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Venting I fucking despise kpop and tiktok



May 8, 2020
Every fucking time I see something mentioning these fucking faggots it pisses me off, I genuinely do not see the appeal of building your entire personality on some Asians dancing to shitty electro pop music

tik tok is also shit but the retards who download that garbage excuse for an app are getting data raped by China anyways
kpop is lifefuel for ricecels tbhngl
Every fucking time I see something mentioning these fucking faggots it pisses me off, I genuinely do not see the appeal of building your entire personality on some Asians dancing to shitty electro pop music

tik tok is also shit but the retards who download that garbage excuse for an app are getting data raped by China anyways
I like some k-pop songs ngl.

Because it's increased Asian male SMV in western society.
Fair enough. Honestly I don’t really give a fuck about the music but holy shit the people that like it are a fucking tumor on society
korean girls (jbs) in my classes only date korean guys, cos of kpop they only like changs or whatever, ricecels are treated better than curries now.
Fair enough. Honestly I don’t really give a fuck about the music but holy shit the people that like it are a fucking tumor on society
Yeah, k-pop fans are truly a cancer in society. But the fact is they are pathetic losers irl that found a community online (k-pop). So just LOL at them.
korean girls (jbs) in my classes only date korean guys, cos of kpop they only like changs or whatever, ricecels are treated better than curries now.
Anything But Curry.
Yeah, k-pop fans are truly a cancer in society. But the fact is they are pathetic losers irl that found a community online (k-pop). So just LOL at them.
I’ve never spoken to anyone that likes k-pop irl, what are they like?
I’ve never spoken to anyone that likes k-pop irl, what are they like?
They're the social rejects, the outcasts at any high school. Most of them are subhuman girls.
I don't listen to K-pop. I don't really care if people like it. I don't use Tiktok
They're the social rejects, the outcasts at any high school. Most of them are subhuman girls.
That explains why they have so much time to spam post on twitter. Not sure why they’ve gotten so political as of late however.
I don't listen to K-pop. I don't really care if people like it. I don't use Tiktok
That explains why they have so much time to spam post on twitter. Not sure why they’ve gotten so political as of late however.
Yes, precisely. You're getting it now. And well, being political is the hip thing to do now with all this BLM crap going on. They're doing it just because they want to fit in; something they desire since they're pathetic losers IRL.
Yes, precisely. You're getting it now. And well, being political is the hip thing to do now with all this BLM crap going on. They're doing it just because they want to fit in; something they desire since they're pathetic losers IRL.
Tbh I fucking hate how everything is political nowadays as well, like everything is left or right

but yeah those people are real cunts online. It makes me feel a bit better to know that they’re just as pathetic as I am behind the screen tho
Tbh I fucking hate how everything is political nowadays as well, like everything is left or right

but yeah those people are real cunts online. It makes me feel a bit better to know that they’re just as pathetic as I am behind the screen tho
Yeah, they like ganging up on people that don't agree with them and they will try to ridicule you. I know the crowd all too well. Liberals are a cancer. Don't get me wrong, I despite conservatives, too. Don't worry bro, they're in no way, shape or form better than you.
Getting raped by China is gay
Yeah, they like ganging up on people that don't agree with them and they will try to ridicule you. I know the crowd all too well. Liberals are a cancer. Don't get me wrong, I despite conservatives, too. Don't worry bro, they're in no way, shape or form better than you.
Honestly I don’t mind moderate liberals because most of their ideals aren’t unreasonable to me, it’s just that most liberals nowadays are millennial soyddit/twitter retards who want trannies running the country and white men in fucking cages

neocons are a fucking cancer as well though because “bro just donate 17 trillion dollars to the military and die for Israel bro” :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:
Honestly I don’t mind moderate liberals because most of their ideals aren’t unreasonable to me, it’s just that most liberals nowadays are millennial soyddit/twitter retards who want trannies running the country and white men in fucking cages

neocons are a fucking cancer as well though because “bro just donate 17 trillion dollars to the military and die for Israel bro” :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:
JFL, both sides have decent attributes, like... liberals are accepting of ethnics (to a certain degree) whereas conservatives are anti-degeneracy. Only problem I have with liberals is that they push degeneracy and if you don't accept it, they will mock you. And the problem I have with conservatives is that they hate my guts just because I am Islamic. Can't win with either, so fuck them both.

still hope that trump wins though, for the sole reason that he pisses off a lot of normalfags
I don't dislike Trump, but this time I hope Biden wins. Simply because of his stance on Kashmir.
Every fucking time I see something mentioning these fucking faggots it pisses me off, I genuinely do not see the appeal of building your entire personality on some Asians dancing to shitty electro pop music

tik tok is also shit but the retards who download that garbage excuse for an app are getting data raped by China anyways
Ok GrAY ass motherfucker
Feminine ricecels should absolutely love kpop
Feminine ricecels should absolutely love kpop
I mean based on the reasons stated earlier I can understand it. But the fact that the fanbase is all dumbass foids makes it even worse.
STFU hindu dindu pajeet, he is under my wing. You can skip straight to the rope part of your username.
Ok, I’ll leave you two to suck each other off some more :feelsgah:
I’ve never spoken to anyone that likes k-pop irl, what are they like?
They all try to act like they have ADHD and are just so quirky uwu but really their just annoying spazez who should be shot
There’s a Kpop club at my school with 4 members and one of them is a 1/10 white landwhale jfl. Other members are noodlestacy’s tho. We had an assembly where they performed once and it was kinda hot except for the fat foid

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