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I got a question what makes white features white features ?



Julias dracul romanov the 2 eyed abyss
May 20, 2019
I mean what makes colloquially termed whites features white features.

I mean the height thing is a non seq it has nothing to do with features per say as height is not linked with the Caucasoid race.Even western curries tend to be taller it's mainly epigenetics and tons of cheese.

The hunter eyes thing literally all races have as the eyes indicate the eyes of a hunter and growing up in the harsh jungles of africa or the harsh famines of south Asia you would need to adapt very quick to A to get food and b to make sure the prey doesn't get away so this isn't a race feature if anything if you don't have it it is a indicative of low t.

Forward growth ? literally all races have this though or has the potential for it so i mean what makes this feature a white feature if anything it's a universal feature.

Symmetry that is mainly a non racial feature.

Gonial angle legit that's down to your genetics not race so not a white feautre.

Your philtrum ratio ? that's again down to genetics and not race.

How far your jaw is projected that is down to your genetics and not race.

Wide mouth ? i mean again that's down to genes and not race.

So i am confused where in all of this where did all these features become white features ? i have yet to see reasons why

I'm 6 foot 1 my brother is 6 foot 1 most my cousins that live in the west are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 some paki areas within london are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 i have seen to many examples that it has convinced me
Caucasian non-African features
White skin (obviously); elongated skull; light eyes; thin nose, mouth and eyeline; angular chin.
I'm 6 foot 1 my brother is 6 foot 1 most my cousins that live in the west are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 some paki areas within london are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 i have seen to many examples that it has convinced me

White skin (obviously); elongated skull; light eyes; thin nose, mouth and eyeline; angular chin.

1 East asians tend to have Light skin.

Elongated skulls could i have examples.

Light eyes if literally all races exhabit this trait the frequency for different eye textures is higher in whites though but again it's not linked to race it's actually linked to melanin or the lack there off in the eye.

Nose okay fair enough but that's 1 feature and even then thinner doesn't necessarily mean better it's also about angle and shape.

Mouth width is down to genetics again and not nordid or caucasoid genetics either individual genetics.Shape is again down to indiviudal genetics so again not linked with Caucasoid trait's per say you can have this without being white so what makes it a Caucasoid feautre.

And angular chins i can site many asians with anglurity
Some AmRen article could explain it but I don’t like AmRen myself

What are his main arguments i haven't really found any arguments here convincing.
I mean what makes colloquially termed whites features white features.

I mean the height thing is a non seq it has nothing to do with features per say as height is not linked with the Caucasoid race.Even western curries tend to be taller it's mainly epigenetics and tons of cheese.

The hunter eyes thing literally all races have as the eyes indicate the eyes of a hunter and growing up in the harsh jungles of africa or the harsh famines of south Asia you would need to adapt very quick to A to get food and b to make sure the prey doesn't get away so this isn't a race feature if anything if you don't have it it is a indicative of low t.

Forward growth ? literally all races have this though or has the potential for it so i mean what makes this feature a white feature if anything it's a universal feature.

Symmetry that is mainly a non racial feature.

Gonial angle legit that's down to your genetics not race so not a white feautre.

Your philtrum ratio ? that's again down to genetics and not race.

How far your jaw is projected that is down to your genetics and not race.

Wide mouth ? i mean again that's down to genes and not race.

So i am confused where in all of this where did all these features become white features ? i have yet to see reasons why

Nothing. It's just certain people trying to monopolize features and associate them with a race.
Nothing. It's just certain people trying to monopolize features and associate them with a race.

These "white" features are found in every race yet apparently whitey is taking ownership of them (sound familiar?). A lot of whitecels cope through this idea that whites are pure godly beings who also happen to be victims. Which makes no sense because everyone here is ugly so why even care?
Watch this if you want to educate yourself on the genetic differences between races
I'd say nose ridge,brow ridge,obv stuff like eye/hair colour and and generally not great cheekbones
Watch this if you want to educate yourself on the genetic differences between races

Yeah accept a few things their the subjective traits that i have talked about recently and face confirmed this by saying within western appeal they are not the species progressive traits said again what makes these features species progressive or objectively attractive

For context as to what the distinction is between progressive and valuable traits
I'd say nose ridge,brow ridge,obv stuff like eye/hair colour and and generally not great cheekbones

What face has stated though seems to be valuable traits rather than any biological standard and we can't use biology to connect this for 3 reasons what is attractive has to fall into 3 categories biologically.

It has to help in survival reproduction and hunting all races exhibit this all races tend to have these common feautres that we can derive as objectively beautiful however a caucasian populace perferring narrower whiter feautres is a valuable trait their is a slight distinction
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There's basically no features like that.

Orthognathism, thin/moderate width nose and small teeth are usually the minimum traits to be considered Caucasoid but one can have these traits and genetically cluster with a African or East Asian population and one can have these traits and be Negroid/Mongoloid in every other aspect of the skull making them morphologically non-Caucasoid.
White people belong to caucasoid race, so obviously they would be different from Mongoloids(East Asians and southeast Asians) and Negroids(Black).

Now, caucasoid race consists of white(Europeans), Arabs, West Asians, North Africans and South Asians, so what make white people different from other caucasoids apart from pigmentation of skin, eyes and hair? Compared to other caucasoids, White people have thinner lips, smaller eyes, narrower nose and different skull size.
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1 East asians tend to have Light skin.
its a different type of "white" if that makes sense

white white skin has a pinkish undertone
Each race has their own stereotypical physical trait which occurs commonly within the group, black's have wide noses and big lips, asians have neotenous features, such as the inability to grow facial hair, and arabs are known for having patchy beards. From what I can tell however, whites don't really have this, and tend to be a mix of everything, sometimes they have wide noses and big lips like black's, sometimes they have curly hair, and sometimes they have patchy beards.

In the end though, I don't think that you can really put every single white person under one umbrella, simply due to how diverse they can be in terms of their racial cultures, which each have their own traits and stereotypes (irish, english, russian, swedish, etc).

Watch this if you want to educate yourself on the genetic differences between races

Good video tbh, apart from him referring to blacks as "negroids"
its a different type of "white" if that makes sense

white white skin has a pinkish undertone

Yes but the hue is similar enough it fools most people especially in Asia
There are features that only whites have, and their are features that whites have more often or in a more extreme way.

Features only whites have:
-Green/blue eyes
-huge variety of hair colors and textures (curly, wavy, straight, red, blonde, brown)

Features whites have more than other races
-strong forward projection
-thick facial hair
-thin, projecting noses
-long and square faces (not all whites have this, but many do)
-double eyelids (all whites have this but many asians do not)
-large chin
-smooth, light colored skin
-height (most white countries have an average height of 5 foot 9 inches to 6 feet)
-large frame
-wide jaw

The list could go on, but you get the point. White features are more favored by men and women. Whenever you see someone who is considered very attractive, like a celebrity, they are almost always white or indo-european, or have substantial white admixture. I cannot think of a single celebrity (in the west) that is considered attractive that is 100% black or chinese or native american or thai.

Whites have favorable features way more than other races. Of course, you can find people that are attractive all over the world, but whites are most commonly found attractive, and when there is someone found attractive elsewhere, they have “white features”, or features that are exclusively or predominantly found in genetic Europeans.
The hunter eyes
Forward growth ?
Gonial angle legit that's down to your genetics not race so not a white feautre.
Your philtrum ratio ?
How far your jaw is projected
Wide mouth ?
Any race can have these but the sum of probabilities of having all or nearly all is highest in Caucs, and in MOST cases so to is the probability of each one.
Hence it's more the case that having MANY of these at same time is what we really mean when we say Cauc features, but to some extent so to is each of them.
White people belong to caucasoid race, so obviously they would be different from Mongoloids(East Asians and southeast Asians) and Negroids(Black).

Now, caucasoid race consists of white(Europeans), Arabs, West Asians, North Africans and South Asians, so what make white people different from other caucasoids apart from pigmentation of skin, eyes and hair? Compared to other caucasoids, White people have thinner lips, smaller eyes, narrower nose and different skull size.

Caucasoid is a blank statement it includes every indo european into 1 branch know if you wanna use the argument that they all look similar. 1 counter would be their visage is different you can phyically see it. A nordid does not look phyically similar to an anglo. and 2 i mean i could use the same argument to lead it back to the idea we all are similar to negroids we all look genetically similar the only differences we can observe is slight gene mutations ever so slight.

<<It's not even the length of the skulls either that is mainly down to t in the womb those with larger amount will have larger skulls.

Now, caucasoid race consists of white(Europeans), Arabs, West Asians, North Africans and South Asians, so what make white people different from other caucasoids apart from pigmentation of skin, eyes and hair? Compared to other caucasoids, White people have thinner lips, smaller eyes, narrower nose and different skull size.<<

I'm guessing you mean the nordid types right my response would be the facial averages are purposely made to be over generalizations they are not always accurate this leads to the possibility it's mainly epigenetic factors.

But even if you were right how are these traits species proggresive traits
Any race can have these but the sum of probabilities of having all or nearly all is highest in Caucs, and in MOST cases so to is the probability of each one.
Hence it's more the case that having MANY of these at same time is what we really mean when we say Cauc features, but to some extent so to is each of them.

A depends on that persons genes and what their upbringing was like also that's not actually villagers of any tribe tend to have very good forward growth i don't play it on genes but rather epigenetic factors these actually i would argue occur more in africans and south asians and many 3rd world nations basically any place that lives a traditional life style
Caucasoid is a blank statement it includes every indo european into 1 branch know if you wanna use the argument that they all look similar. 1 counter would be their visage is different you can phyically see it. A nordid does not look phyically similar to an anglo. and 2 i mean i could use the same argument to lead it back to the idea we all are similar to negroids we all look genetically similar the only differences we can observe is slight gene mutations ever so slight.

<<It's not even the length of the skulls either that is mainly down to t in the womb those with larger amount will have larger skulls.

Now, caucasoid race consists of white(Europeans), Arabs, West Asians, North Africans and South Asians, so what make white people different from other caucasoids apart from pigmentation of skin, eyes and hair? Compared to other caucasoids, White people have thinner lips, smaller eyes, narrower nose and different skull size.<<

I'm guessing you mean the nordid types right my response would be the facial averages are purposely made to be over generalizations they are not always accurate this leads to the possibility it's mainly epigenetic factors.

But even if you were right how are these traits species proggresive traits

A depends on that persons genes and what their upbringing was like also that's not actually villagers of any tribe tend to have very good forward growth i don't play it on genes but rather epigenetic factors these actually i would argue occur more in africans and south asians and many 3rd world nations basically any place that lives a traditional life style
Caucasoid has sub branches too.

Indid, Brachid, Melanid etc for South Asians

Iranid, Orientalid, East Med etc Arabs, West Asians and North Africans.

Med, Atlantid, Dinarid etc for South and Southeast Europeans.

Nordids, Atlantid, Alpinid, Borreby for Germanic people.

Baltid, Alpinid for Balts and Slavs.
Caucasoid has sub branches too.

Indid, Brachid, Melanid etc for South Asians

Iranid, Orientalid, East Med etc Arabs, West Asians and North Africans.

Med, Atlantid, Dinarid etc for South and Southeast Europeans.

Nordids, Atlantid, Alpinid, Borreby for Germanic people.

Baltid, Alpinid for Balts and Slavs.

I don't like the caucasoid it usually tends to be a slight bait and switch to switch from caucasoid to european
switch from caucasoid to european
Nope, caucasoid is better. You seem to be white worshipper. Caucasoid people are living in, North Africa, West Asia and South Asia far more longer time than in Europe, so why do we start to call every non white caucasoid race European too?
I'm 6 foot 1 my brother is 6 foot 1 most my cousins that live in the west are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 some paki areas within london are atleast 6 foot to 6 foot 1 i have seen to many examples that it has convinced me
Holy shit curry aryan God.
Nope, caucasoid is better. You seem to be white worshipper. Caucasoid people are living in, North Africa, West Asia and South Asia far more longer time than in Europe, so why do we start to call every non white caucasoid race European too?

I don't think any race is better we are all equally good in our own terms i just want to know what makes good features white feautres
i just want to know what makes good features white feautres
Because of their pigmentation. They have light skin, various colored eyes and hair which are uncommon among non Europeans. We, humans, like features that are not common especially light ones. Besides, the world is culturally dominated by the west so we follow and idealize Eurocentric beauty. These are the reasons why whites are considered beautiful.
Because of their pigmentation. They have light skin, various colored eyes and hair which are uncommon among non Europeans. We, humans, like features that are not common especially light ones. Besides, the world is culturally dominated by the west so we follow and idealize Eurocentric beauty. These are the reasons why whites are considered beautiful.

We agree their culturally attractive but what makes species progressive traits white traits
Because of their pigmentation. They have light skin, various colored eyes and hair which are uncommon among non Europeans. We, humans, like features that are not common especially light ones. Besides, the world is culturally dominated by the west so we follow and idealize Eurocentric beauty. These are the reasons why whites are considered beautiful.


What the hell do you think race is determined by?

Epigenetic variations across regions and a few gene mutations that's it your philtrum ratio is down to what a your father looked like or b your t levels in the womb
Epigenetic variations across regions and a few gene mutations that's it your philtrum ratio is down to what a your father looked like or b your t levels in the womb

No. You don't understand genetics or epigenetics.

Race is a word we use to loosely describe "sub-species", which itself is something of a vague term. Race, sub-species, and species, are all terms we used to try and denote the level of "speciation" an organism or population of organisms have from one another - that is the amount of genetic "distance" from a common ancestor.

Our classification for species generally means anything that is able to reproduce and produce non-sterile offspring. However there are plenty of animals we consider different that are capable of breeding and producing viable offspring, e.g. brown bears and polar bears. Completely different habitats and evolved behaviors, you wouldn't consider their difference "fur deep".

Human beings are the same - we are all closely enough genetically speaking to be reproductively viable, but that doesn't mean there is no genetic difference. Its possible to plot out out genetically close or distant "races" of humans are to each other, and it plays out as you would expect because of allopatric speciation - geographical separation being the driving force for animals evolving divergent to each other. Europeans are all so closely related there isn't much noticeable separation. African populations show a clear distance from European ones. Aboriginal populations show an EXTREME distance from both European and African populations.

Epigenetics is just another layer of genetic complexity, starting from geneotype, to intron/exon splicing, RNA modulation, and so on. Its all ultimately genetic.

The closer an ethnic's face is to this mask the whiter they'd look
Cope this is an universal sign of attractiveness
Cope this mask appears more on whites than on ethnics
Even just the wideness of the nostrils alone eliminates majority of ethnics from this mask

Should've added this one
No. You don't understand genetics or epigenetics.

Race is a word we use to loosely describe "sub-species", which itself is something of a vague term. Race, sub-species, and species, are all terms we used to try and denote the level of "speciation" an organism or population of organisms have from one another - that is the amount of genetic "distance" from a common ancestor.

Our classification for species generally means anything that is able to reproduce and produce non-sterile offspring. However there are plenty of animals we consider different that are capable of breeding and producing viable offspring, e.g. brown bears and polar bears. Completely different habitats and evolved behaviors, you wouldn't consider their difference "fur deep".

Human beings are the same - we are all closely enough genetically speaking to be reproductively viable, but that doesn't mean there is no genetic difference. Its possible to plot out out genetically close or distant "races" of humans are to each other, and it plays out as you would expect because of allopatric speciation - geographical separation being the driving force for animals evolving divergent to each other. Europeans are all so closely related there isn't much noticeable separation. African populations show a clear distance from European ones. Aboriginal populations show an EXTREME distance from both European and African populations.

Epigenetics is just another layer of genetic complexity, starting from geneotype, to intron/exon splicing, RNA modulation, and so on. Its all ultimately genetic.

That doesn't disagree with what I said though the differences between races is subtle Epigenetics and genetics it's usually a factor of epigenetic over generations like diet the lifestyle they live that give rise to the common perception of race today however I still tend to think we are all homo sapiens we are all homo sapiens as far as I am aware.

And I am cautious to use the term species that kind of makes it sound like a black person in a another type of human

Those are vast over simplifications
Cope this mask appears more on whites than on ethnics
Even just the wideness of the nostrils alone eliminates majority of ethnics from this mask
View attachment 187594
Should've added this one

Keep coping that mask represents symmetry that appears in all races do you have any argument saying the white race is more symmetrical I would love to hear it

Study what facial averages are they collect the average of a couple of faces and then make the face you see up above they don't look anywhere near as the 2 above
Study what facial averages are they collect the average of a couple of faces and then make the face you see up above they don't look anywhere near as the 2 above
yes but who do you think is the more attractive one? the tronder or the japanese
i will let u cope

I actually do primarily cause I tend to perfer kinder looking faces.

Also this isn't about what I think that's not how beauty I am describing works the beauty that I am describing literally any race can have
Also this isn't about what I think that's not how beauty I am describing works the beauty that I am describing literally any race can have
Keep coping that mask represents symmetry that appears in all races do you have any argument saying the white race is more symmetrical I would love to hear it
It's not just about symmetry
There's a reason white, white looking or closer to white models/people are used in media/entertainment
Look at any ethnic pop culture/entertainment
How far away are their actors and actresses faces from their country's average face on the street
Look how closer they get to the white ideal
It's not just about symmetry
There's a reason white, white looking or closer to white models/people are used in media/entertainment
Look at any ethnic pop culture/entertainment
How far away are their actors and actresses faces from their country's average face on the street
Look how closer they get to the white ideal

Let me stop you right their the mask is literally called the golden ratio you moron it's about symmetry.

Also love the subtle evocation fallacy you make when you try and claim their very different from their distinct populations to them being similar to whites incorrect.

Models of India all typically have long forward grown Indian faces same with South asians to eqivocate white face to forward growth is an equivocation fallacy.

But I will throw this example back at you why does the average super models in Holly Wood look so different from populations?

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