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It's Over I got a call from my dad yesterday



"When I look in the mirror, I throw up."
Oct 6, 2020
He asked what I was doing, I said "nothing." He talked to me about graduating high school in a few months, I said "maybe," I'm failing some classes, so I might not.

His wife was on the phone for the begining. He asked if I had any plans for the future and I said no. He asked if I had a girlfriend and I said no. He said girls like guys with ambition so I shouldn't be doing nothing. He listed some jobs, I said I don't want to do any of those.

The problem is: he doesn't see me being an incel to be a problem at this point. He is bluepilled as fuck and says most guys my age aren't getting pussy (he had a wife and two kids when he was my age.) He thinks women want men with goals. This is bullshit.

Throughout my time in school, I've seen so many of these slacker, "loser" kids with girlfriends. Girls don't give a fuck. He thinks girls like men in uniforms and bullshit like that. He told me in the next few years I'll be getting girls. "When I'm older things will be different.":feelskek: I'm laughing and crying so much inside.

I said I couldn't find a job and he was surprised. I only had a few interviews and bever heard back even though I've applied for many jobs.

He asked me to call him again in the morning, I didn't. I thought about it in the afternoon, still didn't. I feel bad but what difference does talking on the phone make? What difference does a father make? None of the niggers I see have these problems. Nothing can fix this. I'm probably the first son to say he'll call his dad and not do it. I always see it the other way around.
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He asked what I was doing, I said "nothing." He talked to me about graduating high school in a few months, I said "maybe," I'm failing some classes, so I might not.

His wife was on the phone for the begining. He asked if I had any plans for the future and I said no. He asked if I had a girlfriend and I said no. He said girls like guys with ambition so I shouldn't be doing nothing. He listed some jobs, I said I don't want to do any of those.

The problem is: he doesn't see me being an incel to be a problem at this point. He is bluepilled as fuck and says most guys my age aren't getting pussy (he had a wife and two kids when he was my age.) He thinks women want men with goals. This is bullshit.

Throughout my time in school, I've seen so many of these slacker, "loser" kids with girlfriends. Girls don't give a fuck. He thinks girls like men in uniforms and bullshit like that. He told me in the next few years I'll be getting girls. "When I'm older things will be different.":feelskek: I'm laughing and crying so much inside.

I said I couldn't find a job and he was surprised. I only had a few interviews and bever heard back even though I've applied for many jobs.

He asked me to call him again in the morning, I didn't. I thought about it in the afternoon, still didn't. I feel bad but what difference does talking on the phone make? What difference does a father make? None of the niggers I see have these problems. Nothing can fix this. I'm probably the first son to say he'll call his dad and not do it. I always see it the other way around.
tell me about your situation cuzyou said "None of the niggers I see have these problems."
i can kinda relate
my parents had expecations even though i was clearly retarded
Why cant you ask youre dad to borrow his wife:cool:
tell me about your situation cuzyou said "None of the niggers I see have these problems."
Most of them I see have friends, girlfriends, and something they want in life.
i can kinda relate
my parents had expecations even though i was clearly retarded
I don't think he'll be disappointed in me if my life stays shit. I think he feels like alot of this was his fault for not being there.
Blackpill him on this generation of females.
Most of them I see have friends, girlfriends, and something they want in life.

I don't think he'll be disappointed in me if my life stays shit. I think he feels like alot of this was his fault for not being there.
Does ur dad mog u
Standard Gen X/boomer mindset.
Find a reason other than pussy to want to achieve. How are you going to geomax without money?
Your father is super blupilled that its funny. At least you have a father that cares about you
Why cant you ask youre dad to borrow his wife:cool:
Dude I highly suggest you at least graduate highschool before you decide to do absolutely nothing
Nigga thats the same thing
He's good looking enough that he doesn't have to. He had young women interested in him but rejected them because they were too young. He chooses to betabux women his own age even though he doesn't have to.
He's good looking enough that he doesn't have to. He had young women interested in him but rejected them because they were too young. He chooses to betabux women his own age even though he doesn't have to.
How talls ur dad
He thinks women want men with goals. This is bullshit.

Throughout my time in school, I've seen so many of these slacker, "loser" kids with girlfriends. Girls don't give a fuck. He thinks girls like men in uniforms and bullshit like that. He told me in the next few years I'll be getting girls. "When I'm older things will be different.":feelskek: I'm laughing and crying so much inside.

Exactly. If you don't have girls basically harassing you for your cock in high school, it's already over. It means you're only good for betabuxx and who wants that when we know there's no attraction and the laws are such that she can leave/divorce whenever she wants?

There's just no point. I may not be your father, but my advice is either remain where you are and NEETbuxx if you can, or failing that, save up and geomaxx. There's literally no point staying in the West and trying when the best you can possibly hope for after putting in ridiculous amounts of work "improving yourself" is a used up roastie that will financially rape you within the decade you marry her anyway.
Like 5'7-5'8

My dad is also 5'8" and completely delusional, but apparently he's talked to people and learned stuff about the blackpill because his attitude changed at some point.

Same thing might eventually happen to your dad, but it's unlikely unless his work is such that he talks to many random everyday people 1 on 1.
My dad is also 5'8" and completely delusional, but apparently he's talked to people and learned stuff about the blackpill because his attitude changed at some point.

Same thing might eventually happen to your dad, but it's unlikely unless his work is such that he talks to many random everyday people 1 on 1.
He's like a forest ranger or something. He was a cop and in the military.
He's good looking enough that he doesn't have to. He had young women interested in him but rejected them because they were too young. He chooses to betabux women his own age even though he doesn't have to.
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Failed Chad
Find a reason other than pussy to want to achieve. How are you going to geomax without money?

Truly this. Let geomaxx be your motivation to make money. Actually, strive for a remote job as well if you can, but don't push yourself any harder than the bare minimum to get what you want. There's just no point.

Find a warm, cheap, and pleasant (i.e. non-feminist and/or white-worshipping) country to leave to. Every incel should at least attempt this as a second last resort at the very least (the last resort being suicide).
If your dad can use his connections to get you a job then he's a good dad.
Sounds like your dad wants to help you turn your life around and you jerking off on that one.

Why not graduate.
being incel is one thing but your aim is being a homeless incel
Niggers live life on tutorial mode.
They're up there with foids on the privilege Everest.

everyone else on this site to too scared to admit this though
your dad is such a blue piller i bet he's a closet cuckold tried and true:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::kys::kys::kys::kys::kys::kys:
tell me about your situation cuzyou said "None of the niggers I see have these problems."
i can kinda relate
my parents had expecations even though i was clearly retarded

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