have fun dancin we do!
May 6, 2024
Think about it, wouldn’t life be so much better if you could press a button and lose all your social desires? You’d still keep the same intelligence you have now but wouldn’t feel lonely, ever, and could just cope with hobbies unbothered.

I hate that my brain desires having friends to hang out with and a gf to love. I’ve tried for many years to even make friends and it never works. At this point it would be a far better option to permanently shut off the parts of the brain that desire social interaction.

What about you, would you turn off all desire for social connections if you could?
my social needs are met and I have no strong desire to talk to or do romantic things (including dates) with girls. I'd be happy if I could come home after work, lift a maid's skirt, doggy fuck her for a couple minutes, and then walk back to my room. i.e I wouldn't mind if my wife was mute and had an IQ of 60 so as long as she could cook something edible without setting the kitchen on fire and remember to spread her legs.
my social needs are met and I have no strong desire to talk to or do romantic things (including dates) with girls. I'd be happy if I could come home after work, lift a maid's skirt, doggy fuck her for a couple minutes, and then walk back to my room. i.e I wouldn't mind if my wife was mute and had an IQ of 60 so as long as she could cook something edible without setting the kitchen on fire and remember to spread her legs.
Do you have friends irl? Or are you the type of autist who doesn’t even feel social needs at all?

It is possible I believe @Animecel2D is learning this power.
Do you have friends irl?
Had my fair share growing up. all my current connections are superficial (some in my social circle may consider me a friend based on me showing feigned interest but I couldn't care less about them).
Or are you the type of autist who doesn’t even feel social needs at all?
idk barely have any desire for it. doubt I have autism tho.
Had my fair share growing up. all my current connections are superficial (some in my social circle may consider me a friend based on me showing feigned interest but I couldn't care less about them).

idk barely have any desire for it. doubt I have autism tho.
Huh, sounds like you’re normal IQ but for some reason don’t even have the social part of the brain.

People like you are lucky in that regard because you won’t even feel affected by not having friends or romantic love, since you only thing you’re missing out on is sex from your perspective.

Most humans feel a desire to have a social life, NT or not, so you’re lucky in a sense that you don’t
Huh, sounds like you’re normal IQ but for some reason don’t even have the social part of the brain.

People like you are lucky in that regard because you won’t even feel affected by not having friends or romantic love, since you only thing you’re missing out on is sex from your perspective.

Most humans feel a desire to have a social life, NT or not, so you’re lucky in a sense that you don’t
doesn't the internet make up for it?
doesn't the internet make up for it?
No because internet isn’t irl. It’s just a cheap substitute, just like how far videogames are a cheap substitute for irl car stuff.

Nothing compares to the real thing, same as how driving a real car fast is 100x better than driving a video game car fast.
No because internet isn’t irl. It’s just a cheap substitute, just like how far videogames are a cheap substitute for irl car stuff.

Nothing compares to the real thing, same as how driving a real car fast is 100x better than driving a video game car fast.
condolences. it does the job for me
condolences. it does the job for me
You probably have less of the social part of the brain than me. It’s not like I’m overly needy either socially and am less socially driven than the average normie, but you must have very low social needs
Grow drugs like cannabis and shrooms and sell them and make illegal money in all ways you can…

You will no longer really need friends or women or coworkers or anybody really but yourself and your mindfuck activities…

Literally if you want to enjoy you life as a ugly subhuman, you must live your life exactly like dudes in narcos or Scarface…

Always high… always run on your own schedule with not a single fuck given about any commitments or obligations to any piece of shit…

Wake up whenever… asleep whenever…

Drink and smoke whenever…

High and drunk at funerals…

High and drunk at court…

High and drunk in front of your grandmother…

High and drunk in front of the bank manager after depositing and withdrawal illegally made funds from a business bank account…

If life is all a fucking troll to you… than life must be trolled back in return from you as a big fat fuck you to Chads and foids…

Don’t work honestly… always take shortcuts, never work hard, half ass all jobs and remember to always steal money from women’s purse when given the opportunity even if you are already extremely wealthy…

Fuck them… women are property and property can’t take ownership of other property.

Rape is natural and a ability given by God to man to able to fuck and reproduce…

Shaming a man for rape is just a ulterior motive to stop him from reproducing and actually jealousy and envy disguised as protecting the female…

Old money and banking families love to make harsh rape laws for these exact reasons… to get rid of their personal competition… not to actually do any real good…

The rapist is doing a thing… he is creating a family…

The rape lawmaker is doing a bad thing… he is creating a lone wolf who wants to now attack men who are not lone wolfs…

Really these extremely rich people think they are being very cunning and smart and slick and clever by doing this but they are not…

By doing this, they have turned themselves into targets of violence from the incel community…

Really counter intuitive but it’s the truth which is why the media wastes so much time trying to discredit incels blackpill theories…

Because they are actually fucking scared…

Really they are scared because they were being fucking greedy and didn’t want other men to have families who will compete with their family…

But doing this has and is only going to cause their downfall…

Emperors and royalty have all been overthrown and replaced…

Don’t be too surprised if people kidnap members of the Rothschild banking families and torture them while recording and kill them for the whole internet to watch…

Police can and do at times decide to not follow what their government tells them and sometimes decide to protest themselves and overthrow the regime with the masses together…

It’s happened…

If I was a Rothschild, I would not bother trying to stop men from having women… I would just stop them from having information which will allow them to make money. Example - censor valuable information and promote useless generic information instead.

More important to reduce competition long term is not being preventing them from having a spouse…

Such a thing will cause you and your family to become a target yourself…

Instead let them get their looksmatch but have to struggle to be educated at business, investments and finance and struggle to make money…

This will prevent much hate against you as a old money fuck…

Trust me… the elites think they are being very smart by not letting men date and only letting a few men date and fuck…

That’s actually incredibly fucking dangerous for you as a Jew old money banking family and I would not marry a Rothschild if I was a female at all…

Really fucking retarded…

Incels including average men outnumber chads by a very very long shot…

Those chads will not be safe.

The next phase of incels will be the forming of criminal organizations and criminals group comprised of ugly men who need to make money but since the old money banking families decided to make women decide who gets hired…

The incels have zero choice but to make illegal ways of money.

What happens? Chaos, crimes up…

Police forced overburdened…

No inventions - tech or health wise … why?

Because women don’t love them… they only love Chad who is 1% and a retard who can’t even operate a ice cream shop without closing it to have sex instead of producing profits…

So what motivation does the average man have ? To work? To produce? Answer… none.

And not only that but they get treated like complete fucking trash with zero friends…

Prostitutes overpriced…


And you bankers think anger and aggression is not going to come into play? lol

Really you Jews are actually putting yourselves in extreme fucking danger…

Only Prevent men from making too money by dumbing down information and restricting access to information and education.

Make education only enough for them to produce wealth for you but a basic living for them and their peasant wife…

By preventing men from making both money and having a wife or spouse…

You are literally turning yourself into a complete total fucking shooting target…

Literally lol

If you give them sex but just enough money to live by…

You create a highly advancing society…

How? Well they got a wife right? Now they got kids right? So now they need money right?

So they work but they can only make a certain amount as rigged by the banking families…

This creates a constant need to work…

And thus constant progress, advancements and inventions…

Humanity progresses in this manner while benefiting your old money family and keeping them safe from violence from angry single young men with nothing to lose from taking a knife and stabbing a Rothschild family member in the neck multiple times…

If a Rothschild gets murdered… it’s really not a victory to arrest…

It’s really a sign that they are now targets and in danger of being overthrown

Not cope…

Not jealousy…

Simple facts and common sense…

A man with a wife and kids has something to lose even if he bank account ain’t great at all…

A man with never any female - no money to his name and constantly treated like trash his whole life by people… has nothing to lose to challenge and confront the system including the old money banking families who rigged it…

He has everything to gain but conning the system back in return and plotting against it just like they did to him

What goes around, comes around…

Give young males nothing… and they will take what’s all yours

Happened in the French Revolution with royalty being beheaded by the angry masses and peasants…

The wealthy are never powerful when others around them feel like what they have in their hands is either nothing or worth risk losing to gain something much better..

Wealthy men who control the banks not only are disrespecting other men but they are also disrespecting themselves by selling out their own gender…

Really the Rothschilds are not a paternal ruled family in my book for these reasons but a family ruled by females…

Whom the male family members think they control but really don’t…

Women leaders always put others safety at risk including their own.

No wife? Fine… but also no money? Not fine…

No money? Fine… but also no wife? Not fine…

They are basically overpushing and with the ability to share info and access content and knowledge…

You are literally turning your whole Jewish banking family into a target…

The people who worked for the wealthy or royalty in history have turned against their masters and succeeded at destroying them

Thinking you are invincible has lead to many empires being collapsed…many

Mark my words…

Either allow the majority of men to find a long term partner and make some basic money


Watch old money Jewish banking families be kidnapped and tortured and murdered with the whole film on the internet and Palestinians praising the murder of the Rothschild abducted…



You idiots want to dig your own grave go ahead…

Expecting servants to serve you when they are extremely hunger is quite literally a sign that your proven to be a mentally challenged retard and idiots…

Either throw the bone in your hand to incels or watch both your hand and the bones get ripped off violently…

Let the Rothschilds become targets…

They are too arrogant for their own good… and probably will never take this wise advice seriously…

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