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Venting I hate PUA/redpill fags



mentally crippled by sleepoverless teen years
May 27, 2018
They're a bunch of psychopaths who prey on good incels. It's essentially bluepill but more aggressive and veiled so it's not obvious. When a soyboy goes "yikerinos, all foids care about is personaliteehee, you need to be a good boy to get your cummies", it's obvious lies, but when a PUAfag goes "stop being a lazy faggot! you have to work hard so you can become just like chad! girls are shallow but you only need to learn to seem confident to them! ", it seems to hold some merit, but everything but "looks are everything" is bullshit and bluepill to me.

I've been getting this ad by some PUAfag advertising his course a few times and I decided to read it because I've never seen this kind of stuff in Polish and frankly I was never really interested in it, because these tips like "just micromanage all your body language theory" sound so ridiculous to me.

His ad sounded like some cult recruitment testimony, same tactics. It was written as a testimony by an average Polish guy (just like you!) who had problems with finding women despite his best efforts (just like you!). The cumulative point was him recognizing he doesn't deserve women "because he has nothing to offer to them" and then learning about these PUA tricks and of course his life has changed.

This self-flagellation bullshit pisses me off: it's obviously a manipulation tactic to go full "oh, I'm so lost and undeserving, but alas there's light!". If you're an average guy, there are plenty of girls you deserve, namely average and below-average girls. Gee, do you really think foids are so wonderful that an average guy is complete trash compared to them? This is 100% cuck philosophy (that's why the difference between bluepill and redpill is often illusory), but these fags always act so smug about becoming "manly" aka catering to m'lady's wishes to get a lick of used pussy.

The worst part is: if you fall for such manipulation tactic, chances are you are in the elite. I was in one group about Catholicism on Facebook and there was one gigaautist who debated theology all day and fucking knew the Bible by heart. He also studied chemistry in one of the top Polish unis. He tried to find friends and a foid but failed miserably and of course at some point he fell for this manipulation tactic and went all "oh, I'm so undeserving of a foid, I'm so boring, I don't have any hobbies" -- bro, you have plenty of hobbies, you're one of the most interesting people I know, you're the absolute top 0.1% in terms of intellect but you talk as if you were a brainlet drunktard or something. The guy became a monk later, btw. It hurts me when such things happen.

It's also partially why I'm not a huge fan of Christianity: involved Christians are usually absolutely the top 1% of morality, really the heroes who elevate their communities, but they'll self-flagellate and go "oh, I'm so undeserving, I'm not better than psychopath chad criminal who kills and rapes babies". I've seen this in a church: guys who were Christian since birth, pure as the driven snow, their worst "sins" are a white lie or masturbating when they were teens; and they'll sit next to criminals who magically found Jesus yesterday after years of hurting people ruthlessly and I'm supposed to believe they're both the same in terms of morality.
bro, you have plenty of hobbies, you're one of the most interesting people I know, you're the absolute top 0.1% in terms of intellect bo hobby eut you talk as if you were a brainlet drunktard or something
The mistake men often make is to believe that you actually need to be somehow an individual of value to get laid with a woman. I know a serial sex haver who is a fucking retard with no hobby except his addiction to drugs. Being a fucking retard is the secret if you ask me.
Also his grandpa owns a mansion.
Female attraction iskinda mysterious lol
It's just those stuck in the interwar pre MGTOW, post PUA hell who never got the blackpill memo.
pua faggots are the equivalent of charismatic, gaudy life coaching youtubers who offer $500 sessions where they teach a secret trick to turn poorfags into multimillionaires.
They're a bunch of psychopaths who prey on good incels. It's essentially bluepill but more aggressive and veiled so it's not obvious. When a soyboy goes "yikerinos, all foids care about is personaliteehee, you need to be a good boy to get your cummies", it's obvious lies, but when a PUAfag goes "stop being a lazy faggot! you have to work hard so you can become just like chad! girls are shallow but you only need to learn to seem confident to them! ", it seems to hold some merit, but everything but "looks are everything" is bullshit and bluepill to me.

I've been getting this ad by some PUAfag advertising his course a few times and I decided to read it because I've never seen this kind of stuff in Polish and frankly I was never really interested in it, because these tips like "just micromanage all your body language theory" sound so ridiculous to me.

His ad sounded like some cult recruitment testimony, same tactics. It was written as a testimony by an average Polish guy (just like you!) who had problems with finding women despite his best efforts (just like you!). The cumulative point was him recognizing he doesn't deserve women "because he has nothing to offer to them" and then learning about these PUA tricks and of course his life has changed.

This self-flagellation bullshit pisses me off: it's obviously a manipulation tactic to go full "oh, I'm so lost and undeserving, but alas there's light!". If you're an average guy, there are plenty of girls you deserve, namely average and below-average girls. Gee, do you really think foids are so wonderful that an average guy is complete trash compared to them? This is 100% cuck philosophy (that's why the difference between bluepill and redpill is often illusory), but these fags always act so smug about becoming "manly" aka catering to m'lady's wishes to get a lick of used pussy.

The worst part is: if you fall for such manipulation tactic, chances are you are in the elite. I was in one group about Catholicism on Facebook and there was one gigaautist who debated theology all day and fucking knew the Bible by heart. He also studied chemistry in one of the top Polish unis. He tried to find friends and a foid but failed miserably and of course at some point he fell for this manipulation tactic and went all "oh, I'm so undeserving of a foid, I'm so boring, I don't have any hobbies" -- bro, you have plenty of hobbies, you're one of the most interesting people I know, you're the absolute top 0.1% in terms of intellect but you talk as if you were a brainlet drunktard or something. The guy became a monk later, btw. It hurts me when such things happen.

It's also partially why I'm not a huge fan of Christianity: involved Christians are usually absolutely the top 1% of morality, really the heroes who elevate their communities, but they'll self-flagellate and go "oh, I'm so undeserving, I'm not better than psychopath chad criminal who kills and rapes babies". I've seen this in a church: guys who were Christian since birth, pure as the driven snow, their worst "sins" are a white lie or masturbating when they were teens; and they'll sit next to criminals who magically found Jesus yesterday after years of hurting people ruthlessly and I'm supposed to believe they're both the same in terms of morality.
I had fallen into this trap a while ago, Redill disguises it's self as the truth and is presented in such away that it seems like 'the hidden secret' of dating. Now all I know is blackpill
The mistake men often make is to believe that you actually need to be somehow an individual of value to get laid with a woman.
Normie's fallacy that a man that can attract women must somehow be good is the applied in the same way that they do mental gymnastics to imply that a man than can't attract women is somehow bad.
pua faggots are the equivalent of charismatic, gaudy life coaching youtubers who offer $500 sessions where they teach a secret trick to turn poorfags into multimillionaires.
Exactly this. puas are confidence tricksters and no better than get rich quick scammers.
I don't think everything that came from the PUA culture was 100% bad and scams (mass approaching used to be a decent advice for average-looking or above men before Tinder and all that shit), but I agree, I hate redpillers as well nowadays. I talked about it here.
ha! I fell for the meme in 2012. watched every simple pickup video and torrented their private shit too :feelskek: as you can see it clearly works :feelsthink:
They're a bunch of psychopaths who prey on good incels. It's essentially bluepill but more aggressive and veiled so it's not obvious. When a soyboy goes "yikerinos, all foids care about is personaliteehee, you need to be a good boy to get your cummies", it's obvious lies, but when a PUAfag goes "stop being a lazy faggot! you have to work hard so you can become just like chad! girls are shallow but you only need to learn to seem confident to them! ", it seems to hold some merit, but everything but "looks are everything" is bullshit and bluepill to me.

I've been getting this ad by some PUAfag advertising his course a few times and I decided to read it because I've never seen this kind of stuff in Polish and frankly I was never really interested in it, because these tips like "just micromanage all your body language theory" sound so ridiculous to me.

His ad sounded like some cult recruitment testimony, same tactics. It was written as a testimony by an average Polish guy (just like you!) who had problems with finding women despite his best efforts (just like you!). The cumulative point was him recognizing he doesn't deserve women "because he has nothing to offer to them" and then learning about these PUA tricks and of course his life has changed.

This self-flagellation bullshit pisses me off: it's obviously a manipulation tactic to go full "oh, I'm so lost and undeserving, but alas there's light!". If you're an average guy, there are plenty of girls you deserve, namely average and below-average girls. Gee, do you really think foids are so wonderful that an average guy is complete trash compared to them? This is 100% cuck philosophy (that's why the difference between bluepill and redpill is often illusory), but these fags always act so smug about becoming "manly" aka catering to m'lady's wishes to get a lick of used pussy.

The worst part is: if you fall for such manipulation tactic, chances are you are in the elite. I was in one group about Catholicism on Facebook and there was one gigaautist who debated theology all day and fucking knew the Bible by heart. He also studied chemistry in one of the top Polish unis. He tried to find friends and a foid but failed miserably and of course at some point he fell for this manipulation tactic and went all "oh, I'm so undeserving of a foid, I'm so boring, I don't have any hobbies" -- bro, you have plenty of hobbies, you're one of the most interesting people I know, you're the absolute top 0.1% in terms of intellect but you talk as if you were a brainlet drunktard or something. The guy became a monk later, btw. It hurts me when such things happen.

It's also partially why I'm not a huge fan of Christianity: involved Christians are usually absolutely the top 1% of morality, really the heroes who elevate their communities, but they'll self-flagellate and go "oh, I'm so undeserving, I'm not better than psychopath chad criminal who kills and rapes babies". I've seen this in a church: guys who were Christian since birth, pure as the driven snow, their worst "sins" are a white lie or masturbating when they were teens; and they'll sit next to criminals who magically found Jesus yesterday after years of hurting people ruthlessly and I'm supposed to believe they're both the same in terms of morality.
That was absolutely brootal what happened to your friend.
I mostly see PUA working for people who are high inhib or mentalcels, but other than that it won't help much.
And your analysis of Christianity is spot on. A guy who lived his whole life religiously being equal to a gang banger turned christian are the same? Why the fuck should anyone even bother trying to give a shit as a kid or growing up? Have your fun and you will eventually get tired and go to God by that logic. Giga cucked interpretations of almost any religion.
I fell to the :redpill: trap in my teens and I feel like ive lost so many potential friendships due to the "high T psychopath" act

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