Can't agree with this more.
Every single time a "suhvivle of thuh fitness" thread comes up, there's always a remarkably large contingent of passive, nihilistic naturecucks who jump rabidly at the opportunity to rip their hunched backs open with the slave's whip of self-abasement.
Notwithstanding that this primal state of strife is incompatible with complex society (but is a state toward which it self-destructively devolves out of complacency, hubris, tiredness, materialism, analytical hypertrophy and the contradictions it is unable to resolve, etc.), it is not even an intelligent, rational system. Again, rationality is now employed in the capacity of justifying barbarism, in the undoing of order and the manufacturing of "self-evident" truths, not in preemptively apprehending the form it assumes and placing it under control as had been done in the phase of
building up, the task toward which the highest of man's organizational faculties were previously devoted. These same talents are now in the service of stripping away duty, obligation, and constraint - to make the world a playpen of constantly accessible gratification, a stable of disloyal servants, eternally running in place, motivated to serve by the phantom of "feeling good". It was formerly in man's
nature to control himself and others - to intelligently reign in his base and volatile impulses, justifiably assuming cooperation from his associates - toward a common goal. For a variety of reasons, he (more appropriately, she) is convinced now that he doesn't
have to. That he is finally
free, even if he clearly isn't.
"Chad" is a man desired by foids. That's it. It's no true measure of worth. That Chad monopolizing foids is "natural" is a reductive naturecuck fantasy and a civilizationally-constrained elevation of female desire to the prime phenomenon of nature - to be respected and upheld in total isolation of whatever else might occur in the most primal state of nature. However, this state would extend to men at each other's throats ruthlessly in order to secure a foid - i.e. it is natural for you to obey your will and
oppose, to
"Can't hate nature boyo" (i.e. foid agency, with no respect to anything else) is weak and gay; a subordination of your own nature.
Regarding polygamy, etc., not only are inbred populations liable to high rates of recessive disorders, they are also a less robust platform for
true natural selection due to limited genetic variation and, because the population size will likely be smaller, are more vulnerable to genetic drift. See how "genetically superior" jocksucker Chad with a 8/10 face and nothing else is when his recessive cystic fibrosis allele is inherited by half of the children he sires from 3/10 roasts.