For me it really depends on the type of rape.
If they just claim "rape" after having bad, but consensual, sex they later regret then I actually wish they would get really raped so they stopped misusing the term and obviously have zero sympathy for them.
If they are actually raped, but only after ignoring glaring red flegs of a guy because he is hot (and maybe they wanted sex with him, just not the kind he wanted) then I have only mild sympathy because they essentially reaped the consequences of their actions.
If they are actually raped, but by a person they knew for a long time (e.g. their boyfriend) then I feel more sympathy because this person might have made them feel safe etc. for a long time. But again, if they stay with a handsome asshole just because he is hot, then I feel less sympathy again. But if they stay with an asshole because of financial situations then I have more sympathy. And I also feel less sympathy if they just caused a dead bedroom situation but also prevented their boyfriend/husband from relieving his sexual pressure in another way because I think that is kinda abusive as well, so some abusive retaliation is not that bad in that case IMHO.
But if they are actually raped with no fault on their own, e.g. because someone laced their drink or just straight up kidnapped them then they have my full sympathy because it's something they could not reasonably have avoided (except e.g. by not going out at all, but that's not something I would want/expect from them)