"muh teenage girls are so innocent

" teenage girls are sadistic cold hearted narcissists. They're women at their absolute worst. When they can be cruel as possible with 0 social consequences
The things I've seen teenage girls do are absolutely blackpilling. I've seen teenage girls intentionally try to lead on guys just so they could reject and mock them. I've seen them join lonely men's spaces and lead on adult men so they can lable them a pedophile and blackmail. They absolutely get off the power they have over men and take out their rage on men they see unattractive.
As such I feel no sympathy for teenage girls and never have. If I hear about a teenage girl getting raped 50 times and shoved in a briefcase I won't shed a single solitary tear. Example of exactly what I'm talking about
women throw away sub5 men all the time even rich famous guys they dont care and never cared for these guys remember bianca devins? she used her simp and cheated on him all while making fun of him on discord to other people teehee this is just normal this is just what happens to nonchad men you...