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Serious I guess were the new public enemy



Jul 25, 2018
I was thinking to myself, why the sudden media barrage against us, what have we done? Well enough thinking i was able to formulate something, which i will call the "heros society" akin to the feel good society, as the feel good society is more based on women, the hero society is morose based on male fantasy. Think about it you probably fantasized about being a hero, or at least an antihero one point of your life. Well the same applies to most men, we want to save the women and get her, but nowadays we dont get to do so. Most of these men are fragile and meek, cant even lift let alone fight. So what else do they do? well you know it fight on the internet with their words. What else can they do? nothing, they don't have the genetics or strength to become an actual "hero" so they instead use what they only know how to words. This is why we have so many people hating on us in a way. If you understand the red pill then you understand about male dominance instinct. Seriously what can these people dominate? most of these "men" cant dominate anyone at all, they fear chads for their life. They quickly glance around trying to find anything to fight that they actually can win against and who do they see? us. They go on their sites and attack us, look at incel tears, none of these men can fight at all id love to see them try. These "men" men are so weak and feeble they'd cower and cry they shan't even consider call themselves man. They feel like the only way to get mates is to become the hero they see. Why do you think so many soyboys watch super hero movies? not because its cool but because they want to be the hero. The hero women dream about, the hero society praises, and the hero who is loved. Truly sad if you think about it.

So you're thinking, what do they do, how can they become this hero that they so desperately want to become? Easy they create the monster themselves, they make the monster seem so grand and horrific that even society fears it. If the weak man takes out a feeble pig he is simply laughed at.If the same man takes out a giant boar he is a hero and worth affection. What if you aren't strong enough to take out the boar and can only take out the small pig? Simple you make the pig into the boar, you create fear in the village make the pig seem much stronger than it is. Fear is the greatest factor in our choices and thoughts. So when the town hears about this pig killing their own, they are afraid of it. Now its time for the weak hero to shine, he is able to kill the pig and bring it to the village, they all cheer for him. For once he can finally feel like the hero he is. I would like to keep this longer but i shouldn't so. Here is my candid thoughts about all of this.

TLDR: heres why there's so much videos on us and movies about us. It allows the weak to play on their hero instinct, it gives them a reason to fight and prove themselves. Even if they cant fight against the average person they can pick on us.
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people pick on the weak. not only are we weak, we openly discuss how everyone craps on us. its like saying hey im weak pick on me. you can pick on an incel and he wont fight back. JFL if you think normies will ever care about you. you are their lolcow. they have fun treating you like shit.
because we're young males that harbour anti-society anti-western anti-feminism anti-socialjustice views. this automatically makes us a group that people can easily get mad at, but also since their low iq cant fathom why or how we're like this. this makes us acceptable to say disgusting shit to but also very easy
blackpill 2.0
it’s because people get scared when they see others waking up. back in the day this would’ve like being against religion so they would’ve gutted us and tortured us. Today they can’t do that so they try to do it by propaganda and hate
Totally agree on this with you. But i think soyboys have some outrage inside them. They are dead inside. I feel sorry for them.
Normies think picking on weak men is justified.
Because we’re an easy target
We are an easy target who can fight back though...
Yea, that’s right.:feelsautistic:
B458A76C 1768 4A12 B228 42A86238AB05
because we're young males that harbour anti-society anti-western anti-feminism anti-socialjustice views. this automatically makes us a group that people can easily get mad at, but also since their low iq cant fathom why or how we're like this. this makes us acceptable to say disgusting shit to but also very easy
blackpill 2.0
Some of us ain't so young! But then again, I've been forced to exist as a socially ostracized 15 year old for all of my adult life, thanks to a rotten genetics ticket.
Cope. Nobody gives a shit about us.
Incels are public enemy #1. We are the last resistance against feminism.
Some of us ain't so young! But then again, I've been forced to exist as a socially ostracized 15 year old for all of my adult life, thanks to a rotten genetics ticket.
Id say the quiet majority is under 19
no it's not. most incels get insulted, they dont say a word, come home and vent here.
Doubt that, just cause your an incel doesn’t mean you can’t call people on bullshit. I don’t care I’ll still roast a bitch
Ah yes i could get into the whole religious dogma of feminism but it would be another long paragraph. I do see another reason to hate us is that we harbor the evil truth that society is trying so hard to cover up. They also fear us because we know whats in everyones subconcious that they are afraid to acknowledge.That beauty holds a great power on how our lives are dictated. We perceive others who are less attractive as the peasants and the good looking as kings but this isn't new information. Even for the masses it isn't new information but due to the feel good society we condemn the truth due to it making others feel poorly. In a feel good society we run away from anything that makes us not feel good.
High IQ.

but my theory is different, in that regard.
you expect the media to portray men in a positive light, after shitting on them for decades?
the role of the media is to pit men against woman, men against other men, woman against other woman. etc.
the whole purpose of this is to make the incel situation combustible as possible. since when does the media encourage people to help eachother? other than helping immigrants and faggots the media never encourage help a fellow person. they have the final say when it comes to shaping public opinion.
they want you to keep buying houses and luxury items while the poor and weak gets fucked everyday. if people actually start to develop sympathy for eachother, we would buy less stuff and stop funding useless wars.
Id say the quiet majority is under 19
It's a tough time to be alive in our contemporary society, unless one possesses the relevant LMS. But then again, maybe these young kid's will have the wherewithal to eventually bring this rotten system to it's knees. God bless 'em.
High IQ.

but my theory is different, in that regard.
you expect the media to portray men in a positive light, after shitting on them for decades?
the role of the media is to pit men against woman, men against other men, woman against other woman. etc.
the whole purpose of this is to make the incel situation combustible as possible. since when does the media encourage people to help eachother? other than helping immigrants and faggots the media never encourage help a fellow person. they have the final say when it comes to shaping public opinion.
they want you to keep buying houses and luxury items while the poor and weak gets fucked everyday. if people actually start to develop sympathy for eachother, we would buy less stuff and stop funding useless wars.
Ah yeah I agree with you too that is a good theory. That is the hero's society in a way as these two parts of the society plays on our instincts without acknowledging them. The feel good is woman's hedonism and the hero is men's need to become something big. They can manipulate us easily, the top knows how we work and generalizes us, as people hate being generalized since they so much want to be "unique".All the media has to say is a few magic words to get men into an unneeded war, we are all being society's puppet and that is majority due to our sexdrive. Men who gave up on women or sent their own way won't behave for society's play so what do they do they hate us. Why isn't he dancing they all Say? There surely must be something wrong with him. They are afraid of the actors who don't show up since we are the ones who make them money. That's all we are I guess poor actors to make the beautiful money.
High IQ.

but my theory is different, in that regard.
you expect the media to portray men in a positive light, after shitting on them for decades?
the role of the media is to pit men against woman, men against other men, woman against other woman. etc.
the whole purpose of this is to make the incel situation combustible as possible. since when does the media encourage people to help eachother? other than helping immigrants and faggots the media never encourage help a fellow person. they have the final say when it comes to shaping public opinion.
they want you to keep buying houses and luxury items while the poor and weak gets fucked everyday. if people actually start to develop sympathy for eachother, we would buy less stuff and stop funding useless wars.

I agree with 99% of this. The only thing I disagree with is the part about the media pitting women against other women. The media, which are of course controlled by feminists, want women to stand united against men, while pitting men against women and against other men.

The reason female vs. female conflicts exist is that women are shallow, petty, catty, and love drama, so conflict between them is inevitable. Feminists want "muh united front of womyn," but it won't happen thanks to females' own nature. A little bit of amusement for us in this miserable world.
Make more threads please.
TLDR: heres why there's so much videos on us and movies about us. It allows the weak to play on their hero instinct, it gives them a reason to fight and prove themselves. Even if they cant fight against the average person they can pick on us.
Yes for normies we are just a easy target.
read title thinking it was another samey post but actually high iq :feelsokman:
The sudden media barrage is because the media appeals to the lowest common denominator and incel is a buzzword at the moment.

It’s also because society likes its traditional thinking. We weren’t allowed to shame women for being sluts, so we started saying thot instead. We weren’t allowed to shame men for being virgins, so we started calling them incels instead.
it’s because people get scared when they see others waking up. back in the day this would’ve like being against religion so they would’ve gutted us and tortured us. Today they can’t do that so they try to do it by propaganda and hate

I dunno, they burned witches, most of which were femoids back then. maybe that should come back.
just crucifying jews for being enablers and burning witches on stakes.
Highest IQ newcel post I've ever seen on here. Love the boar/pig analogy, politicians and even police love to cheat that way. They cannot handle the real threats to the country so they invent their own easily handled ones.
they would do it to muslims but that would be racist.
Your IQ is high, welcome @Seven

Even if they cant fight against the average person they can pick on us.
Exactly. You have seen through the hypocracy of soys.
To them Girls find us creepy therefore we must be evil.:soy::feelshehe:
Your IQ is high, welcome @Seven

Exactly. You have seen through the hypocracy of soys.
To them Girls find us creepy therefore we must be evil.:soy::feelshehe:
Ah thanks i appreciate the welcome, and everyone knows what makes someone creepy is purely looks nothing else. Thats just how it is we live in a heavily lookism and actism society we have the worst of both worlds as society tends to lean on ome or another, how you act, or how you look. The best way to win this game is not to play evenetually your dreams will cease to exist of love. After all love is a mental illness

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