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I got approved for 800$ neetbux monthly

  • Thread starter Mongolianwizard
  • Start date
I want neetbuxx!!!!!!
Yes sir. I'm a college dropout. Hated it. Went to state and community college. Hated the bs courses and the tenured professors and most other students. Those same students who were lucky enough to get good jobs before 2008 really think they're hot shit. I see them in their luxury cars or their stupid babies and wanna pop them. They're so much better cuz they have a degree and I don't. I hope they get laid off continuously like I did.

Competition is fierce good point. I love Indeed because you see what's happening now. Ageism is real too. I'm 38 and it's happened to people my age. Some little stuck up foid ends up as gatekeeper to a shit job. She'll ask inane question after inane question and yes judge you by physical traits. It's happening. That's what I fear. All cuz she sucked the right dick to get into HR. And her stupid degree.

It's a joke. I hope the bubble pops soon too. But that aside what are we supposed to do? I don't want to end up working at fucking Walmart or BK. Yet it's exactly what happens to even degree holders. I mean wtf.

I don't know either, there's so many thing that can happen and trigger the next recession. For the mean time, I believe that the gig economy like lyft, uber, amazon flex, temp jobs will the norm now. Employers have way too much negotiating power as hundreds of people apply to a entry-level job on Indeed that requires 5 years of experience.

These manufacturing jobs that trump are trying to bring back isn't going to make a dent, I sure hope that I'm wrong and we'll be able to get money to be invested outside of tech or finance.


In addition, once tech become oversaturated, we might see more people going into labor jobs that are in demand right now such as construction, renewable energy and the dreaded warehouse jobs. Boomers are dying so there's going to be a huge demand in entry-level healthcare jobs as well.

Yeah, it's a shame our society have a lot of ageism and lookism even if it's illegal to discriminate. I just hope we'll be in a better place before the storm arrives.
NOICE. I'm educated, have good job and work like 50 hours per week, but as EE untermensch I earn pretty much same amount as you. I wish I could just stay at home and play vidya like 10 years ago
Life is unfair, while you guys are living like kings while i have to careermaxx and wagekek for the rest of my life to barely live like a normal human being :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Congrats but thats really shit money. Also where does the rest of it go
Nice. I get £350 a month in autismbux, but I get to keep all of it for myself.
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Nice dude, NEETbux here in my country gives me 1000$ with a house (I need to pay the rent though around 250$). The rest of the money I keep for myself. Fuck society, I'm never gonna work my ass and wagecuck my ass to give those normies, chads and kikes a happy life. I'll be glad to become a leech.
Anyone who successfully avoids wagecucking has my respect.
Now you have to gulp down jew pills regularly to keep the check coming.
In the United States it looks very difficult to acquire welfare unless you have a family (the means through which most people acquire welfare) or are 65 years of age or older. I've looked into getting Supplemental Security Income with Affordable Housing, but I am not what they are looking for (especially because I gymcel and am quite physically fit). I live with my parents, but they have expectations that I will work and will kick me out if I do not. I wish I could be a NEET so I wouldn't have to deal with my nightmarish boss (a sadist who enjoys belittling everybody below him while pandering endlessly to the management above him, who of course love him because he slaves like a dog for them).
Yeah I get NEETBUX, cant say how (for legal reasons) but I would be dead without them.
Neetbux are where its at.
I'm so jealous of you. I would literally kill someone for your life style.

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