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SuicideFuel I got permabanned from 4chan



Evil angel/Righteous demon
Apr 24, 2018
I argued with a roastie and the mods shot me down quick. I tried to evade it but I screwed up somehow. I had an uncle who used to shitpost on /tv/ and /r9k/ so I thought I could use his wifi since his is better than mine but he's been permabanned since 2017.
Didn't even know that it was possible to get banned from 4chan
I argued with a roastie and the mods shot me down quick. I tried to evade it but I screwed up somehow. I had an uncle who used to shitpost on /tv/ and /r9k/ so I thought I could use his wifi since his is better than mine but he's been permabanned since 2017.
Reset your IP adress. Also why would you go there? I used to go there but nowadays I just go for ylyl threads.
4chan is 4cucks
the 25+ threads are nice but that place is tranny central
I argued with a roastie and the mods shot me down quick. I tried to evade it but I screwed up somehow. I had an uncle who used to shitpost on /tv/ and /r9k/ so I thought I could use his wifi since his is better than mine but he's been permabanned since 2017.

I got perma banned in 2013 or so for complaining on r9k about how hard it is to get a slim girl. Website has been extremely cucked for years. I've moved around since then with new ip addresses but I've had zero desire to go back. The place is run by fat blue haired reddit feminists.
I don't know how.

I have a lot of issues and outlets for them are either feminized or two expensive. It's the only place where I can let out all of that rage without getting banned or politely asked to leave.
I knew how to reset it but forgot. It's easy tho if you have dynamic ip adress. If you have static ip you have to contact the internet provider to reset it.
It's easy tho if you have dynamic ip adress. If you have static ip you have to contact the internet provider to reset it.
I checked, I have a Dynamic one.
You are like a little baby
Watch this:
IMG 20181212 170609 643
Dont you just take out your router and replug it to generate a new ip
I'm surprised at seeing people getting parmabanned from there. I have gotten away with so much shit on certain boards.
Althought I do have a dynamic IP.
4chan has gotten a lot more soy since Hiroyuki and the big split for ad revenue. Cherish your porn/gore spammers as they are the last bastion of defense before the site goes to the normies.
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4chan has gotten a lot more soy since Hiroyuki and the big split for ad revenue. Cherish your porn/gore spammers as they are the last bastion of defense before the site goes to the normies.
God bless /a/ lolispammers
Dont you just take out your router and replug it to generate a new ip
I don't know the difference between a router and a modem. I unplugged whatever I had for 7 minutes and I'm still stuck like this.
I wouldn't worry about it too much tbh, that place is filled with male feminists anwyay
I wouldn't worry about it too much tbh, that place is filled with male feminists anwyay
But I can (occasionally) get away with death threats and flat-out saying I want the whole world and everyone in it to burn.
But I can (occasionally) get away with death threats and flat-out saying I want the whole world and everyone in it to burn.
You can that here too bro. This is one of the most free and uncucked sites on the Internet tbh.

Thankful to be here. Amen.
I don't know the difference between a router and a modem. I unplugged whatever I had for 7 minutes and I'm still stuck like this.
You're better off being banned. That place is cucked central
You can that here too bro. This is one of the most free and uncucked sites on the Internet tbh.
I get off on arguing with SJWs. This place is good for escapism but I have nowhere else to go if I feel like verbally cracking some skulls.
I get off on arguing with SJWs. This place is good for escapism but I have nowhere else to go if I feel like verbally cracking some skulls.
I'd rather repeatedly bash my head against a wall than argue wth SJWs.
I don't know the difference between a router and a modem. I unplugged whatever I had for 7 minutes and I'm still stuck like this.
Open a private browsing/incognito window and see if you can post there. If it works, all you need to do is clear your cookies.
mods are fucking faggots on 4chan, the jannies especially

my uni wifi was recently banned because of a lolicon spammer on /a/ :lul:
lel my uni's one was once banned because of CP on /tv/
Open a private browsing/incognito window and see if you can post there. If it works, all you need to do is clear your cookies.
I tried that. It didn't work.

I'd rather repeatedly bash my head against a wall than argue wth SJWs.
I love their silence when I finally crack them down. It's so satisfying.
Didn't even know you could be banned from a site like that, but it's 4chan, so who cares
/pol/ is nothing but controlled opposition these days. Go to infinitechan.
I argued with a roastie and the mods shot me down quick. I tried to evade it but I screwed up somehow. I had an uncle who used to shitpost on /tv/ and /r9k/ so I thought I could use his wifi since his is better than mine but he's been permabanned since 2017.
>tfw no cool oldfag uncle
4chan is pretty damn autistic, retarded and now cucked as well.
I don't like 4chan bec. i like an existing userbase. Not anontards.
if you browse /pol/ youre low iq
lol you have a uncle that browses 4chan? white people....
8chan is where it's at, brother.
I don't know the difference between a router and a modem. I unplugged whatever I had for 7 minutes and I'm still stuck like this.
Was recently banned off lookism.net. Did the same thing, and am still banned.
Didn't even know that it was possible to get banned from 4chan

Me neither. I used to see all manner of shit go down there. And @SmugMohito gets banned for arguing? Yeah it was with a mod, but Jesus. Times have really changed since 2003.
4chan is cucked beyond salvation. You'll get banned in less than an hour for posting blackpills
4Chan is even more cucked than reddit these days.
Didn't even know that it was possible to get banned from 4chan
4chan is pretty much anonymous reddit at this point. It's politically correct.

The only half-serious people that used to use the site now go to 8chan.

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