Trust me social media and females in the workforce is NOT a natural state, not in the slightest, in a natural state you're competing with men locally to collect resources, if you have more resources, you get more women who could not collect resources as efficiently for her children. Looks played a far smaller role.
Now compare that to today, thanks to social media, you're competing with EVERY man in the city, women don't need resource as badly since many of them are delaying having children to finish school as well as choosing to have a career (since careers are starting to become oriented more in the office rather than outdoors in labor) or just leeching off the state, so they just choose guys that make THEM happy, and of course they're going to choose 6'4'' ripped 8+ men.
What we have is some weird topsy-turvy world where women start calling the shots. This is of course, completely subsidized by the government. Anti-rape laws transfer responsibility of the husband and family members to care for the woman, to the police; gender quotas ensure women get hired despite not being qualified; and of course, the welfare state generously gives women money per child. Meanwhile social media and tinder are allowed in the unmitigated capitalist society to erode all remnants of any sort of dating culture and transfer responsibility of choosing a partner from the father to the woman who can view every guy she wants the fuck in the palm of her hands.