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RageFuel I fucking hate gym culture



Herr Doktor
Nov 12, 2023
"You are too skinny bro"
"You are too fat bro"
"Muh protein shake"
"We go gym"

Just shut the fuck up already you brainless worm. Let others live their lives instead of fucking encouraging them to give up on everything and go to the gym. They basically want you to sell your soul and your life to the gym or you are living your life wrong. And if you aren't fat, it's a complete waste of time... you don't fucking need 327817382 metric tons of muscle to be healthy or strong, you just have to reach a certain percentage of fat between 15% and 22% and that's it, you are healthy.

At least that's how it is here, my country has a culture that focuses a lot on beaches, and therefore, bodybuilding. Apparently if you don't go to the gym and are not healthy, you are automatically a loser. A + if you are ugly, ++ if you are SUPER ugly.

This also collides with my country's work culture, if you are not working 24/7 you are a fucking loser... i fucking hate my life and this country.
fuck this was meant to be on the lounge
I too hate gyn culture
The average gym member IQ is 45
Incels are usually insecure but gym goers are on a whole different level
Gym bros are chad worshipping faggots, whenever there's a mogger in the video the comments are all like "Look at his 99.9999% percentile tricep genetics everyone is worthless scum compared to him we would never achieve his godly physique even if we inject 1 Liter of T and eat a dinosaur everyday we should all rot and kill ourselves because HE exists"
I was all about gym and fitness for a decade or so, hardly care anymore.
Gym culture is the direct consequence of feminism.

Women need men's resources less and less, consequently the only thing they need them for is to orgasm.

Because of that, men now go to the gym in order to increase their chance with the opposite sex.

It's pretty pathetic, as traditionally it was the females who spent the majority of their time trying to look good, while men focused on increasing their ability to gather resources.

Now these fat bitches just eat, sleep, fuck and get tatooed.

That's still a massive cope, because the most import factors for attractiveness are precisely those you can't change, ie : race, face, height, bone structure, etc.
:chad: :chad: :chad: You sound NT af . “Gym doesn’t get you girls bro :chad: :chad:
Improoove your personality instead :chad:
What’s next?
Because of that, men now go to the gym in order to increase their chance with the opposite sex.
Yeah! It shot up after social media. There was a time in the 90s when the men started steering away from bulky and muscular body 'aesthetic' to a much leaner one with well-defined six-packs. But with hypergamy starting to amp up, men went back to ogremaxxing for some fucking bizarre reason. Maybe the psychology being, the bulkier you are, the more foids find you 'protective'. JFL.
Let people live their lives :feels: :feels:
IMG 3358
Yeah! It shot up after social media. There was a time in the 90s when the men started steering away from bulky and muscular body 'aesthetic' to a much leaner one with well-defined six-packs. But with hypergamy starting to amp up, men went back to ogremaxxing for some fucking bizarre reason. Maybe the psychology being, the bulkier you are, the more foids find you 'protective'. JFL.


Btw :

36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete​

Then what do you do as an incel with zero social life? If you don't want to be disrespected and feel like a cuck then you gotta go to the gym. Or you can cope online instead.
Then what do you do as an incel with zero social life? If you don't want to be disrespected and feel like a cuck then you gotta go to the gym. Or you can cope online instead.

Btw :

36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete​

I take these studies with a pinch of salt, like the dickpill study which the mods tried to debunk. Nobody convincing me with their 'study' foids would consider mountain from GOT over prime Brad Pitt from Fight Club.
I take these studies with a pinch of salt, like the dickpill study which the mods tried to debunk. Nobody convincing me with their 'study' foids would consider mountain from GOT over prime Brad Pitt from Fight Club.

That’s not what the study says though

( But your right every study should be taken with a pinch of salt )
I only got respect for incel gym goers

nigger most NTs say "if you cant get laid then go to the gym brooooooo". what rock do you live under?
Wrong . Normies hate gymcels like me. I know because I am a fucking gymcel and people hate me for existing. “Going gym won’t get you girls :foidSoy: :soy:
"You are too skinny bro"
"You are too fat bro"
"Muh protein shake"
"We go gym"

Just shut the fuck up already you brainless worm. Let others live their lives instead of fucking encouraging them to give up on everything and go to the gym. They basically want you to sell your soul and your life to the gym or you are living your life wrong. And if you aren't fat, it's a complete waste of time... you don't fucking need 327817382 metric tons of muscle to be healthy or strong, you just have to reach a certain percentage of fat between 15% and 22% and that's it, you are healthy.

At least that's how it is here, my country has a culture that focuses a lot on beaches, and therefore, bodybuilding. Apparently if you don't go to the gym and are not healthy, you are automatically a loser. A + if you are ugly, ++ if you are SUPER ugly.

This also collides with my country's work culture, if you are not working 24/7 you are a fucking loser... i fucking hate my life and this country.
It is worth going even if you're incel
:chad: :chad: :chad: You sound NT af . “Gym doesn’t get you girls bro :chad: :chad:
Improoove your personality instead :chad:
What’s next?
Never said anything about personality nigga
Wrong . Normies hate gymcels like me. I know because I am a fucking gymcel and people hate me for existing. “Going gym won’t get you girls :foidSoy: :soy:
No one hates you, and if you are so sure the gym will get foids to suck your cock then why are you here?
The average gym member IQ is 45
Gym members never shut the fuck about the "benefits" of going to the gym. Obviously, you will develop more strength and a muscular frame but it doesnt help you get a gf when you already have bad genetics. These gym freaks think that going to the gym will get you laid, jfl
Never said anything about personality nigga

No one hates you, and if you are so sure the gym will get foids to suck your cock then why are you here?
Foids hate me. One of them huffed at me today when she nearly walked into me cuz she was texting Chad on her phone. She saw me and got pissed off at my existence. I could see how annoyed she was that she had to experience any interaction with me. I called her a slut whore I don’t know if she heard me she had earphones in
Never said anything about personality nigga

No one hates you, and if you are so sure the gym will get foids to suck your cock then why are you here?
They hate me because they’re disgusted at the effort I put into the gym and gymcelling. They prefer a 6’5 chad who did nothing but be born. I can give you examples and proof if you don’t believe me
full of closeted fags
Profound mental illness brought to you by godless heathens possessed by the vain worship of self idolatry. Rest assured there iS enough Room for them to gym in Hell.

And the proteína soyshake are worms crawling under their skin for all Eternity while Satan puts on a big smiling grin at their faggot face.
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Are you from burgerland?
This also collides with my country's work culture, if you are not working 24/7 you are a fucking loser... i fucking hate my life and this country.
Latam or Japan?
I assumed it, Latin American societies are full of low-iq NPCs who have absorbed the slave culture of wageslaving as part of their DNA, they are incredibly retarded, unfortunately they are the majority of the social mass

If you don't work like a slave in the silver mines of Potosí you are viewed with contempt. It is a victim culture in which suffering unnecessarily at work is seen positively.
I assumed it, Latin American societies are full of low-iq NPCs who have absorbed the slave culture of wageslaving as part of their DNA, they are incredibly retarded, unfortunately they are the majority of the social mass

If you don't work like a slave in the silver mines of Potosí you are viewed with contempt. It is a victim culture in which suffering unnecessarily at work is seen positively.
Indeed, unfortunately and I am a victim of this, I work as a bricklayer. Working in the sun every damn day of the year is hell, but I need it to survive.

Most of my colleagues say they are proud of what they do and blablabla, fucking bullshit. We all know that the only reason they don't work in something else is because they failed their studies and couldn't do careermaxxing like everyone else.
Both ends of it are lame because obviously getting in shape will forever be a good thing but then there are the men who find it cool to look like a veiny wrinkled ballsack of a man and that you should spend literally every other day lifting metal like some fucking factory worker because it's "a form of therapy" or they're "improving". If you feel so bad then why don't you actually confront the issue instead of going down the straight line of getting bigger and lifting something heavier. The most important things in this life are social there are plenty of fat fucks who have basically jumped ahead of me in everything despite being waddling fuckers. And I mean yeah you can definitely meet people at the gym but that's not the purpose of it now is it? You are there for one thing only and you will not be getting anything else from it no matter how much of a cultural sphere they make it.
I love distance running and some GymBro callede me ´skinny cripple´

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