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I hate rich people



"Just take a shower and get a haircut"
Apr 24, 2018
I think I hate them more then usual Chads and Stacies. I knew this really super attractive Iranian women at 18, from a rich family. Ended up dating this other rich guy who is only like 25 and a pilot for luxury private jets. Born into a rich family he didnt have to worry about anything at all other then training for what he wanted to do. They travel all over the world, it drives me absolutely nuts. I absolutely hate them. She posted a picture of the inside of their condo with a huge window of a fucking beach in the back round. So this guy is same age as me, lives in a luxurious condo with a veiw of the ocean, gets to fuck a hot goddess whenever he wants while he looks out the window and wonder where he will travel next. While I rott in this spider and beetle infested basement, with no car and work my ass off and get treated like garbage for near minimum wage. Fuck you, stupid fucking prick. Cause his rich parents handed him everything he needed. I didnt even get a pair of fucking underwear until I was able to buy my own when I got a job. I HAD TO GROW UP WITHOUT UNDERWEAR And get beat by my grandma for eating her oranges. I wonder why that PRICK probably has a better and more positive personality then me?
when they are good looking its worst..
Oh yeah. I deal with rich people, or should I say, (((rich people))) all the time. They are some of the worst. I hope they all die.

I don't care about the money and the travelling, that doesn't bother me as much, it's their attitudes and habits. Like I have started to not try and care about all that as much, as long as they treat others well, within reason, I don't give a fuck what they do.
going to university made me realize that I'm povertycel garbage
Fuck- this. I hate inheritence shits and royals to no end- specially if they are +=7/10 and just live life on... fucking cheatsheet mode. I just want them to suffer and die in shit. I don't even want their stuff or to be like them- just to see them experience annihilating pain.
1793 and 1918- best years of my life.
Don't let disney get to you. Rich isn't bad.. unless it's rich children
My only pleasure is when they fuck up and their parents are broke because the tax invasion schemes aren't working anymore.
For people like them it's brutal because they always had everything in their hands.
I only hate rich people who are gl aswell, unattractive rich people are still brothers of the cope.
I disagree, as a straight man it is a curse to be rich, at least when it comes to women, because all you can do is to attract gold diggers. What’s the point in having a woman who is only together with you because of your money? It is even worse than being with a hooker, because a hooker is at least honest. You have to be poor if you want to have a chance in finding true love as a straight man.
I disagree, as a straight man it is a curse to be rich, at least when it comes to women, because all you can do is to attract gold diggers. What’s the point in having a woman who is only together with you because of your money? It is even worse than being with a hooker, because a hooker is at least honest. You have to be poor if you want to have a chance in finding true love as a straight man.

Oh that is a joke. Yes the curse of being rich. They do that by usually not marrying women who are poor and are also rich. Just like this guy I was talking about, she was already rich as well.

But "Love" is fake anyway. A Chads wife only loves his face, not his soul or personality. If a guy has a decent sum of money, she loves the financial security he brings. If a foid is dating a guy because she cant get anyone better, shes with him for stability and children. No matter how you look at love is fake.
Oh that is a joke. Yes the curse of being rich. They do that by usually not marrying women who are poor and are also rich. Just like this guy I was talking about, she was already rich as well.

But "Love" is fake anyway. A Chads wife only loves his face, not his soul or personality. If a guy has a decent sum of money, she loves the financial security he brings. If a foid is dating a guy because she cant get anyone better, shes with him for stability and children. No matter how you look at love is fake.
Rich women are forced to marry rich men because of their hypergamous instincts, so in essence they are gold diggers too, even though they don't really have to be gold diggers.
Men can genuinely love another person, I'm not sure if women can do it too. But I would definitely prefer to be selected by a woman because of my internal attributes (looks, personality) rather than by my external attributes (money, status).
The one thing worse than being incel is not being rich.

I could cope better with inceldom if I could travel around the world. Imagine, instead of wagecucking today, waking up at dawn, I could wake up in a hotel at 10am. Get dressed slowly, and go out to some Californian foodjoint and get a light brunch. Then I could visit some tourist attraction and enjoy the day, instead of counting down til my lunch hour.

Even if you get a gf, you will still need to get up at dawn and leave her to wagecuck. You will still have the dread come over you on Sunday night as you feel the impending doom of another week. A GF won't take that away. Riches will.
The one thing worse than being incel is not being rich.

I could cope better with inceldom if I could travel around the world. Imagine, instead of wagecucking today, waking up at dawn, I could wake up in a hotel at 10am. Get dressed slowly, and go out to some Californian foodjoint and get a light brunch. Then I could visit some tourist attraction and enjoy the day, instead of counting down til my lunch hour.

Even if you get a gf, you will still need to get up at dawn and leave her to wagecuck. You will still have the dread come over you on Sunday night as you feel the impending doom of another week. A GF won't take that away. Riches will.
To not have to work anymore and to enjoy the freedom as a result of it is a great feeling, but only in the beginning. After a few years you get used to it and you stop appreciating it. And if you don't set yourself goals that you can work on then you are even risking of getting depressed.
Pilot is one of those rare jobs that pays itself back if you need a loan.
I always wanted to become a pilot too but because of my SHIT GENES I won't pass a class I medical examination. FML
To not have to work anymore and to enjoy the freedom as a result of it is a great feeling, but only in the beginning. After a few years you get used to it and you stop appreciating it. And if you don't set yourself goals that you can work on then you are even risking of getting depressed.

True, but it would be a question of "depressed because no house" vs "depressed because no parking space for my yacht".
While I rott in this spider and beetle infested basement, with no car and work my ass off and get treated like garbage for near minimum wage. Fuck you, stupid fucking prick. Cause his rich parents handed him everything he needed. I didnt even get a pair of fucking underwear until I was able to buy my own when I got a job. I HAD TO GROW UP WITHOUT UNDERWEAR And get beat by my grandma for eating her oranges.
This saddens me to no end :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
Life is truly unfair.
The range is privilege, safety and hapiness is soo big.
Wishing the best for you bro.
We should unite and kill the rich.
I do not give a single fuck about rich people. Aside from making enough to pay for my basic needs, money is meaningless to me. The best things in this life are free or close to free - that is - if you are lucky enough to get them in the first place.

Buying objects does not matter. That's all you get with money: Objects. You are bluepilled if you think otherwise.
I do not give a single fuck about rich people. Aside from making enough to pay for my basic needs, money is meaningless to me. The best things in this life are free or close to free - that is - if you are lucky enough to get them in the first place.

Buying objects does not matter. That's all you get with money: Objects. You are bluepilled if you think otherwise.
shelter food drinks, money makes life simpler and maybe more fun but thats it
I know the feeling op and it's worse when you meet the people who tell you that money don't matter as either they're rich or there's somebody that doesn't have to work.
Ashamed to say that I was a teenager I shared the same view until I actually had to go out and get a job and work around stupid ass people and God I never wish for the death of humanity More.

I only hate rich people who are gl aswell, unattractive rich people are still brothers of the cope.
I am happiest when there is a recession going on.
True, but it would be a question of "depressed because no house" vs "depressed because no parking space for my yacht".

This, anyone honestly saying being rich has any hard downsides is a legit fucking retard. Or he is rich who wants to believe he still has it hard
The one thing worse than being incel is not being rich.

I could cope better with inceldom if I could travel around the world. Imagine, instead of wagecucking today, waking up at dawn, I could wake up in a hotel at 10am. Get dressed slowly, and go out to some Californian foodjoint and get a light brunch. Then I could visit some tourist attraction and enjoy the day, instead of counting down til my lunch hour.

Even if you get a gf, you will still need to get up at dawn and leave her to wagecuck. You will still have the dread come over you on Sunday night as you feel the impending doom of another week. A GF won't take that away. Riches will.
Reminder that there are millionaires on this forum rotting in their basement. I know of 2 (they might be larps though)
>beat by grandma for eating oranges

LMAO. but really, I 100% agree with you OP
>beat by grandma for eating oranges

LMAO. but really, I 100% agree with you OP

Not even joking I was 9 or 10 and I ate an orange and she said "NO more oranges!!" And hid them, but I found them and ate like 3 more and when she saw me she was furious and hit me in the face a few times
Buying objects does not matter. That's all you get with money: Objects. You are bluepilled if you think otherwise.

Money would allow me to live without having to work for some asshole. Do you not have to work or what?
I wish i could enjoy all the goods rich ones seem to have. Indeed, they must share all of it.
being rich doesnt get you out of inceldom
being rich doesnt get you out of inceldom

Lie, you would at least have gold diggers and you cant reject women and call your self incel. Just fuck gold diggers then toss them to the curb
Seems like there is a lot of rich people here if they think money isnt a big deal lol
Lie, you would at least have gold diggers and you cant reject women and call your self incel. Just fuck gold diggers then toss them to the curb
Seems like there is a lot of rich people here if they think money isnt a big deal lol
its just beta bux then? paying for hookers like poor people its the same thing. dont expect women to chase after you if u are ugly and subhuman driving a nice car

ER was somewhat rich too but no one cared. Stacies would rather chase a poor chad with a broken down toyota
I disagree, as a straight man it is a curse to be rich, at least when it comes to women, because all you can do is to attract gold diggers. What’s the point in having a woman who is only together with you because of your money? It is even worse than being with a hooker, because a hooker is at least honest. You have to be poor if you want to have a chance in finding true love as a straight man.

"Dude I hate being good looking, all I can attract is women who like me for my height/face and not for who I am!" - You
I do not give a single fuck about rich people. Aside from making enough to pay for my basic needs, money is meaningless to me. The best things in this life are free or close to free - that is - if you are lucky enough to get them in the first place.

Buying objects does not matter. That's all you get with money: Objects. You are bluepilled if you think otherwise.
low iq post. money buys you a Caribbean cruise - that's not an object, that's an experience which creates happiness and a fond memory to look back on. Money can buy you the world's best plastic surgeons to help make you more attractive - not an object. Money can prevent fears of homelessness; medical issues by being able to afford the best nutrition, personal trainers, best doctors; the best schools to achieve a world-renowned education, provided your iq is high enough - all are not objects.
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its just beta bux then? paying for hookers like poor people its the same thing. dont expect women to chase after you if u are ugly and subhuman driving a nice car

ER was somewhat rich too but no one cared. Stacies would rather chase a poor chad with a broken down toyota

ER lived in an area probably just as wealthy as him though, so he didnt stand out as rich. Its not really beta bux if you take a gold digger and chuck her when you are done fucking her. Also a women being attracted to a guy with money isnt totally the same as paying for just sex, it means she likes the financial security he brings. Just like how stacies fuck chad cause they only are attracted to his face, yet he got hit with a brick and deformed she would leave. So I dont see having a women as a rich incel as betabux more then anything else. All love is fake anyway and people date if they benefit from each other, and break up if one feels the negatives out weight the positives. Thats life ill never get to experience though or make those choices
also, if you hate rich people then don't ever go on lookism.net. it's full of 6+/10 16-24 year old trustfundcels who complain about being ugly because the hottest girl in their city didn't break down their door and fuck them while they were sleeping.
low iq post. money buys you a Caribbean cruise - that's not an object, that's an experience which creates happiness and a fond memory to look back on. Money can buy you the world's best plastic surgeons to help make you more attractive - not an object. Money can prevent fears of homelessness; medical issues by being able to afford the best nutrition, persona trainers, best doctors; the best schools to achieve a world-renowned education, provided your iq is high enough - all are not objects.

Thats what I am saying, he is fucking retarded. If I was rich I probably wouldnt even buy a nice car or a fancy place. Just use it to go on cruises, enjoy not having to work. Get some Jaw surgery, maybe start a business and be a boss.
Reminder that there are millionaires on this forum rotting in their basement. I know of 2 (they might be larps though)
More than likely larpers
low iq post. money buys you a Caribbean cruise - that's not an object, that's an experience which creates happiness and a fond memory to look back on. Money can buy you the world's best plastic surgeons to help make you more attractive - not an object. Money can prevent fears of homelessness; medical issues by being able to afford the best nutrition, persona trainers, best doctors; the best schools to achieve a world-renowned education, provided your iq is high enough - all are not objects.

I've been on very nice vacations and they were boring. You do not have to be "rich" to go on a vacation anyway.

Will a Caribbean cruise make you happy? If somebody offered me a Caribbean cruise right now I would not go.

I had more fun as a child with a soccer ball playing outside with my friends, than anything money has gotten me. This is unanimous proof that (for me) money is not the key to happiness. Sure, being a fucking broke homeless drug addict is suboptimal but this idea that millions of dollars will make you happy forever is fucking cope. You are either very poor or very low IQ, or both.
ER lived in an area probably just as wealthy as him though, so he didnt stand out as rich. Its not really beta bux if you take a gold digger and chuck her when you are done fucking her. Also a women being attracted to a guy with money isnt totally the same as paying for just sex, it means she likes the financial security he brings. Just like how stacies fuck chad cause they only are attracted to his face, yet he got hit with a brick and deformed she would leave. So I dont see having a women as a rich incel as betabux more then anything else. All love is fake anyway and people date if they benefit from each other, and break up if one feels the negatives out weight the positives. Thats life ill never get to experience though or make those choices
Where and how do people meet gold diggers? The only way is if you seek them out and that is beta bux . Youre gona spend alot of money on them just to get them to suck your dick thats no diff than buying a prostitute for cheaper
This is unanimous proof that (for me) money is not the key to happiness. Sure, being a fucking broke homeless drug addict is suboptimal but this idea that millions of dollars will make you happy forever is fucking cope. You are either very poor or very low IQ, or both.

Depends on if you know how to spend money, if you just buy a bunch of shit like a moron then of course it wont. I would start my own business, be my own boss. I would be able to quit my stupid ass job. I wouldnt have to work for an asshole, I could live in a decent place and sleep in. I could buy an escort whenever I wanted. I could get Jaw surgery and not look like an inbred reject

You are a moron if you think money wont bring some happyness with all the things you can do with money.
I've been on very nice vacations and they were boring. You do not have to be "rich" to go on a vacation anyway.

Will a Caribbean cruise make you happy? If somebody offered me a Caribbean cruise right now I would not go.

I had more fun as a child with a soccer ball playing outside with my friends, than anything money has gotten me. This is unanimous proof that (for me) money is not the key to happiness. Sure, being a fucking broke homeless drug addict is suboptimal but this idea that millions of dollars will make you happy forever is fucking cope. You are either very poor or very low IQ, or both.
"I've been on very nice vacations and they were boring." You contradicted yourself there. If they were very nice then you wouldn't have found them boring.

"You do not have to be "rich" to go on a vacation anyway." Sure, working full time to save up for a once-a-year vacation is akin to being able to fly anywhere in the world at anytime for however long you want.

"Will a Caribbean cruise make you happy? If somebody offered me a Caribbean cruise right now I would not go."
There is significant evidence that suggests positive experiences and memories from them contribute to a person's overall level of happiness. Good times = Good vibes.

"I had more fun as a child with a soccer ball playing outside with my friends, than anything money has gotten me. This is unanimous proof that (for me) money is not the key to happiness. Sure, being a fucking broke homeless drug addict is suboptimal but this idea that millions of dollars will make you happy forever is fucking cope. You are either very poor or very low IQ, or both."

Richcel detected.
Depends on if you know how to spend money, if you just buy a bunch of shit like a moron then of course it wont. I would start my own business, be my own boss. I would be able to quit my stupid ass job. I wouldnt have to work for an asshole, I could live in a decent place and sleep in. I could buy an escort whenever I wanted. I could get Jaw surgery and not look like an inbred reject

You are a moron if you think money wont bring some happyness with all the things you can do with money.
money does not bring happiness it just brings comfort. Why do you think so many rich people are also depressed and commit suicide?

money does not get your friends or family or love, you need a nice face for that.
Depends on if you know how to spend money, if you just buy a bunch of shit like a moron then of course it wont. I would start my own business, be my own boss. I would be able to quit my stupid ass job. I wouldnt have to work for an asshole, I could live in a decent place and sleep in. I could buy an escort whenever I wanted. I could get Jaw surgery and not look like an inbred reject

You are a moron if you think money wont bring some happyness with all the things you can do with money.

I see where you are coming from but there are many flaws:

"Start my own business" is so fucking vague, what sort of business? What are you an expert in? This is just a silly fantasy. Cope.

"I could live in a decent place and sleep in" what is wrong with your current place? Do you need 10 bedrooms and 5 kitchens? Cope.

"I could buy an escort whenever I wanted" I think escorts are disgusting and unfulfilling but whatever floats your boat. Cope.

"I could get jaw surgery and not look like an inbred reject" I have never seen anyone become sexually attractive with surgeries. Cope.
Money can't buy you happiness but it can give a feeling of safety.
I see where you are coming from but there are many flaws:

"Start my own business" is so fucking vague, what sort of business? What are you an expert in? This is just a silly fantasy. Cope.

"I could live in a decent place and sleep in" what is wrong with your current place? Do you need 10 bedrooms and 5 kitchens? Cope.

"I could buy an escort whenever I wanted" I think escorts are disgusting and unfulfilling but whatever floats your boat. Cope.

"I could get jaw surgery and not look like an inbred reject" I have never seen anyone become sexually attractive with surgeries. Cope.

Starting my own bussiness would be easy as fuck if I was rich, I could even just buy someones restaurant and then there, its that easy if you are rich

My basement suite is infested with spiders and beetles and have felt them crawling on me in my sleep, it also leaks and is in a shitty area. I wouldnt fucking want 10 bedrooms and 5 kitchens, id probably just get an appartment. I think those people that spend that much money are fucking retarded.

I wouldnt mind an escort cause even if I dated a women I wouldnt give a shit about her anyway. So it floats my boat

I seen lots of guys become attractive with surgeries. They can widen the jaw and lengthen the jaw.
I know the feeling op and it's worse when you meet the people who tell you that money don't matter as either they're rich or there's somebody that doesn't have to work.
Ashamed to say that I was a teenager I shared the same view until I actually had to go out and get a job and work around stupid ass people and God I never wish for the death of humanity More.

View attachment 21944
He deserved the punch. That's a horrible thing to say.

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