I remember one night I was taking a ride home in a subway after coming home from an event, the details to the event I have forgotten besides the fact that it was an event meant to be entertaining and I was rather done in from the entire ordeal.
Nonetheless on the subway I saw a couple, one pretty tall Asian looking fellow and his adorable 6/10 Asian girlfriend. I remember there being no seats left so he had to hold onto something to stand up, and his girlfriend clung onto him while resting her head on his side, almost nuzzling against him.
It was pretty dark, so I'm sure nobody could see, see that I was softly crying trying to look away from the scene. The entire ride I wanted to kill myself, why couldn't I have a female lovingly hold me like that?
Why do I continue to live at all?
I finally got near where I was staying, I think it was a hotel room. Walking home alone with misty eyes, I would cry myself to sleep that night and I would feel like shit in the morning.