The internet as a whole, and especially the few sites that people use on it nowadays, tend to have the good communities, the ones you want to be in, so closed off and gatekept that you'll never be able to get in except out of pure luck (and even then, you'll need even more luck just to remain in, since these communities aren't immortal and will die off). In other words, you have to be "in the know", yet you will never be "in the know" for how to be "in the know". All the other communities are dead or shit, and even when you're in a decent community, it usually doesn't mean much since you'll find good conversations but not good people (case in point would be imageboards), and you'll remain just as lonely as before. That's all in the online world, and the thing with online is that it's just as luck-based finding good connections as it is in the real world. It genuinely doesn't get any easier.