Most other races invaded in some way: Arabs had many caliphates that invaded & conquered many places, not to mention they had a slave trade, same goes for Ottoman Turks who conquered & oppressed the Balkans. Muslims/Arabs/Turks also oppressed India, Japan later had its own Empire which raped Asia(literally), the Mongols had the second largest Empire in recorded history. Point, is, this proves that most other races in the world did invade, conquer, enslave, etc. it's just Whites were the only ones to do it on a large & prosperous scale.
Also, Whites have done it to each other many times: Some of my ancestors conquered most of Europe -only to find themselves under French & Austrian rule centuries late- some also conquered the Anglo-Saxons, and some never even ruled over any & were effectively the lowest class of Whites possible(Irish).
Point is, every race has a violent history: It's just we're discussing about how the standard, everyday person of a race behaves in society.
@Chudpreet @Corvus @Biowaste Removal @Ron.Belgrade @TBIcel