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I got approved for 800$ neetbux monthly

  • Thread starter Mongolianwizard
  • Start date


Think about it rationally.
Jul 4, 2018
>don't have to pay rent
>get to keep 100$ for myself
>I get to keep it on top of the 20$ of allowance I get, so 180$ a month plus 10$ for doing dishes on weekends and 20$ for lawn mowing so I can jack it up to 250$ a month
>parents have no expectation for me to get a job
>I get to live the rest of my life playing vidya gaems
i fucking made it lads
  fujiwara no mokou touhou drawn by deel rkeg  sample bcbcaa5f79144307d7e351c0d6022679
even engineers in my country dont make that much money.
And what you gonna do when your parents die?
And what you gonna do when your parents die?
We're going through a program that'd let me keep the house.
Also, we've got people lined up that'll take me and let me keep doing my thing.
  original drawn by tom drpow  sample 07185cb38ec43a8598771474d66503e3
Congrats bro living the life
Nice dude, NEETbux here in my country gives me 1000$ with a house (I need to pay the rent though around 250$). The rest of the money I keep for myself. Fuck society, I'm never gonna work my ass and wagecuck my ass to give those normies, chads and kikes a happy life. I'll be glad to become a leech.

how it feels to have your first check come in

Where the fuck do you live? I barely get 400$ without rent in fucking rich Germany.


And the governments clerks are like stasi if I buy to much stuff they sack it and I am not allowed to safe anything.

Alone public transport is gigaexpensive. I am pretty limited to walking.
Sounds good. Make sure to vote left so that they will keep the checks coming.
>don't have to pay rent
>get to keep 100$ for myself
>I get to keep it on top of the 20$ of allowance I get, so 180$ a month plus 10$ for doing dishes on weekends and 20$ for lawn mowing so I can jack it up to 250$ a month
>parents have no expectation for me to get a job
>I get to live the rest of my life playing vidya gaems
i fucking made it lads
View attachment 40494
What exactly are neetbux ?
And I literally have to rope at the end of this month because I can´t get anymore money the injustice of this world knows no boundaries..
And I literally have to rope at the end of this month because I can´t get anymore money the injustice of this world knows no boundaries..
Normal people do not get neetbux. People who get it have a disability in one way or the other
Guys talking about having a girlfriend doesn't invoke a shred of jealousy from me at this point, but reading posts from NEETs collecting neetbux does.
Normal people do not get neetbux. People who get it have a disability in one way or the other
And I have a disability! Which is so tormenting that I will end my life soon but still I can´t get money for that.
Guys talking about having a girlfriend doesn't invoke a shred of jealousy from me at this point, but reading posts from NEETs collecting neetbux does.
still working retail?
Damn.. I've been fighting to get ssi for Years, but my chances aren't good
Lucky af. I want to start getting my autismbux but i'm too high inhib.

Guys talking about having a girlfriend doesn't invoke a shred of jealousy from me at this point, but reading posts from NEETs collecting neetbux does.

Fucking this. The only thing I want to do right now is make enough NEETbux to be able to live in some shitty apartment and be able to buy a video game once every month or two. That would be the life. Playing video games, watching youtube, going on lonely morning walks and working on my hobbies. Society has denied me a happy life so there's no reason for me to contribute to it.
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why does life favor retarded faggots :feelscry::feelscry::feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsrope::feelsrope:
And I literally have to rope at the end of this month because I can´t get anymore money the injustice of this world knows no boundaries..
stream it tbh
Guys talking about having a girlfriend doesn't invoke a shred of jealousy from me at this point, but reading posts from NEETs collecting neetbux does.
Damn.. I've been fighting to get ssi for Years, but my chances aren't good
And I have a disability! Which is so tormenting that I will end my life soon but still I can´t get money for that.

I hear that. I work for myself with fibro and arthritis. Every moment I'm in pain. I have medical but it doesn't pay bills. So on one side I have normies with great careers nsji g great money and on the other side NEETS getting a bunch of free money.

Meanwhile I want to go back to school to get a cert. But after stalking Indeed I see people who can't get shit jobs with degrees. Employers market now. They want degrees and experience. Or you don't get the job. You don't a chance.

Wtf am I supposed to do? I mean I want some nice stuff.

And stop bragging. I'm happy for you guys. But your shit reeks of bragging. Like you're better.
how do you get neetbux
Nice bruh...warms my heart seeing an incel being compensated for being dealt a terrible hand at the fucked up game that is contemporary society. Drain those taxpayers for the sole reason of living a way better life than you. I need to apply for some aspergersbux myself...it's only fair
Nice bruh...warms my heart seeing an incel being compensated for being dealt a terrible hand at the fucked up game that is contemporary society. Drain those taxpayers for the sole reason of living a way better life than you. I need to apply for some aspergersbux myself...it's only fair

There's no guarantee. They can vanish. Not everyone who pays taxes is living the life either. Everyone who works pays taxes. Shit wages and high salary. And the rich get deduction after deduction so wtf are you talking about?
It's a very long and complex process. Most are denied. And thanks to GOP cuts you're going to see more and more get denied.
For most people it is.
I got approved within a week, and my check came in three days later.
But normally it takes a year+, I got insanely lucky.
This is why I see UBI as necessary. Automation will change everything in our society. And the job market us terrible right now. Automation will make it 500x worse. Because unlike every technological shift before it there won't be as many jobs to replace it. That's it. You'll see a new gen of blue collar tasked with maintaining robitics but there won't be as many.

UBI will guarantee nobody loses shelter, can eat, and function. The only alt is a dystopian nightmare.
The neet lifestyle is underrated by normies,
The only alt is a dystopian nightmare.
No, there's is an alternative.
A militaristic society where the people are the military. Service is mandatory, and your rights depend on how long you served. Voting only comes after a few years, property ownership a few more, etc. Everyone is given high education and when they finish they're given help getting jobs with a safety net in case they cannot.
Very nice, I'm definitely jelly.

I got denied pretty quickly because they want me to stay in scholl so whatever. If I ever fail out or become homeless they said they'll reconsider it.
For most people it is.
I got approved within a week, and my check came in three days later.
But normally it takes a year+, I got insanely lucky.

Very lucky. I hope it works out for you. Not sure where you live but to sustain a meager existence in the US you need a certain income coming in. The problem is there are fewer jobs and most of the jobs being given are shit jobs. Meaning they have won't even sustain a studio apt.

I wish you luck. It's a scary time to right now. I legit don't know what to do with my life. Indeed forums have really woken me up.
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For most people it is.
I got approved within a week, and my check came in three days later.
But normally it takes a year+, I got insanely lucky.
luck is an understatement, my mother took over 2 years to get on the bux and she has a legit disability. like a physical one that makes it hard for her to move
Very lucky. I hope it works out for you. Not sure where you live but to sustain a meager existence in the US you need a certain income coming in. The problem is there are fewer jobs and most of the jobs being given are shit jobs. Meaning they have won't even sustain a studio apt.

I wish you luck. It's a scary time to right now. I legit don't know what to do with my life. Indeed forums have really women me up.

Freudian slip... :feelswhere:
No, there's is an alternative.
A militaristic society where the people are the military. Service is mandatory, and your rights depend on how long you served. Voting only comes after a few years, property ownership a few more, etc. Everyone is given high education and when they finish they're given help getting jobs with a safety net in case they cannot.

I see UBI as the only viable alt. The military industrial complex can suck my dick.
Freudian slip... :feelswhere:
Lol. Thank you. Corrected.
Very lucky. I hope it works out for you. Not sure where you live but to sustain a meager existence in the US you need a certain income coming in. The problem is there are fewer jobs and most of the jobs being given are shit jobs. Meaning they have won't even sustain a studio apt.

I wish you luck. It's a scary time to right now. I legit don't know what to do with my life. Indeed forums have really women me up.

The absolute state of america and australia right now.

Yeah the economy is way too over saturated with degrees. Not even the trades will be safe because of college kids who cant find a job are going after them as well.

I hope the student loan bubble pop when we finally acknowledge there just isnt enough jobs in their field for everyone.
Life is unfair, while you guys are living like kings while i have to careermaxx and wagekek for the rest of my life to barely live like a normal human being :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Life is unfair, while you guys are living like kings while i have to careermaxx and wagekek for the rest of my life to barely live like a normal human being
It's over for normiecels
Not everyone who pays taxes is living the life either. Everyone who works pays taxes.
well yeah...was being facetious as I realized this within seconds of formulating my comment but still went ahead and posted anyway :feelsautistic:. I'll be forced to wagecuck pretty soon myself and my life isn't worth a single fuck :lul:
The absolute state of america and australia right now.

Yeah the economy is way too over saturated with degrees. Not even the trades will be safe because of college kids who cant find a job are going after them as well.

I hope the student loan bubble pop when we finally acknowledge there just isnt enough jobs in their field for everyone.

Yes sir. I'm a college dropout. Hated it. Went to state and community college. Hated the bs courses and the tenured professors and most other students. Those same students who were lucky enough to get good jobs before 2008 really think they're hot shit. I see them in their luxury cars or their stupid babies and wanna pop them. They're so much better cuz they have a degree and I don't. I hope they get laid off continuously like I did.

Competition is fierce good point. I love Indeed because you see what's happening now. Ageism is real too. I'm 38 and it's happened to people my age. Some little stuck up foid ends up as gatekeeper to a shit job. She'll ask inane question after inane question and yes judge you by physical traits. It's happening. That's what I fear. All cuz she sucked the right dick to get into HR. And her stupid degree.

It's a joke. I hope the bubble pops soon too. But that aside what are we supposed to do? I don't want to end up working at fucking Walmart or BK. Yet it's exactly what happens to even degree holders. I mean wtf.
congrats but also fuck you i wish i could get neetbux
well yeah...was being facetious as I realized this within seconds of formulating my comment but still went ahead and posted anyway :feelsautistic:. I'll be forced to wagecuck pretty soon myself and my life isn't worth a single fuck :lul:
It sucks. It fucking sucks. I wanna go back to school but is it worth it? I mean some foid is going to decide whether you get the job or not right?

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