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I genuinely think women aren't human.



Jul 31, 2019
They seem like half men (which the romans believed too), failed men, basically half human. The other half? I'm not sure. Is there even another half? Maybe they're just half baked men so half able to feel human emotions like empathy, connection, brotherly love, etc, so all they feel instead is impulses (I want to fuck Chad right now. I want to at a cheeseburger. Omg I'm so pretty look at me I want to admire myself).

They are fucking VICIOUS. If you've never had sister's or seen what they're like in private they are fucking sadistic. They laugh at people's misery and mock people for things out of their control like being poor. Im not kidding. I know users will think I'm exagerating but I have a sister and she had several friends and they were honest with me about everything and oh my goodness they are absolutely vile and vicious, just pure meanhearted they are the most vicious bullies behind closed doors . I think most of them if not literally all are incapable of love or other companionship.

The more I hear about what foids do and talk about (as in actually do and say in private, not the facade they put up) the more I suspect they aren't really human.

Im grateful for this blackpill experience. With all the shit I've seen and heard I will NEVER trust a woman with anything. Not my feelings, secrets, money. I will never be able to love one. They're pure fucking evil, mark my words. Only and I mean only a select few men on this planet can be trusted. But it will NEVER be a woman.
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This is why they don't deserve rights. Its meaningless to give humans rights to organisms that aren't even fully human.
I agree, it's all about how far they mask on their true intentions and thoughts to keep their "oppressed" reputation in normie society. Some of them are good looking outside, but inside...
This is why they don't deserve rights. Its meaningless to give humans rights to organisms that aren't even fully human.
I personally witnessed shit like this too. I can never understand how they can be so mean behind each others back but next they appear like the best of friends on social media.
I feel so disgusted with them when I'm not sexually aroused
This is why they don't deserve rights. Its meaningless to give humans rights to organisms that aren't even fully human.
Giving a bunch of fuckmeats "rights" was the gravest mistake mankind had wrought on itself.
For centuries they been taught they cant be guilty of anything, they cant be bad, they cant be at fault, they were spoiled, they were celebrated for existing, off course that made the modern women be obnoxious shallow bitches they are, since i got blackpilled i cant see the woman with the same eyes
Whatever virtue you value, think about whether it would be beneficial to women during caveman times. And you get your answer.
Whenever you read sci fi and its describing humanity through the lens of aliens, its describing Male qualities. Think about that. Men are humanity, not women.
For centuries they been taught they cant be guilty of anything, they cant be bad, they cant be at fault, they were spoiled, they were celebrated for existing, off course that made the modern women be obnoxious shallow bitches they are
Holy megamind IQ
They aren’t. But men as a whole turned cucked and decided to given women rights. Biggest mistake.
Anybody who thinks otherwise is literal trash. Even basic biology confirms this, I was slightly underdeveloped physically, basically to say, I refused to load. Women are exactly like this! Every one of us was BORN female, but we finished our "loading" as it were
Anybody who thinks otherwise is literal trash. Even basic biology confirms this, I was slightly underdeveloped physically, basically to say, I refused to load. Women are exactly like this! Every one of us was BORN female, but we finished our "loading" as it were
strong first post
They seem like half men (which the romans believed too), failed men, basically half human. The other half? I'm not sure. Is there even another half? Maybe they're just half baked men so half able to feel human emotions like empathy, connection, brotherly love, etc, so all they feel instead is impulses (I want to fuck Chad right now. I want to at a cheeseburger. Omg I'm so pretty look at me I want to admire myself).

They are fucking VICIOUS. If you've never had sister's or seen what they're like in private they are fucking sadistic. They laugh at people's misery and mock people for things out of their control like being poor. Im not kidding. I know users will think I'm exagerating but I have a sister and she had several friends and they were honest with me about everything and oh my goodness they are absolutely vile and vicious, just pure meanhearted they are the most vicious bullies behind closed doors . I think most of them if not literally all are incapable of love or other companionship.

The more I hear about what foids do and talk about (as in actually do and say in private, not the facade they put up) the more I suspect they aren't really human.

Im grateful for this blackpill experience. With all the shit I've seen and heard I will NEVER trust a woman with anything. Not my feelings, secrets, money. I will never be able to love one. They're pure fucking evil, mark my words. Only and I mean only a select few men on this planet can be trusted. But it will NEVER be a woman.
I have to admit I think alike most of the time. The more i see, the less human they appear to be.
Is like the only reason for them to be there is just breed. Any other aspect is fucked up.
For centuries they been taught they cant be guilty of anything, they cant be bad, they cant be at fault, they were spoiled, they were celebrated for existing, off course that made the modern women be obnoxious shallow bitches they are, since i got blackpilled i cant see the woman with the same eyes
based. Can you believe they are celebrated just for existing?? like what the fuck man, what could you spect from such spoiled litle girls?
They don't have the same burden men do, where when we do the wrong thing, we feel bad. Not because other people have reached consensus that it's bad either, not due to external pressure, but internal, our own silent standard. Women don't have that, they can only turn outward -- someone made me do this bad thing, or I had a good reason etc.
No male orgasm nor oxytocin, endorphin, dopamine spikes by the presence of women, no female value
They seem like half men (which the romans believed too), failed men, basically half human. The other half? I'm not sure. Is there even another half? Maybe they're just half baked men so half able to feel human emotions like empathy, connection, brotherly love, etc, so all they feel instead is impulses (I want to fuck Chad right now. I want to at a cheeseburger. Omg I'm so pretty look at me I want to admire myself).

They are fucking VICIOUS. If you've never had sister's or seen what they're like in private they are fucking sadistic. They laugh at people's misery and mock people for things out of their control like being poor. Im not kidding. I know users will think I'm exagerating but I have a sister and she had several friends and they were honest with me about everything and oh my goodness they are absolutely vile and vicious, just pure meanhearted they are the most vicious bullies behind closed doors . I think most of them if not literally all are incapable of love or other companionship.

The more I hear about what foids do and talk about (as in actually do and say in private, not the facade they put up) the more I suspect they aren't really human.

Im grateful for this blackpill experience. With all the shit I've seen and heard I will NEVER trust a woman with anything. Not my feelings, secrets, money. I will never be able to love one. They're pure fucking evil, mark my words. Only and I mean only a select few men on this planet can be trusted. But it will NEVER be a woman.
if males were just as valuable to society as women are then believe me when i say they would all act the exact same way.Foids are disgusting but so are normies/chads and half of incels co.
Although they may be biologically human they sure don’t act like it. They are just as retarded as animals if not more and they also lack basic compassion towards others. They bully people maliciously and they kick people who are already down. They should not have human rights at all. They shouldn’t even have animal rights tbh. They should just be treated as dirt.
Women need to be Modified to be subservient to men. We need to create a slave species out of foids.
Anybody who thinks otherwise is literal trash. Even basic biology confirms this, I was slightly underdeveloped physically, basically to say, I refused to load. Women are exactly like this! Every one of us was BORN female, but we finished our "loading" as it were
Tesla IQ
if males were just as valuable to society as women are then believe me when i say they would all act the exact same way.Foids are disgusting but so are normies/chads and half of incels co.
I know.
Anybody who thinks otherwise is literal trash. Even basic biology confirms this, I was slightly underdeveloped physically, basically to say, I refused to load. Women are exactly like this! Every one of us was BORN female, but we finished our "loading" as it were
My point exactly.
I don’t know how this half-dead corpse of a society even functions. The foid parasites are all over. About 99% of foids don’t deserve to live yetalone basic rights. A (male) human should feel more guilt killing an innocent animal rather than a foid.

Imo foids should be kept in cages in dark as shit cellars, basically as living cattle. They should probably have their tongue removed or mouths sew shut so they cannot communicate in any way. Only to be used for birth until we find a way to remove their horrid biologic source. In this imaginary world there wouldn’t be incels and chads. Things would even out lookwise and intelligence wise because everyone would have access to breeding. This is the future.
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Imagine believing in what women say, and not watching what they do to get the truth.

A world of lies.

What gets me about foids is how they blatantly lie about reality:

-"looks dont' matter sweetie"

-"It just so happens..."

..and on and on down the list.
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while I'll say a lot of women these days have been affected by social media and shit like that I think that just generalizing half the human race based on some bad experiences is probably too far.
But I don't know what you've gone through to come to this conclusion and I can't pretend like I understand but I hope you really think it through, <3

My IT landwhale detector is going off the charts
They seem like half men (which the romans believed too), failed men, basically half human. The other half? I'm not sure. Is there even another half? Maybe they're just half baked men so half able to feel human emotions like empathy, connection, brotherly love, etc, so all they feel instead is impulses (I want to fuck Chad right now. I want to at a cheeseburger. Omg I'm so pretty look at me I want to admire myself).

They are fucking VICIOUS. If you've never had sister's or seen what they're like in private they are fucking sadistic. They laugh at people's misery and mock people for things out of their control like being poor. Im not kidding. I know users will think I'm exagerating but I have a sister and she had several friends and they were honest with me about everything and oh my goodness they are absolutely vile and vicious, just pure meanhearted they are the most vicious bullies behind closed doors . I think most of them if not literally all are incapable of love or other companionship.

The more I hear about what foids do and talk about (as in actually do and say in private, not the facade they put up) the more I suspect they aren't really human.

Im grateful for this blackpill experience. With all the shit I've seen and heard I will NEVER trust a woman with anything. Not my feelings, secrets, money. I will never be able to love one. They're pure fucking evil, mark my words. Only and I mean only a select few men on this planet can be trusted. But it will NEVER be a woman.

honestly bro I know exactly what you’re talking about. Pure realitypill
My IT landwhale detector is going off the charts
Same this is obviously a fakecel or landwhale in disguise. :feelsbaton::feelsbaton::feelsbaton:
while I'll say a lot of women these days have been affected by social media and shit like that I think that just generalizing half the human race based on some bad experiences is probably too far.
But I don't know what you've gone through to come to this conclusion and I can't pretend like I understand but I hope you really think it through, <3

Mods, you got work to do.
I share ur opinion

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