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Serious I hate pedos in this forum.

Why does he put people in ignore and then reply to us.
:feelsLSD: Coz you are shamelessly replying me again and again I bet you don’t have self respect :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
I'm an inkwell it would be unrealistic to have it :feelsthink:
I wonder how many updoots you will get for this one!
It's always agecucks instigating this flame war and raising the pedo question over and over again :feelsUgh:
GIGA pedoCope
Not a cope, pedophilia is not a legal term. You need to do your research on what pedophilia actually is.

Also you just registered today. Go back to IT you agecuck.
Not a cope, pedophilia is not a legal term. You need to do your research on what pedophilia actually is.

Also you just registered today. Go back to IT you agecuck.

I register today = okay to fk prepubescent children. Makes sense :bigbrain::feelsthink:
A 21 year old man dating a 13 year old girl isn't a pedo either though. Pedophile is a scientific term, not a legal term.
Age of consent is 14 y.o. in many countries and 12-13 in some. But it will probably change in the future because of agecuckery.
I register today = okay to fk prepubescent children. Makes sense :bigbrain::feelsthink:
girls hit puberty at 10, by 13 they are several years into puberty
Age of consent is 14 y.o. in many countries and 12-13 in some. But it will probably change in the future because of agecuckery.
thats why i mentioned how pedophilia is not a legal term. it may be illegal but its not pedophilia
GIGA PedoCope....
girls hit puberty at 10, by 13 they are several years into puberty

thats why i mentioned how pedophilia is not a legal term. it may be illegal but its not pedophilia
Whiteknighting for pubescent teen whores means you're a cuck. Those rosties are far from innocent children, to believe that means you're still bluepilled. Men have been fucking pubescent teens since the beginning of time, and still do. If jb fuckers are the main problem you have in life then you are lucky, because that's the dumbest thing to care about as an incel. Abortion is a million times worse, but you never hear anything about that because soycucks support it.
What classifies as pedo nigger you should clarify it
what's ur def for pedo? guy interested in girls below 18 or guys interested in girls who are clearly prepubescent?
Stupid cucks think anything below the aoc is pedo.
i just stumbled across this thread since it's catching fire rn. has he ever clarified? i understand if he is disgusted with incels into girls who are clearly built no different than little boys but if he thinks a girl who is 17 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds old is a child he's delusional.
I hope not, but when they don't define it usually they mean that.
it’s funny how you still whiteknight for under 17yo foids like they don’t hate you or something lol, most teenage foids arent even pure anymore (khhv)
I don't even care about 17 yr olds lol, It's when it's 14 and below that I find it disgusting. And yes, I know that young foids are whores.
then why do you care do much if some dude fucks like a 14yo foid? makes no sense
There's nothing I can do about, but I just find it disgusting. It's like seeing faggots kiss.
no he didn’t, he didn’t mention any age, and he could be one of those who consider under 18 to be a child.
That's unlikely, most people who against pedophilia on here don't think that 17 yrs 12 months 364 days is still a child.
i see where you’re coming from but i still don’t really understand the part where u agree with killing these jbpilled dudes, you are essentially siding with normies (as normies hate dudes who fuck underage foids more than anything)
I'm not going to jail over killing some degenerate, I'll leave the police to that.
As I believe you and I hate women. No doubt most of us wants to see women getting raped, killed and burnt alive with acid. But why the fuck some degenerate in-Bred brings children in between talks about child rape and pornography. I fucking hate those pieces of shits. And if some how I come face to face with them I am going to take my HENGDANG and cut them into pieces 100 pieces I am 5.11 118 kgs and believe I got so much strength with just one strike I can tear up their Dorito’s and pizza munching heads. And if this makes me a Fakecel go ban me nobody gives a damn I don’t want to belong with degenerates who supports child rape and porn.

If you don’t know what hengdang is just google it. ☮️

As you can see some these faggots are down below. I hope some day I will get them burn them alive in acid.

Mods need to get there act together and stop fakecel agecucks like this before overton window continues shifting towards moderateness & soon this forum will be bluepilled.

The shift began with the banning of Lithuanian Pedocel and has continued since...
bro are you genuinely retarded? like no joke are you clinically diagnosed with mental retardism or something similar? almost every time i read a response from you you completely miss interpret what i say.

i am not talking about YOU killing these dudes, i am talking about you celebrating OTHER PEOPLE either killing or wanting to kill these people like a whiteknight normie
I don't care if others do it, I'm ambivalent.
Mods need to get there act together and stop fakecel agecucks like this before overton window continues shifting towards moderateness & soon this forum will be bluepilled.

The shift began with the banning of Lithuanian Pedocel and has continued since...
What's wrong with being Moderate?
you support it tho, that makes you a whiteknight by definition
How? If a disgusting pedo gets wiped off the earth I could care less. I don't support or condone it.
I would love the opportunity to smash a prime jb foid(14 up for me). They're already sexulising themselves at that age and act older than they are so If one wanted me to fuck her, there would be no hesitation. Giga volcel if you would turn it down. Also, some of you faggots need to learn the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia.
he could be one of those who thinks under 18 is a child and pedo to be attracted to, he didn’t specifically mention any age
He said "child". I have some faith that he isn't like those soys on IT, so that child does not mean "eeerggh she's 20!! still a child!!" you know?
What's wrong with being Moderate?

Literally everything is wrong with moderates. Moderates are what gave us foid rights, illegalization of drugs, tolerancy & legalization of sick practices that benefit foids like prostitution.

Moderatism allowed a disgusting society of simps & cucks.
Agecucks are dumb retards.

They white knight for foids under the age of 18 and act like they are just innocent little children.

Even teen foids are Chad only.
Literally everything is wrong with moderates. Moderates are what gave us foid rights, illegalization of drugs, tolerancy & legalization of sick practices that benefit foids like prostitution.

Moderatism allowed a disgusting society of simps & cucks.
Those were Progressives, Moderate see the good and the bad from the left and right. There were some Moderates that were against Women's right's no doubt.
would u consider a 12yo to be a child?
Depends on if she started puberty (most likely I know but sometimes it happens later). If she did, then no by definition.
tbh i don’t wanna debate you bro, it’s mentally draining, you do you tbh. i just hope one day u realize that you are making things harder for some of us incels (jbpillers) by saying stuff like that
It's not like the laws are ever gonna change, so just go for young adult foids.
ok then what’s ur opinion on hebephilia? because op could be one of those people that thinks 13yos are little kids or something when he mentions “pedophilia” since he didn’t specifically mention any age
If you are 1-2 years apart from them I don't care.
If you are 1-2 years apart from them I don't care.
Imagine actually caring about age gaps between two sexually mature individuals.

Feminism has you brainwashed.
As long as its a foid i don't give a shit :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
based, based.

but why did u agree with op bro? if you were blackpilled you would know that even child foids are gonna grow up to be hypergamous whores, so, why side with them?
I agree, its better foids know there place early
are u gonna respond or not?

Yes, 17 and 16 yo shouldn't be dating 13 year olds. That's my opinion and you can have yours. Idc.
based, based.

but why did u agree with op bro? if you were blackpilled you would know that even child foids are gonna grow up to be hypergamous whores, so, why side with them?
Call me not blackpilled all you want, not like I'll care.
But judging someone by actions they didn't commit yet (in that case, not fully grown foids) is EXACTLY what everyone is doing with us. They assume we will do bad things simply because we're ugly. If I have to hate someone, it would be because of what they DID or they ARE DOING, but not what they WILL do.

You could argue that they're wrong and that judging foids that way is good because it happens to be true, but from a logical way of dealing with things, it's contradictory. I try to make sure my reasonings are coherent. M[UWSL]aking exceptions for some subjects because you like or dislike them is the beginning of pile of bullshit.[/UWSL]
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Oh no, I've found OP's worst nightmare! A loli! We're all going to die! :feelsPop:
what's ur def for pedo? guy interested in girls below 18 or guys interested in girls who are clearly prepubescent?
No I was saying about child not 15 or 16 years old ones.
He said "child". I have some faith that he isn't like those soys on IT, so that child does not mean "eeerggh she's 20!! still a child!!" you know?
I was mentioning about kids not some 15 or 16 years old ones.

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