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Venting I fucking hate how other people treat thier parents

Cerebral hypoxia

Cerebral hypoxia

I think of the rope every waking moment
Jun 20, 2018
So many people I know have moved away from thier parents and only talk to them on Christmas, if that. They live completely separate lives, many of them even hate thier parents. Certainly they aren't going to take care of them when they're old, nursery home but oftentimes not even that. They have to take care of themselves with thier retirement savings

Literally what is the fucking point of having kids if they're just going to fucking leave. Fuck that shit
Just LOL at the extremely low IQ decision of ruining your youth and adulthood and enslaving yourself just so you have someone to take care of you when you are old.

Sacrificing most of your life so you can die a slighly better death.
meh. I guess you never lived alone.
once you tasted freedom there is simply no way to return home.
I'd rather be homeless than moving back home tbh tbh
Just LOL at the extremely low IQ decision of ruining your youth and adulthood and enslaving yourself just so you have someone to take care of you when you are old.

Sacrificing most of your life so you can die a slighly better death.

You make children because you can afford to offer them a good life in the future, not because you want them to be your future providers. Children must be the result of self-giving, not selfishness.

This difference of mentality is one of the reason of gaps between civilisations. Why do we often see siblings of dozen in the poorest countries, siblings who get to share less and less, while we see more and more only child in first world countries ? Difference of mentality, difference of outcome.
Just LOL at the extremely low IQ decision of ruining your youth and adulthood and enslaving yourself just so you have someone to take care of you when you are old.

Sacrificing most of your life so you can die a slighly better death.

Kek JFL @ western (((families))), this shit is what they actually deserve.

Good that still people in curryland and riceland (except japan) love and respect their parents like gods and at least try to take care of them when they are old. Although this tradition is gradually dying because of the recent import of western (((values))) like femisim, liberalism and degeneracy.

If you can't take care of your old parents and relatives just fucking neck yourself. You have no right to live.
If you can't take care of your old parents and relatives just fucking neck yourself. You have no right to live.

Why? You didn't ask to be born. you don't owe anyone anything. If your parents expect you to be their nurse when they are old they aren't good parents.

In the case I wanted to be a parent (which I don't) I would never want someone to have to take care of me if im old and invalid. I'd rather go to a nursery home (in which people at least are paid) or just strap myself with an explosive belt and go ER and some place with high Chad concentration.
Why? You didn't ask to be born. you don't owe anyone anything. If your parents expect you to be their nurse when they are old they aren't good parents.

In the case I wanted to be a parent (which I don't) I would never want someone to have to take care of me if im old and invalid. I'd rather go to a nursery home (in which people at least are paid) or just strap myself with an explosive belt and go ER and some place with high Chad concentration.
My exact life philosophy tbh. I wonder why so many people still fall for the "family" meme. I also don't want kids because 1) I cant afford it and 2) this world is shit. People making children today are no better than nazi war criminals according to me.
Why? You didn't ask to be born. you don't owe anyone anything. If your parents expect you to be their nurse when they are old they aren't good parents.

In the case I wanted to be a parent (which I don't) I would never want someone to have to take care of me if im old and invalid. I'd rather go to a nursery home (in which people at least are paid) or just strap myself with an explosive belt and go ER and some place with high Chad concentration.

No one is asked to be born, WTF?

You would be fucking rotting in a trashcan like a dead rat if your parents were not there. No parents expect their children to be their nurse, it's the children's responsibility to take care of old parents.

WTF is wrong with you man?

Also @Henry de Montherlant
While I don’t like most younger people, I understand this behavior. BRB, taking care of your parents when they sent you into a world where you might not be able to retire, you’re living paycheck to paycheck, and probably a nearcel if you’re a guy. None of us chose to be born as Zyros said, we owe them nothing. Some parents I know kick the kids out at 16, 18, that’s sending a message and the kids have finally responded in kind. Fuck polyamory, LGXYZ, dating apps, etc. but the kids got this right.
Youre talking about me.

I simply have no need to take care of my parents.

And they upset me with the normie talk.

World is fucked for me and I cant pretend otherwise.
I low key hate my parents.
They didn't let me make my own decisions in life and take responsibility.
That may have caused my inceldom cause things went really bad after that.
Just LOL at the extremely low IQ decision of ruining your youth and adulthood and enslaving yourself just so you have someone to take care of you when you are old.

Sacrificing most of your life so you can die a slighly better death.
TBH, this was my exact reasoning when I was """going my own way"""
No one is asked to be born, WTF?

You would be fucking rotting in a trashcan like a dead rat if your parents were not there. No parents expect their children to be their nurse, it's the children's responsibility to take care of old parents.

WTF is wrong with you man?

Also @Henry de Montherlant

Nothing is wrong with me. I don't fall for the old muh family meme. The fact that I am thankful to my parents doesn't make me "responsible" for anything. Its NO ONES responsibility to take care of anyone.

If you have kids expecting them to take care of you when old, you are a bad person, period. And you are also low iq sice you waste half your life tied to parenting in the hopes of a tad better old age, which is shit anyways.
My parents didnt have my consent to give birth to me. Boohoo.
My parents did nothing but call me trash and a failure when I was struggling. Fuck them. They can rot.

Currycel parents hate their children and currycel moms are worse than single moms.
Nothing is wrong with me. I don't fall for the old muh family meme. The fact that I am thankful to my parents doesn't make me "responsible" for anything. Its NO ONES responsibility to take care of anyone.

If you have kids expecting them to take care of you when old, you are a bad person, period. And you are also low iq sice you waste half your life tied to parenting in the hopes of a tad better old age, which is shit anyways.

It's not about you having kid or not, you having kid has nothing to do with you having a parent. You might not have kids if your sperm count is low. You exist now because you had parents in some point in your life. Family is not a meme. It's a natural response to take care of someone who took care of you when you needed. If you don't have such people in your life then you can fuck it all.

And yea I know most western kids have no one in their life that they call them as "family", kek. JFL @ them.
So many people I know have moved away from thier parents and only talk to them on Christmas, if that. They live completely separate lives, many of them even hate thier parents. Certainly they aren't going to take care of them when they're old, nursery home but oftentimes not even that. They have to take care of themselves with thier retirement savings

Literally what is the fucking point of having kids if they're just going to fucking leave. Fuck that shit
You can't choose your parents. While some may have genuine good parents. Many parents are total assholes or narcissistic. Why would anyone care about his shitty parents? The same with family in general.
My parents did nothing but call me trash and a failure when I was struggling. Fuck them. They can rot.

Currycel parents hate their children and currycel moms are worse than single moms.
I'm a currycel and I used to hate my parents but I quickly realized they were in the right. They raised me as a devout Muslim, kept me bluepilled and studycelled. When I was about 17 I rebelled against all that and tried to go full normie. I tried really hard for years to fit into normiedom to finally realize that the normie world will never accept a currycel

I made a mistake become blackpilled and rebelling. If only I stayed a Muslim and was devout I'd have an arranged marriage and I would be totally blissful
My mother is 90 years old. She has Alzheimer's and in a nursing home. I'm very depressed that she's going to die soon. She keeps asking me, where am I, how old am I, who's birthday is it and so forth. This is the only family I have (had) I have no family / friends. She was the only one that was there for me.
I didn't ask to be brought into this world.
So many people I know have moved away from thier parents and only talk to them on Christmas, if that. They live completely separate lives, many of them even hate thier parents. Certainly they aren't going to take care of them when they're old, nursery home but oftentimes not even that. They have to take care of themselves with thier retirement savings

Literally what is the fucking point of having kids if they're just going to fucking leave. Fuck that shit
Kids are stupid. I am stupid, that is why I respect my parents. with other kids would do the same
meh. I guess you never lived alone.
once you tasted freedom there is simply no way to return home.
I'd rather be homeless than moving back home tbh tbh
I love my parents, but living on my own is way better, I agree
Nothing is wrong with me. I don't fall for the old muh family meme. The fact that I am thankful to my parents doesn't make me "responsible" for anything. Its NO ONES responsibility to take care of anyone.

If you have kids expecting them to take care of you when old, you are a bad person, period. And you are also low iq sice you waste half your life tied to parenting in the hopes of a tad better old age, which is shit anyways.
Mostly agree, except if people make the choices to have unprotected sex, nine months of preparation, and the event of birth, those individuals absolutely have the responsibility to care for the child that they chose to create.
I'm a currycel and I used to hate my parents but I quickly realized they were in the right. They raised me as a devout Muslim, kept me bluepilled and studycelled. When I was about 17 I rebelled against all that and tried to go full normie. I tried really hard for years to fit into normiedom to finally realize that the normie world will never accept a currycel

I made a mistake become blackpilled and rebelling. If only I stayed a Muslim and was devout I'd have an arranged marriage and I would be totally blissful

If they loved you, they wouldn't take you to a society you couldn't integrate into and where you experienced daily racism and being spit on because you're considered low caste garbage for being a subhuman ethnic.

They wouldn't take you to a country where you couldn't date and you're suicidal and feel like garbage 24/7. I have two sisters, both married, one married a south Indian guy and one married a white guy. Neither one was of my parent's choice which got them angry and I told them daughters don't listen to their parents in America and they paid the price by moving to a feminized shithole. That reminds me, currycel parents have an obsession controlling who their child marries, it's a subconscious need to exert their sadistic power lust over their kids.

Deathnic parents know Western countries are racist as fuck, they don't care, they go there to improve their own quality of life and shit you out.

My parents and sisters regularly made fun of me because I struggled to make friends in the 99% white neighborhood they moved to. I moved far away from them when I got a job out of college and don't regret it in the slightest. South Asian households are toxic and anti-male since the mom is the one that runs everything while the dad is a pussy and is never mentally there.

If you think arranged marriage is some blissful ascension you're wrong as fuck. Do you really think you'll be able to replicate the feeling of being late teens/early 20s and genuinely in love with a girl? When you're like 30? Of course not. If you marry a girl from India/Pakistan, do you really think they'll share your culture? If you marry a girl from the US, good luck, she's taken at least 50 dicks. Curry women who marry are ready for one thing and one thing only, to shit out more currycels. They have no interest in you. There's no out for us. We're incel: the race. You'll never experience love because you're a curry piece of shit.
having kids=low iq. glorified dogs. i ask my parents every day why they did it to me and to themselves.
If they loved you, they wouldn't take you to a society you couldn't integrate into and where you experienced daily racism and being spit on because you're considered low caste garbage for being a subhuman ethnic.

They wouldn't take you to a country where you couldn't date and you're suicidal and feel like garbage 24/7. I have two sisters, both married, one married a south Indian guy and one married a white guy. Neither one was of my parent's choice which got them angry and I told them daughters don't listen to their parents in America and they paid the price by moving to a feminized shithole. That reminds me, currycel parents have an obsession controlling who their child marries, it's a subconscious need to exert their sadistic power lust over their kids.

Deathnic parents know Western countries are racist as fuck, they don't care, they go there to improve their own quality of life and shit you out.

My parents and sisters regularly made fun of me because I struggled to make friends in the 99% white neighborhood they moved to. I moved far away from them when I got a job out of college and don't regret it in the slightest. South Asian households are toxic and anti-male since the mom is the one that runs everything while the dad is a pussy and is never mentally there.

If you think arranged marriage is some blissful ascension you're wrong as fuck. Do you really think you'll be able to replicate the feeling of being late teens/early 20s and genuinely in love with a girl? When you're like 30? Of course not. If you marry a girl from India/Pakistan, do you really think they'll share your culture? If you marry a girl from the US, good luck, she's taken at least 50 dicks. Curry women who marry are ready for one thing and one thing only, to shit out more currycels. They have no interest in you. There's no out for us. We're incel: the race. You'll never experience love because you're a curry piece of shit.

Fuck bro, you make some fucking good points. My parents actually have a really good relationship but I'm aware that's not the norm at all
i wouldnt be working for my mom and myself to live and giving up on any semblance of a future if she married someone appropriate to take care of her and her family

either way, lookism doomed me even if my parents had been rich
I didn't choose to exist and be given these dog shit genetics, so I don't owe them anything.
JFL at the IQ in this thread. JFL at parent apologists. Honestly, if your parents kick you out before you have a degree of any kind, you should be pissed and decide to not talk to them again. My father has taken me to help me at his work (he's a carpenter artisan) and that shit was MUNDANE AS FUCK. At least, my dad wants to keep me home until I get a real job (unlike my negative IQ mother who'd like to be like whites and kick me out at some point since she's a shallow, silly, unbridled stupid husk of a human being), but forcing me to work for him is a shitty parental decision that forms a beta male.

I'd be one of the best parents on Earth if I had a children (yeah no fucking way),but I conceived kids, I'd need to have alot of money first.
JFL at the IQ in this thread. JFL at parent apologists. Honestly, if your parents kick you out before you have a degree of any kind, you should be pissed and decide to not talk to them again. My father has taken me to help me at his work (he's a carpenter artisan) and that shit was MUNDANE AS FUCK. At least, my dad wants to keep me home until I get a real job (unlike my negative IQ mother who'd like to be like whites and kick me out at some point since she's a shallow, silly, unbridled stupid husk of a human being), but forcing me to work for him is a shitty parental decision that forms a beta male.

I'd be one of the best parents on Earth if I had a children (yeah no fucking way),but I conceived kids, I'd need to have alot of money first.
Your parents took you to a foreign country and shat you out with no regards to the racism and horrible treatment you'd get. They have every obligation to make sure you're completely on your feet before kicking you out.
Jfl at post college cels who would rather live in a messy apartment with 2 other roommates who are filthy instead of living at home with parents for free
Having kids is the ultimate act of selfishness.
Jfl at post college cels who would rather live in a messy apartment with 2 other roommates who are filthy instead of living at home with parents for free
I often go days without speaking to my parents and I live in their house. Every time I do speak to them, it is some sort of manipulation to prolong my NEETdom.

Providing me while I rot is the least they can do after they:
1. Had me in their 40s
2. Made me fat as a child
3. Neglected me
4. Spied on my constantly throughout my childhood and adolescence, causing irreperable and permanent paranoia/anxiety
As much as my parents betrayed me and fucked me over, I cannot abandon them. They still cared for me but in the wrong way. Abandon your parents in this life, and God shall abandon you in the next.
Fuck them and their shit genes and bluepill beliefs
Literally what is the fucking point of having kids if they're just going to fucking leave. Fuck that shit
To continue the human race. What parents fail to realize is that their kids are fully independent human beings with thoughts of their own.
I'll still move to thailand. Nothing can keep me tied down to the shithole west. I didnt ask to be born here
my parents are nice I guess, but they did fuck all when raising me. They let me rot all day playing video games since I was 4 or 5 years old (srs). Now I don't know how to do anything important, like finding a job and being socially competent. I have so much anxiety for doing trivial things, like going on vacation solo. I start thinking of walking through an airport by myself trying to find where I have to go and I get nervous, and think fuck that. They did everything for me, never explained or taught me anything, and expect me to know how to do everything and be successful. Fuck them. I agree with zyros, we didn't ask to be born and don't owe parents shit. My life is fucked already and I blame my parents. Not to mention they passed on their shitty genes to me.
Jfl at post college cels who would rather live in a messy apartment with 2 other roommates who are filthy instead of living at home with parents for free
The only reason people do that is so they can fuck in peace. If you aren't fucking you may as well live at home lol
So many people I know have moved away from thier parents and only talk to them on Christmas, if that. They live completely separate lives, many of them even hate thier parents. Certainly they aren't going to take care of them when they're old, nursery home but oftentimes not even that. They have to take care of themselves with thier retirement savings

Literally what is the fucking point of having kids if they're just going to fucking leave. Fuck that shit
Well to be fair most parents are kicking their kids out of their house the first chance they get! You turned 18? "GO FIND A JOB, GET A HOUSE" is what they say! Also I have seen soon many families that never separated and it was bad for both sides, parents could not focus on them self, could not live life, on the other hand they wanted to micro manage the life and choices of their children, "to help make better decisions". On the flip side the parents were chained to their 85+ year old parents, being their slaves, because the old farts could not get anything done by them self at that age... Its really fucked up!! I'm more and more of the opinion of that it is better to split!!

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