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Serious I feel like this site is being subverted.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33216
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Deleted member 33216

Deleted member 33216

Every cope has an end
Feb 27, 2021
Recently, I've been seeing a great number of faggot posts dreaming about being cucked, or about becoming a Stacy. This all has emerged this week, a few weeks ago the users here weren't this degenerate. So what happened? Is it the domain change? Or is it the IWH refugees? With the way things are going it's only a matter of time until trannies start showing up in our spaces.

If this is surprising to you, then you haven't even seen what this site was like back during 2018. Everyone back then was serious, responsive, and more empathetic — in comparison, the current state of this site is laughable.

The steady decline in the quality of the members here has jaded me, so I haven't really noticed much difference.
If this is surprising to you, then you haven't even seen what this site was like back during 2018. Everyone back then was serious, responsive, and more empathetic — in comparison, the current state of this site is laughable.

The steady decline in the quality of the members here has jaded me, so I haven't really noticed much difference.
Yeah, I was lurking on incels.me before it became .co, but I never registered because I was afraid someone would find out and I would get sacked. But now I'm unemployed and on ssi, so I don't care much for my "public image".

I think many users here are under 20 and have not fully experienced inceldom. They think hating women is edgy or whatever. Whereas people like me who are older (I'm 25) have been through hell and started to somewhat hate women. Sometimes I just want to vent and talk about my personal experiences but these threads rarely get any replies. However, if you make a thread about rape or anything else that's only loosely linked to inceldom (like the Jews) you get dozens of replies. If you dare say you've breathed in the vicinity of a girl they start calling you chad, and if you're tall or fat they start throwing volcel accusations at you. Hell, some users here will call you fake if you disagree with them. JFL. I suppose the serious incels have ascended and moved on with their lives. Even 4chan is full of normies these days.
So you've noticed that we're slowly descending into degeneracy? I thought it was just me.
Yeah, I was lurking on incels.me before it became .co, but I never registered because I was afraid someone would find out and I would get sacked. But now I'm unemployed and on ssi, so I don't care much for my "public image".

I think many users here are under 20 and have not fully experienced inceldom. They think hating women is edgy or whatever. Whereas people like me who are older (I'm 25) have been through hell and started to somewhat hate women. Sometimes I just want to vent and talk about my personal experiences but these threads rarely get any replies. However, if you make a thread about rape or anything else that's only loosely linked to inceldom (like the Jews) you get dozens of replies. I suppose the serious incels have ascended and moved on with their lives. Even 4chan is full of normies these days.
There used to be a lot of older members here, but most of them are now either dead or just...gone. I honestly think a lot of the younger members shouldn't be here.

Time has mellowed my hatred. I still hate, but I have realized that the world goes on and the only reason I'm not included is because I don't have what they need, want, or desire.
Yeah, I was lurking on incels.me before it became .co, but I never registered because I was afraid someone would find out and I would get sacked. But now I'm unemployed and on ssi, so I don't care much for my "public image".

I think many users here are under 20 and have not fully experienced inceldom. They think hating women is edgy or whatever. Whereas people like me who are older (I'm 25) have been through hell and started to somewhat hate women. Sometimes I just want to vent and talk about my personal experiences but these threads rarely get any replies. However, if you make a thread about rape or anything else that's only loosely linked to inceldom (like the Jews) you get dozens of replies. If you dare say you've breathed in the vicinity of a girl they start calling you chad, and if you're tall or fat they start throwing volcel accusations at you. Hell, some users here will call you fake if you disagree with them. JFL. I suppose the serious incels have ascended and moved on with their lives. Even 4chan is full of normies these days.
You're speaking nothing but facts, we're all supposed to be on the same side yet we are constantly at each other's throats
So you've noticed that we're slowly descending into degeneracy? I thought it was just me.
I honestly don't understand why everything thought to be subjectively bad by the members here are just chalked up to 'the jews did it'.
I think it's the normies that are causing corruption, I don't know if some of the users you've mentioned in your threads are normies larping as incels just to subvert the site and cause division, but that's possible. Though some of them (e.g. @Copexodius Maximus ) are really based
I honestly don't understand why everything thought to be subjectively bad by the members here are just chalked up to 'the jews did it'.
If every time something goes wrong jews are blamed at what point do you start wondering if there's something wrong with jews?
I honestly don't understand why everything thought to be subjectively bad by the members here are just chalked up to 'the jews did it'.
Because incel spaces have been infiltrated by alt-righters who want to push their anti-Semitic agenda. It's really starting to get on my nerves tbh, they can't shut up about the Jews, and they keep blaming them for every minuscule problem. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a fan of Israel (or of the Zionists for that matter), but it gets old and annoying at one point. I think the right sees us as tool to use in its war against progressivism. There was a book written a few years ago entitled "Kill All Normies" that described the overlap between incel communities and the alt-right. Even Steven Bannon admitted that he used incels to spread his ideology because they're easy to manipulate (see https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bann...ytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399).
Come on, we're supposed to hate women, not jews.
This guy's posts are literally all about hating jews lol, I'm starting to doubt he is really an incel
You're speaking nothing but facts, we're all supposed to be on the same side yet we are constantly at each other's throats
Exactly, I'm sick of the racebaiting, the hatred towards guys who share our predicament and the constant autistic bashing of tall and/or fat incels. We need to be united. This stupidity; the name calling, the fakecel accusations, the chad and foid worshiping has to fucking stop. We're not teenagers obsessing about the prom kind and kween, that shit is retarded. I know that there are teenagers among us, but they need to fucking try first before just calling themselves incels. Anyone under 20 has by default better chances than me.
This guy's posts are literally all about hating jews lol, I'm starting to doubt he is really an incel
Yeah, his hatred towards the Jews is irrational. My grandparents on my mom's side were Palestinians who had their homes taken away from them and had to immigrate to the West in 1948, but I don't hate the Jews as much as him, even though I have every reason to. Racism is a foid trait tbh, we're better than that.
Come on, we're supposed to hate women, not jews.
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Exactly, I'm sick of the racebaiting, the hatred towards guys who share our predicament and the constant autistic bashing of tall and/or fat incels. We need to be united. This stupidity; the name calling, the fakecel accusations, the chad and foid worshiping has to fucking stop. We're not teenagers obsessing about the prom kind and kween, that shit is retarded. I know that there are teenagers among us, but they need to fucking try first before just calling themselves incels. Anyone under 20 has by default better chances than me.
This guy's posts are literally all about hating jews lol, I'm starting to doubt he is really an incel
You two are some of the sanest people I've met here. Every incel here has suffered the same pain, so why can't we just be empathetic and build a community where everyone listens to each other without some stupid, bullshit community from reddit interfering?
You two are some of the sanest people I've met here. Every incel here has suffered the same pain, so why can't we just be empathetic and build a community where everyone listens to each other without some stupid, bullshit community from reddit interfering?
Because some people here are not incels. They claim to be, but their motives to join the community are not inceldom. Plus, we have a large amount of trolling and larping normies here whose sole goal is to watch us tear each other apart. They create schism and then watch us fight among each other like animals, just like they do on every subreddit. Moreover, there's a large amount of white nationalists here who hate the Jews for simply existing (just like foids hate us for existing), and many middle easterners on here have nothing but contempt towards Westerners - raw irrational hatred. This community has ceased to be about inceldom a long time ago. It's nothing more than an echo chamber of shitty ideas at this point. I believe it's only a matter of time until incel spaces become cesspools like Reddit. Division can only cause problems, that's what these barking morons don't understand. To quote A. Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand." A true incel would never hate of someone that shares their predicament cuz he knows how horrible this situation is, there's no need to exacerbate it.
Jews caused inceldom. Why shouldn't they be talked about?
The Jews didn't give you a recessed chin, negative canthal tilt, weak midface, shitty bodyfat, nor did they give you a small cock.
Because some people here are not incels. They claim to be, but their motives to join the community are not inceldom. Plus, we have a large amount of trolling and larping normies here whose sole goal is to watch us tear each other apart. They create schism and then watch us fight among each other like animals, just like they do on every subreddit. Moreover, there's a large amount of white nationalists here who hate the Jews for simply existing (just like foids hate us for existing), and many middle easterners on here have nothing but contempt towards Westerners - raw irrational hatred. This community has ceased to be about inceldom a long time ago. It's nothing more than an echo chamber of shitty ideas at this point. I believe it's only a matter of time until incel spaces become cesspools like Reddit. Division can only cause problems, that's what these barking morons don't understand. To quote A. Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand." A true incel would never hate of someone that shares their predicament cuz he knows how horrible this situation is, there's no need to exacerbate it.


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The Jews didn't give you a recessed chin, negative canthal tilt, weak midface, shitty bodyfat, nor did they give you a small cock.
But the jews did give you women's rights, feminism, divorce rape, social media, dating apps and most importantly elevating foid status to godly heights.
Jews caused inceldom. Why shouldn't they be talked about?
What about women? You think they're innocent? You think women didn't play a role in your inceldom? The Jews are not the ones rejecting your for not being 6ft, nor are they the ones who call you a creep for simply existing. Our enemy is the foid, not the Jew. Sure, the Jews have caused some problems, I am not denying that, but as incels our main enemy is the foid!!!
What about women? You think they're innocent? You think women didn't play a role in your inceldom? The Jews are not the ones rejecting your for not being 6ft, nor are they the ones who call you a creep for simply existing. Our enemy is the foid, not the Jew. Sure, the Jews have caused some problems, I am not denying that, but as incels our main enemy is the foid!!!
Why can't both be talked about?
Why can't both be talked about?
We can, but I think to solve the women problem is much more important now, don't you think? We can deal with the Jews later.
We can, but I think to solve the women problem is much more important now, don't you think? We can deal with the Jews later.
How do you plan to deal with women when jews are in power? If jews are removed foids can easily be dealt with.
How do you plan to deal with women when jews are in power? If jews are removed foids can easily be dealt with.
So you think if we nuked Israel hypergamy will stop being a thing, and women will start throwing themselves at subhumans? I mean, let's be real here. If you want to address the "Jews problem", I am all ears, but show me how this is going to help me as an incel.
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Nah bro, I think we're just very low IQ in denial. If you really knew 2017-2018 forum, then don't forget that 80% of the posts were sewer tier. There were like 2 or 3 high IQ users delivering daily real argumented and thoughtful gems, like Fontaine for instance, but honestly that's all. There's no need to feel nostalgic for an ideal past that didn't exist.
Sometimes I just want to vent and talk about my personal experiences but these threads rarely get any replies
tru and suifuel
Because some people here are not incels. They claim to be, but their motives to join the community are not inceldom. Plus, we have a large amount of trolling and larping normies here whose sole goal is to watch us tear each other apart. They create schism and then watch us fight among each other like animals, just like they do on every subreddit. Moreover, there's a large amount of white nationalists here who hate the Jews for simply existing (just like foids hate us for existing), and many middle easterners on here have nothing but contempt towards Westerners - raw irrational hatred. This community has ceased to be about inceldom a long time ago. It's nothing more than an echo chamber of shitty ideas at this point. I believe it's only a matter of time until incel spaces become cesspools like Reddit. Division can only cause problems, that's what these barking morons don't understand. To quote A. Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand." A true incel would never hate of someone that shares their predicament cuz he knows how horrible this situation is, there's no need to exacerbate it.
Extremely high iq brocel. I've only been here a week as a user and it feels like every second post is blaming Jews, or blacks
Ffs we're all in the same shitty circumstances.
It's either that or cuck threads or rape threads :feelstastyman:
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However, I blame admins for banning systematically the most high IQ users for ridiculous reasons, favoring shit tier sewer post maXxer over the rest of users ... It's literal reversed Darwinian selection, and thus is kind of giga blupilled.
So you think if we nuked Israel hypergamy will stop being a thing, and women will start throwing themselves at subhumans? I mean, let's be real here. If you want to address the "Jews problem", I am all ears, but show me how this is going to help me as an incel.
Nuking Israel would definitely be a fucking start. Even when you cure a disease the symptoms still takes a long time to heal.
Exactly, I'm sick of the racebaiting, the hatred towards guys who share our predicament and the constant autistic bashing of tall and/or fat incels. We need to be united. This stupidity; the name calling, the fakecel accusations, the chad and foid worshiping has to fucking stop. We're not teenagers obsessing about the prom kind and kween, that shit is retarded. I know that there are teenagers among us, but they need to fucking try first before just calling themselves incels. Anyone under 20 has by default better chances than me.

Yeah, his hatred towards the Jews is irrational. My grandparents on my mom's side were Palestinians who had their homes taken away from them and had to immigrate to the West in 1948, but I don't hate the Jews as much as him, even though I have every reason to. Racism is a foid trait tbh, we're better than that.
These stormfags are beyond retarded. They think they discovered some ultimate hidden knowledge with their white supremacy and nazi worship. They don't even realize they are slaves literally promoting NWO agenda and DIVISION.

We should be united, but these fags are literally getting played and brainwashed by the same "Jews" they hate so much.

This forum is trash along with looksmax.org
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Come on, we're supposed to hate women, not jews.
Um, we can hate both bro. Women are only like this thanks to jews. And to think I thought you were based until you said this
These stormfags are beyond retarded. They think they discovered some ultimate hidden knowledge with their white supremacy and nazi worship. They don't even realize they are slaves literally promoting NWO agenda and DIVISION.

We should be united, but these fags are literally getting played and brainwashed by the same "Jews" they hate so much.

This forum is trash along with looksmax.org
Fuck off then jew boy, you sound seriously mad that people figured out who's pulling the strings
Because incel spaces have been infiltrated by alt-righters who want to push their anti-Semitic agenda. It's really starting to get on my nerves tbh, they can't shut up about the Jews, and they keep blaming them for every minuscule problem. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a fan of Israel (or of the Zionists for that matter), but it gets old and annoying at one point. I think the right sees us as tool to use in its war against progressivism. There was a book written a few years ago entitled "Kill All Normies" that described the overlap between incel communities and the alt-right. Even Steven Bannon admitted that he used incels to spread his ideology because they're easy to manipulate (see https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bann...ytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399).
I think it's the normies that are causing corruption, I don't know if some of the users you've mentioned in your threads are normies larping as incels just to subvert the site and cause division, but that's possible. Though some of them (e.g. @Copexodius Maximus ) are really based
Thanks buddy boyo, now I feel less like roping today.
These stormfags are beyond retarded. They think they discovered some ultimate hidden knowledge with their white supremacy and nazi worship. They don't even realize they are slaves literally promoting NWO agenda and DIVISION.

We should be united, but these fags are literally getting played and brainwashed by the same "Jews" they hate so much.

This forum is trash along with looksmax.org
Probably subversion from a trad cuck that can’t stand someone calling out “muh white queenz”. :soy::soy::soy:
Not saying Jews dont play a role modern feminism, but so do whites, but he’s just picking and choosing shit to hate while ignoring the rest.
Because incel spaces have been infiltrated by alt-righters who want to push their anti-Semitic agenda. It's really starting to get on my nerves tbh, they can't shut up about the Jews, and they keep blaming them for every minuscule problem. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a fan of Israel (or of the Zionists for that matter), but it gets old and annoying at one point. I think the right sees us as tool to use in its war against progressivism. There was a book written a few years ago entitled "Kill All Normies" that described the overlap between incel communities and the alt-right. Even Steven Bannon admitted that he used incels to spread his ideology because they're easy to manipulate (see https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bann...ytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399).
All true. They give lonely virgins a bad name.
Want a real Incel forum? Nothing but lonely virgins with too much time?
Try the r/IncelTears subreddit
Nah, IT is for faggs and trannies. I'm neither.
Why do you think they started fucking other men or pretending to be the girlfriend?
it was over for them, so they slit their dicks off and put fakeup on
You two are some of the sanest people I've met here. Every incel here has suffered the same pain, so why can't we just be empathetic and build a community where everyone listens to each other without some stupid, bullshit community from reddit interfering?
Because you're human.

And as long as two humans look differently or share different opinions, they'll always be retarded irrelevant hate between them.

That, and cumskins and jews would rather have you fight amongst yourselves that unite together
Giga based IQ post.
probably alot of IWH faggots and 4chan users
I suppose the serious incels have ascended and moved on with their lives. Even 4chan is full of normies these days.
The Serious Incels have either roped, or have went to other copes, they hardly enter this forum anymore.
4chan has been a fucked norman center for years now, you have just started realizing this?
The Serious Incels have either roped, or have went to other copes, they hardly enter this forum anymore.
4chan has been a fucked norman center for years now, you have just started realizing this?
I blame Eggy and Chris for that. 4chan was a great platform for public discourse once, back in 2014 or so. It only went viral after Chris went on a killing spree in October 2015 and when Eggy uploaded his famous Blackpill video in August of that year. Those 2 events have made the platform popular among normies.
Fuck those cucks and fags who dream about being stacys.
If this is surprising to you, then you haven't even seen what this site was like back during 2018. Everyone back then was serious, responsive, and more empathetic — in comparison, the current state of this site is laughable.

The steady decline in the quality of the members here has jaded me, so I haven't really noticed much difference.
Brutal 2018 pill. Wish I was here back then. I joined late 2019
This is nothing new, if I had to count the times I've seen a person here explicitly state they would've preferred to be born a hole instead of a male I doubt you could handle it
Because incel spaces have been infiltrated by alt-righters who want to push their anti-Semitic agenda. It's really starting to get on my nerves tbh, they can't shut up about the Jews, and they keep blaming them for every minuscule problem. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a fan of Israel (or of the Zionists for that matter), but it gets old and annoying at one point. I think the right sees us as tool to use in its war against progressivism. There was a book written a few years ago entitled "Kill All Normies" that described the overlap between incel communities and the alt-right. Even Steven Bannon admitted that he used incels to spread his ideology because they're easy to manipulate (see https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bann...ytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399).
High IQ. This is why even people you wouldn't expect defending Jews, like some Arabs (@FullTimeLoser), are calling out @Blackpill Rage's bullshit (we see right through you) and suspect him of being a white alt-right propagandist.
My antisemitism is mostly sarcastic, but there is some truth in there
High IQ. This is why even people you wouldn't expect defending Jews, like some Arabs (@FullTimeLoser), are calling out @Blackpill Rage's bullshit (we see right through you) and suspect him of being a white alt-right propagandist.
I didn't defend the jews, I simply pointed out the fallacy of being anti jew but not being anti whites. Regardless he's 100% not arab. He doesnt speak the language and only knows a few basic phrases.
I didn't defend the jews, I simply pointed out the fallacy of being anti jew but not being anti whites. Regardless he's 100% not arab. He doesnt speak the language and only knows a few basic phrases.
My mistake, I misspoke.

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