They really are mentally weak faggots and traitors to the common good of men everywhere. In fairness many of them were brainwashed with bluepill ideology from the day they were born. Men in America are even circumcised at birth to emasculate us even more. This country hates its men and does everything it can to keep us down and to help women at our cumulative expense. Women don't see it that way (of course they don't), but that's what I've experienced my whole life and we have a lot of data to back up that claim.
The real reason you have to have gender roles and limit women's choices somewhat is because if you don't you get precisely what we have now -- they vote wrong and longform wreck society and they ruin every space they touch (the internet, D&D, the corporate HR'ification, you name it.
Men are weak and divided and most don't even know how they're being royally screwed (or if they do they aren't allowed to say lest they be fired/have their reputations obliterated and lose friends and family). But our government and the ruling body keeps things that way on purpose and we've reached the point where the news/social media/anything mainstream just actively lies to people. In fact I have to wonder just how long regular people have been lied. WW2? Sooner? I wish I could've been born in the 70s or 80s, something like that -- before the internet and social media and feminism and corruption wrecked things as bad as they are now.
Really I just wish I had some kind of institutional power to affect real change and to get what we know out there to the broader public, but there's basically nothing I can do. Honestly why even live if this is life? I work my life away for scraps, not even able to own my own home, and I have no hope for the future despite identifying a ton of issues with how things have broken in my own society. If people actually knew what I think I'd be disowned and become even more lonely than I am now. Shit's so fucked lads