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I feel like Biden will win tonight

Here's what the Biden campaign is expecting to happen today, if you believe in the conspiracy that they have this fixed. Or if you're interested in learning where Trump will point his litigious lasers.

Michigan and Wisconsin came true. So if all of these predictions come true, that's gonna sow paranoia. Right now, I just hope the results for Georgia come in so I can go to sleep.

I hoped trump would win back in 2016 because of the funny memes and soy tears. Thats it. Honestly so sick of hearing about trump at least everyday while not even living in the US Im glad hes gonna lose.

It doesnt matter who you vote for in the end cucks. Its only to keep people busy and divided.

Black Lives Matter must be rebuked. It must!
Sad shit, man. I'm surrounded by cope. The various streams have entered the "prayer vigil/it's a conspiracy" phase of the grieving process.

Like this guy. Now, I believe something could still happen in Arizona. But this guy seems to not understand how maps work. He holds up his phone to show a map of Arizona. "Look at all that red! How are you gonna tell me Trump is losing Arizona, Biden only has those two blue spots!" Not considering that those blue spots are major cities with heavy Democrat numbers.

But worse of all, this guy lives in Arizona, but the map he shows is of Nevada. The blue spots he's pointing out are Reno and Las Vegas. He LIVES IN ARIZONA. :cryfeels:

Hope everyone is ready to enter the alphabet faggot revolution
I'm still watching the map. Particularly Georgia. But as far as Arizona, even if it does stay blue, Republicans are never gonna forgive FOX for siding with the Associated Press and calling it early for Biden. Consider it the final betrayal by a network that has started to taste like weak tea when you have alternative options like OANN or Right Side Broadcasting Network. They have Bill O'Reilly! The fringe gets stronger.
I'm still watching the map. Particularly Georgia. But as far as Arizona, even if it does stay blue, Republicans are never gonna forgive FOX for siding with the Associated Press and calling it early for Biden. Consider it the final betrayal by a network that has started to taste like weak tea when you have alternative options like OANN or Right Side Broadcasting Network. They have Bill O'Reilly! The fringe gets stronger.
Fox has had a history of calling votes early, though. They called House elections in 2018 for Dems and Ohio for Obama in 2012.
Power can't be taken or asserted, it flows from the people, and it's their will that determines who will be the President of the United States.
Fox has had a history of calling votes early, though. They called House elections in 2018 for Dems and Ohio for Obama in 2012.

Calling it early when Republican morale is as suppressed as it is will be seen as betrayal. You shouldn't be telling Trump to give up in as important an election as this.
This god damn map hasn't moved for shit since last night. No new Senate results, no new House results, nothing. How the FUCK do you not at least count Alaska??? What the fuck is going on???

Georgia said they were counting. I heard this morning it was 60,000 more votes to count. How many vote counters do they have? I think it's fair to count maybe a few hundred votes per person in a solid, reasonable work day?

The seed of doubt has been planted. Trump isn't the only one saying "I don't believe the results and don't accept them." It's catching on with people like Maxine Waters' foe Joe Collins.


This is really shaping up to look like The Establishment vs. The People. Even if you believe there is no fraud and everyone's coping, this looks like The Establishment vs. The People. Here you have a newcomer like Joe Collins, essentially joining the Rebellion to stand up to an old Democrat. Meanwhile, where are our old Republicans? Our Senators? Why aren't they supporting Trump in calling out the clear and present fraud? Mitch is real quiet. And it makes sense, he won his thing and he's probably gonna stay Majority Leader whenever the map starts moving again. But I think this is more than simple selfishness. After all, the Republican Party a whole party of people, not just one senator. Here's the choices Mitch and the other top GOP senators have if Trump doesn't win clean...

Let's say Biden wins. They accept it fair and square, then do to him what they did to Obama. And unlike Obama, Biden will probably let them. He'll have an excuse to be a do-nothing puppet just like he always wanted to be. If Biden does get anything done, it'll probably be because of big gay turncoat Lindsey Graham spreading his fat fuckin' ass open for him. It'll be so cucked. And people are gonna be so mad. I don't really care that much, but this'll be painful even for me to watch.

Or the other choice. Let's say Trump doesn't win clean, but sues to win. Like he likes to do. It will go to the Supreme Court, and if they give it to him, Democrats will be like "Okay now we really are gonna pack the courts. We see now what kind of damage you can and will do with this, we will pack the courts not just in the name of diversity, which we like, because we're Democrats, but in the name of restoring balance to The Force. We will destroy you guys." Mitch doesn't wanna be on the wrong side of that.

We might be witnessing Trump's "Nixon moment." President? That's like a hobby to Mitch. Being a senator is a job. He's been doing this since 1985, Trump is essentially a figurehead, like the Queen. An idol for the people to admire and strive to emulate. Mitch McConnell is the real power in Washington. So he and the GOP senate may have no hard feelings about throwing him under the bus.

Mitch is like Palpatine. Controlling things quietly and with long handles. Being vague and noncommittal. "No, don't stop counting the votes. But yes, don't accept the results and take it to the courts."

Calling it early when Republican morale is as suppressed as it is will be seen as betrayal. You shouldn't be telling Trump to give up in as important an election as this.
betrayal :feelskek:

For what it's worth I think most news orgs have enough data to call for Biden, but they want to wait until prime time to announce. It's only 7 pm EST.
(((THEY))) Will Wait until Friday to call Trump the winner in hopes of nation wide riots on weekend calling it now :feelsthink:
It'll end on Friday and riots will start immediately on the weekend.
(((THEY))) Will Wait until Friday to call Trump the winner in hopes of nation wide riots on weekend calling it now :feelsthink:

It'll end on Friday and riots will start immediately on the weekend.
cope whites are too cucked and castrated to riot. its over
Voter fraud mog. Biden will win.
cope whites are too cucked and castrated to riot. its over
Cope Niggers will start the BURN LOOT MURDER fuhhh shiiitttt :feelsmage:
Cope Niggers will start the BURN LOOT MURDER fuhhh shiiitttt :feelsmage:
Why would they if biden wins? idk i hope they will tho. Any reason is enough for low iq apes to loot and riot shit
Why would they if biden wins? idk i hope they will tho. Any reason is enough for low iq apes to loot and riot shit
Now your :feelsthink: although I will report to co if I can steal anything. I go undetected by being a turbo manlet :feelsPop:.
The map finally did something of substance. Unfortunately. Georgia has shifted into blue.

With 99% reporting, Joe Biden has pulled ahead by a few hundred votes. Pretty sure Trump will ask for a recount/accuse of fraud. The way it deliberately slowed down the way it did, as if to carefully drum up a believable win over Trump there.

But if so, why didn't Trump have boots on the ground in Georgia like he does in Pennsylvania and Arizona? Did he not think Georgia was important? If he loses Georgia, and just accepts that he lost Georgia, he can't win. The best he can hope for is a tie.

(((THEY))) Will Wait until Friday to call Trump the winner in hopes of nation wide riots on weekend calling it now :feelsthink:

It'll end on Friday and riots will start immediately on the weekend.
I agree with you. I think they will make it even more extreme by letting biden take Georgia but losing Arizona, Nevada, and the rest (269 for biden, 4m+ more votes). Can jusr imagine the circus that is coming . I have been waiting 4 years.
Biden has won, the election is over, for the worst. An old senile careerist politician with behind him, hundred of foid's anti-men, pro-abortion and gay extreme activists. Things will get much harder for American Incels I guess. You'll soon need a written authorization to speak to a foid.

With Trump not accepting his defeat, a political crisis will immediately happen. Far-right movements will never accept such a result. This election is a complete disaster, even more when you see that in Georgia, the difference is 0.018% of voters. 917 votes for 5 millions voters.

In the weeks to come, with so many problems and so many armed people, I'm afraid many will do very stupid things. For the CIA Agent who reads this, I don't live in the US, so don't lose your time.
I am a conservative person, but I don't tolerate any one of those candidates. Seriously, at this rate we're going to be led by an almost 80 year old senile dude who is barely able to speak.
I am a conservative person, but I don't tolerate any one of those candidates. Seriously, at this rate we're going to be led by an almost 80 year old senile dude who is barely able to speak.
you don't have to tolerate any one of them, you just have to consider one of them to be slightly more tolerable than the other
Imo they are going to let the news of whatever outcome break slowly so that while it avoids an immediate angry reaction and gives authorities enough time to be prepared for unrest, it also rubs in to the losers which candidate won.
Trump lost because he let the media attack him non stop.

He should have been smarter and stop saying idiotic things, that way jewish media would have had a harder time finding reasons to bash him.
Nah Trump is winning in PA FL and Texas and all the other battleground swing states it'll be a decisive trump victory
Massive cope, the system is rigged against trump heavily
you don't have to tolerate any one of them, you just have to consider one of them to be slightly more tolerable than the other
Rejectionist voting is a bluepilled cope for normalfags.

But it does show how Biden is the more conservative candidate in that more people voted for him to reject Trump than vice versa.
Rejectionist voting is a bluepilled cope for normalfags.
But if you don't vote it doesn't mean others won't.
And they'll vote will count for more since your vote isn't there to cancel theirs out.
I don't know how many people here still believe in the integrity of these vote counts. There's a lot of whistleblowing going on. But Pennsylvania is leaning blue now according to the Associated Press. Biden is 16,825 votes ahead.

Something I've been wondering. If Trump intends to sue for the Presidency and take it to the Supreme Court, how exactly will he do that? Who do you file the lawsuit with?

I don't know how many people here still believe in the integrity of these vote counts. There's a lot of whistleblowing going on. But Pennsylvania is leaning blue now according to the Associated Press. Biden is 16,825 votes ahead.

Something I've been wondering. If Trump intends to sue for the Presidency and take it to the Supreme Court, how exactly will he do that? Who do you file the lawsuit with?

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I imagine it will go through his lawyer Rudy Giuliani which is likely why the media has been up Rudy's hole for months and they got their pawn Sacha Baron Cucken to set him up with a foid.

With the obvious vote counting bullshittery aside they really should be breaking this shit down by county rather than state electoral vote count wise. Some of those states are bigger than the UK for fucks sake and some counties the UK are like another world compared to others. That 55 vote head start that Cucklifornia gives the baby killers is ridiculous.
I imagine it will go through his lawyer Rudy Giuliani which is likely why the media has been up Rudy's hole for weeks and they got their pawn Sacha Baron Cucken to set him up with a foid.

With the obvious vote counting bullshittery aside they really should be breaking this shit down by county rather than state electoral vote count wise. Some of those states are bigger than the UK for fucks sake and some counties the UK are like another world compared to others. That 55 vote head start that Cucklifornia gives the baby killers is ridiculous.

Cucklifornia is a big state, so they have more electoral votes. So if they do break it down by county, they would probably have to scale it by population there as well. And I wonder how much difference that would make.

Also, Rudy would probably do the suing, but how exactly do you sue for it? Who do you sue, and what compensation do you claim you're owed?
Americans did vote trump. The left is printing Biden votes left and right. It’s completely obvious what’s happening. So much aggregate evidence online that it can’t all be censored. It’s funny, they could’ve gotten away with it if they printed one trump vote for every 4 or 5 Biden votes. That would atleast be plausible, but they put blacks in charge of rigging the election and blacks just gave everything to Biden. 0 forethought.

they’re also attempting to steal the senate from us rn. And if they get that, then they also get the Supreme Court since there will be no blocks in place to stop an expansion of the court. It’s all over. Either we win the presidency and senate in court, or we win just the senate and pump the brakes on Biden’s administration until we can get another republican president installed, or we need a war.
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Cucklifornia is a big state, so they have more electoral votes. So if they do break it down by county, they would probably have to scale it by population there as well. And I wonder how much difference that would make.

Also, Rudy would probably do the suing, but how exactly do you sue for it? Who do you sue, and what compensation do you claim you're owed?
I think he is owed several states to be honest. From what I seen live the count was going up steadily for both candidates and he was in the lead massively and then when it got to a certain percentage where 1 or 2 percent more would mean he would've flat out won they instantly stopped counting all over the place for no real reason.

Then when they started recounting they instantly added like 100,000+ BIDEN-ONLY votes in those states leapfrogging Trump. Again I saw this live as I did an all-nighter while doing freelance work. I don't think that is how counting works because this would indicate that the votes arrived pre counted or something which is technically illegal anyway I believe. What I can't understand is if they knew that was gonna happen why didn't Trump's guys have it all locked down and squared away in the states where it was clearly gonna be a contest? The obvious states were always gonna go the way they always go but why the fuck didn't they have these up in the air states 100% squared away?
Americans did vote trump. The left is printing Biden votes left and right. It’s completely obvious what’s happening. So much aggregate evidence online that it can’t all be censored. It’s funny, they could’ve gotten away with it if they printed one trump vote for every 4 or 5 Biden votes. That would atleast be plausible, but they put blacks in charge of rigging the election and blacks just gave everything to Biden. 0 forethought.
Yep haha. This is the problem. Just look at how they are doing Georgia now. That is how you cheat - slowly and methodically. They panicked and fucked up by throwing in 150,000+ votes in both Wisconsin and Michigan all at once at the same fucking time just a couple of hours after they stopped the count. And those are just the ones that I actually seen.
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I think he is owed several states to be honest. From what I seen live the count was going up steadily for both candidates and he was in the lead massively and then when it got to a certain percentage where 1 or 2 percent more would mean he would've flat out won they instantly stopped counting all over the place for no real reason.

Then when they started recounting they instantly added like 100,000+ BIDEN-ONLY votes in those states leapfrogging Trump. Again I saw this live as I did an all-nighter while doing freelance work. I don't think that is how counting works because this would indicate that the votes arrived pre counted or something which is technically illegal anyway I believe. What I can't understand is if they knew that was gonna happen why didn't Trump's guys have it all locked down and squared away in the states where it was clearly gonna be a contest? The obvious states were always gonna go the way they always go but why the fuck didn't they have these up in the air states 100% squared away?

Yes, that looks suspicious, that's what's kicked off most of the doubt about the legitimacy of these votes. Plus there's all sorts of allegations and footage, not to mention this was the first time mail-in voting was done on this scale. No way there wasn't gonna be some kind of failure of integrity.
Yes, that looks suspicious, that's what's kicked off most of the doubt about the legitimacy of these votes. Plus there's all sorts of allegations and footage, not to mention this was the first time mail-in voting was done on this scale. No way there wasn't gonna be some kind of failure of integrity.
The way I see it - the obvious states (+8 to 10% either way) are done and dusted and beyond question. The only way I see to make it fair is to take all of the votes in each of the contested states where a few % separates them i.e. these:-
  1. Wisconsin
  2. Michigan
  3. Nevada
  4. Arizona
  5. Pennsylvania
  6. Georgia
and go through them literally one by one matching it vote to voter and checking if it is valid no matter how long that takes. Anything else that exists vote wise should be scrapped. I don't know why the fuck they don't do this in advance anyway. They should have election day weeks before and cut it off at midnight and then count the votes from then onwards rather than literally counting on the same day which opens up the door for all kinds of shit.
There's absolutely no verified evidence that there was any large-scale fraud that "stole the election" from Trump.

What we do know is that in MI, WI, and PA, absentee ballots are not counted until the day of the election. In addition, ballots from urban areas take longer to count simply because they have more people -- and these ballots are overwhelmingly from Democratic voters.
I imagine it will go through his lawyer Rudy Giuliani which is likely why the media has been up Rudy's hole for months and they got their pawn Sacha Baron Cucken to set him up with a foid.

With the obvious vote counting bullshittery aside they really should be breaking this shit down by county rather than state electoral vote count wise. Some of those states are bigger than the UK for fucks sake and some counties the UK are like another world compared to others. That 55 vote head start that Cucklifornia gives the baby killers is ridiculous.
The electoral college already puts Democrats at a disadvantage. California gets 55 votes because they have almost 40 million people.
There's absolutely no verified evidence that there was any large-scale fraud that "stole the election" from Trump.

What we do know is that in MI, WI, and PA, absentee ballots are not counted until the day of the election. In addition, ballots from urban areas take longer to count simply because they have more people -- and these ballots are overwhelmingly from Democratic voters.

The electoral college already puts Democrats at a disadvantage. California gets 55 votes because they have almost 40 million people.
There is also absolutely no verified evidence that there wasn't and a lack of evidence never exactly stopped the Dems from impeaching him anyway did it? So if it goes to the Supreme Court that is the only fair way. Good for the goose, good for the gander.

Crazy the way they take so long to count but then all go in at once and are literally 100% for Biden isn't it? Next you'll be telling me we are here because of our personalities :feelskek:

I don't think population size really indicates anything. If you have some foid pushing out 10 fatherless kids in some lefty feminist shithole why should their votes count more than a hard working country family?
There is also absolutely no verified evidence that there wasn't and a lack of evidence never exactly stopped the Dems from impeaching him anyway did it? So if it goes to the Supreme Court that is the only fair way. Good for the goose, good for the gander.
Russell's teapot, eh? Inability to disprove does not prove.

I don't think population size really indicates anything. If you have some foid pushing out 10 fatherless kids in some lefty feminist shithole why should their votes count more than a hard working country family?
They shouldn't. One person, one vote.

Actually, you know what? I agree. The vote of a Stanford professor should outweigh the vote of an illiterate, cousin-fucking crackhead in Alabama.

Crazy the way they take so long to count but then all go in at once and are literally 100% for Biden isn't it? Next you'll be telling me we are here because of our personalities :feelskek:
Again, there's no proof for this assertion.
Russell's teapot, eh? Inability to disprove does not prove.

I agree. They can't disprove Trump's fraud claim so it needs to go to the Supreme Court. ;)

Actually, you know what? I agree. The vote of a Stanford professor should outweigh the vote of an illiterate, cousin-fucking crackhead in Alabama.

Some academics are literally more stupid than homeless guys on the street so that's a desperate cope. It's a very soy example as well considering there are a shitload of cucked socialist degrees that people are Professors of these days. Poor form old boy. IncelTears is the place for that sort of talk :soy:

Again, there's no proof for this assertion.

And there is no proof for the assertion that Joe is winning fairly :feelsthink:
harris will win the election. biden will get suicided so usa can finally have its first sheboon president. printscreen this
I agree. They can't disprove Trump's fraud claim so it needs to go to the Supreme Court. ;)
I think you can't read. It is on Trump to prove that there was some sort of widespread fraud. Indeed, his legal team has advanced no specific claim. All he has done so far is demand a recount and the segregation of a few provisional ballots.

Some academics are literally more stupid than homeless guys on the street so that's a desperate cope. It's a very soy example as well considering there are a shitload of cucked socialist degrees that people are Professors of these days. Poor form old boy. IncelTears is the place for that sort of talk :soy:
Whatever makes you feel better, man.

And there is no proof for the assertion that Joe is winning fairly :feelsthink:
Moving the goalposts once again.
harris will win the election. biden will get suicided so usa can finally have its first sheboon president. printscreen this
JFL, you guys and your theories
I think you can't read.

Watch out, she's getting angry guys :soy:


It is on Trump to prove that there was some sort of widespread fraud. Indeed, his legal team has advanced no specific claim. All he has done so far is demand a recount and the segregation of a few provisional ballots.

It is also on the Dems to prove that there wasn't. A claim that the election was fair is just as much of a claim that it wasn't. It works both ways. You tried to overapply semantics and it has backfired on you I'm afraid.

Whatever makes you feel better, man.

Moving the goalposts once again.

Was that a typical larping angry non-response or an admission of defeat? I can't tell :feelskek:
harris will win the election. biden will get suicided so usa can finally have its first sheboon president. printscreen this
I have an out there theory that it is gonna swing for Trump at the last minute when ((they)) interfere to get a civil war started :feelsthink:
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You tried to overapply semantics and it has backfired on you I'm afraid.
There is no point in arguing with someone who doesn't understand the basics of the English language. My point was that the inability to disprove a claim does not prove it, yet you somehow managed to reach the opposite conclusion.
There is no point in arguing with someone who doesn't understand the basics of the English language. My point was that the inability to disprove a claim does not prove it, yet you somehow managed to reach the opposite conclusion.
And my point was that works both ways. You make points but miss them so yep it probably is best that you don't argue.
Noob here. What does 1387 mean?

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