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Blackpill I fear the end is near



Sep 18, 2018
I am calling it now:

By 2025: Internet freedom as we know it will be dead as censorship regulation such as EU's article 13 will become standard across the world
By 2025: Being against globalism and open borders will be made illegal, thus defeating populism forever and making political reform impossible
By 2030: Mass immigration has destroyed national identity and the EU will have an army to crush any rebels who try to separate themselves from the globalist block
By 2040: EU has become a totalitarian regime as well as the USA. Democracy is all but dead.
By 2060: Whites are a minority in the west and heavily discriminated against.
By 2100: White race is basically dead because of low birthrate and genocide by non-whites. The few left belong to the upper class and control the world with the jews.

Other noteworthy events that will happen during this time:

-China will replace USA as a superpower
-Ethnics will ultimately get the axe as well once robots make them useless, so nobody except the jews and a few white people actually win in the end
-Africa will probably be colonized and raped by China, basically causing Africans to die off. This one might take longer than 2100 though.
-East Asia will suffer similar fate as the west. Japan has already singed the UN migration pact so they aren't as uncucked as many think.

It's over boyos. Enjoy your freedom for the handful few years that you still have left of it, because the future is going to to be fucking NIGHTMARISH.
Okay Alex Jones
Write a book about it.
1984 needs an update.
okay Nostradamus
The sun will go super nova one day. We will never get off this planet because faster than light travel is not possible and probably never will be. The nearest Earth-like planet is tens of thousands of years away. Even if you come up with a way to grow food on a ship and supply water, those people wouldn’t even look human after spending thousands of years on a ship reproducing.

Once they make it there, they’d probably all die from a plague because their immune systems wouldn’t be used to the new planets ecosystem.
The sun will go super nova one day. We will never get off this planet because faster than light travel is not possible and probably never will be. The nearest Earth-like planet is tens of thousands of years away. Even if you come up with a way to grow food on a ship and supply water, those people wouldn’t even look human after spending thousands of years on a ship reproducing.

Once they make it there, they’d probably all die from a plague because their immune systems wouldn’t be used to the new planets ecosystem.

Elon will take us to mars and we will grow potatoes there
Elon will take us to mars and we will grow potatoes there
Mars is uninhabitable. The radiation alone would kill you. That’s before you realize that mars only has about 30% of the gravity of Earth.
just like now!

lol at this nonsense. When I say internet freedom will be dead, I mean DEAD. As in, there will literally be no internet except only whatever content is hosted by the big corporations. The era of ordinary people being able to upload their own content will be dead. There won't be any youtube, forums, meme sites, social media, or ANYTHING that isn't directly controlled by the government or corporations. It will be like the internet never even existed.

The only thing that will remain are some digital storefronts and stuff like netflix. Everything else will be gone.
lol at this nonsense. When I say internet freedom will be dead, I mean DEAD. As in, there will literally be no internet except only whatever content is hosted by the big corporations. The era of ordinary people being able to upload their own content will be dead. There won't be any youtube, forums, meme sites, social media, or ANYTHING that isn't directly controlled by the government or corporations. It will be like the internet never even existed.

The only thing that will remain are some digital storefronts and stuff like netflix. Everything else will be gone.
More likely it will be closely monitored and any dissenting opinion will either ISP ban you or get you arrested under “hate speech” laws. The Chinese are already working on perfecting this through their social credit system.
The sun will go super nova one day. We will never get off this planet because faster than light travel is not possible and probably never will be. The nearest Earth-like planet is tens of thousands of years away. Even if you come up with a way to grow food on a ship and supply water, those people wouldn’t even look human after spending thousands of years on a ship reproducing.

Once they make it there, they’d probably all die from a plague because their immune systems wouldn’t be used to the new planets ecosystem.
Ever heard of UFOs?
I was ironic, so ... If they can because we do not? Business is finding out how.
First you have to prove that alien ships are even real. When one crashes into a major city with thousands of witnesses, I’ll believe it.
First you have to prove that alien ships are even real. When one crashes into a major city with thousands of witnesses, I’ll believe it.
Search for "Operação Prato" is the most impressive case in my opinion, proof in the sense of doing all the tests if you have is secret of course. But evidence is not lacking!
tfw chinese are so based that they will literally outbreed africans by stealing their women :feelshaha:.
The globalists will have more or less taken over the world before 2030
The globalists will have more or less taken over the world before 2030
only Iran is left to takeover and then (((they))) will control everything

China will replace USA as a superpower
Can't wait.
Democracy is already dead anyway. It probably never even existed in the first place.

Edit: One thing i've noticed here is that when people praise the so-called "enemies of America", they do it in an almost sarcastic way.

News flash: Modern America isn't 1776 America. The original values of the American Revolution are all completely dead.
It's not a republic anymore, it's a jewish-owned plutocracy, a golem that exists only to impose the will of the chosen to the world.

The faster you realize this, the better.
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only Iran is left to takeover and then (((they))) will control everything

You might as well kiss your rights and freedom of choice and thought goodbye
Then come get it over with.
Highest IQ youtube channel - Sub to him if possible, he's incel looking but ascended by moving to Japan

by 2050 feminism is gonna be really hardcore.

at this point men will have to pay insurance fees on girlfriends and wifes, in case something bad happens to them.
now it sounds far fetched but wait 10 more years its gonna look alot more realistic
Good thing i will be no longer alive by that time
Think your heavily overestimating the scope and power of the EU. Its a fiscal political union. Not the Roman empire ffs. Put down the tin foil hat. I'd bet my left testicle that none of what you say will happen.
Compare internet today from a decade ago and see the difference.
Everything he wrote will happen.
Having a vpn will be prohibited as well.
The whites are too stupid to see the big picture.What do you expect from people addicted to porn.
By 2050 all narrow jaw males will be killed on site
But in all seriousness, we do seem to be going down hill. I wonder what it will be like 300 years from now?
I am calling it now:

By 2025: Internet freedom as we know it will be dead as censorship regulation such as EU's article 13 will become standard across the world
By 2025: Being against globalism and open borders will be made illegal, thus defeating populism forever and making political reform impossible
By 2030: Mass immigration has destroyed national identity and the EU will have an army to crush any rebels who try to separate themselves from the globalist block
By 2040: EU has become a totalitarian regime as well as the USA. Democracy is all but dead.
By 2060: Whites are a minority in the west and heavily discriminated against.
By 2100: White race is basically dead because of low birthrate and genocide by non-whites. The few left belong to the upper class and control the world with the jews.

Other noteworthy events that will happen during this time:

-China will replace USA as a superpower
-Ethnics will ultimately get the axe as well once robots make them useless, so nobody except the jews and a few white people actually win in the end
-Africa will probably be colonized and raped by China, basically causing Africans to die off. This one might take longer than 2100 though.
-East Asia will suffer similar fate as the west. Japan has already singed the UN migration pact so they aren't as uncucked as many think.

It's over boyos. Enjoy your freedom for the handful few years that you still have left of it, because the future is going to to be fucking NIGHTMARISH.
I agree with all except the easy asian one. Tell more
lol at this nonsense. When I say internet freedom will be dead, I mean DEAD. As in, there will literally be no internet except only whatever content is hosted by the big corporations. The era of ordinary people being able to upload their own content will be dead. There won't be any youtube, forums, meme sites, social media, or ANYTHING that isn't directly controlled by the government or corporations. It will be like the internet never even existed.

The only thing that will remain are some digital storefronts and stuff like netflix. Everything else will be gone.
How will they pull it off. Blockchain internet could save it
Laughs in ethnic :feelshaha:

Jews and the white elite are just using you as a tool. You will be gassed alongside the other proles once they don't need you anymore.

Think your heavily overestimating the scope and power of the EU. Its a fiscal political union. Not the Roman empire ffs.

Macron and Merkel have already announced that they want a unified EU army. The goal is to federalize the EU and then use the EU army to crush anybody who doesn't like it. They are using the "Russia is a threat" excuse to justify it, but it's obvious they just want the army to bully member states into submission. Don't be shocked if within 4-12 years the EU will invade the central and eastern EU nations in case they try to leave, using some bullshit pretext such as "stopping fascism" or some similar bullshit. It could even trigger World war 3 in case Russia doesn't like it.

How will they pull it off. Blockchain internet could save it

Alternative media and technology will be banned via some form of regulation.
Jews and the white elite are just using you as a tool. You will be gassed alongside the other proles once they don't need you anymore.

Macron and Merkel have already announced that they want a unified EU army. The goal is to federalize the EU and then use the EU army to crush anybody who doesn't like it. They are using the "Russia is a threat" excuse to justify it, but it's obvious they just want the army to bully member states into submission. Don't be shocked if within 4-12 years the EU will invade the central and eastern EU nations in case they try to leave, using some bullshit pretext such as "stopping fascism" or some similar bullshit. It could even trigger World war 3 in case Russia doesn't like it.

Alternative media and technology will be banned via some form of regulation.

How can the EU invade eastern EU members? They all want in. None of them wanna go back to joining the Soviet union. EU army no gonna exist or be a threat. Nato exists and is most likely to combat russian aggressions/ invade russia depending on how nefarious they act
Jews and the white elite are just using you as a tool. You will be gassed alongside the other proles once they don't need you anymore.

Macron and Merkel have already announced that they want a unified EU army. The goal is to federalize the EU and then use the EU army to crush anybody who doesn't like it. They are using the "Russia is a threat" excuse to justify it, but it's obvious they just want the army to bully member states into submission. Don't be shocked if within 4-12 years the EU will invade the central and eastern EU nations in case they try to leave, using some bullshit pretext such as "stopping fascism" or some similar bullshit. It could even trigger World war 3 in case Russia doesn't like it.

Alternative media and technology will be banned via some form of regulation.
Yes that could happen in the EU

I dont see how blockchain can be stopped. Go learn about it bro
The elites are already trying to brainwash us into accepting our future diets.

White nationalism is a bad way to cope.
i will off before the end
ITS DA ((((JOOOZ))))!!!!

Yeah we are coming for all of you LOL.

But seriously, Europe will cuck itself further and suck some serious mudslime dick. Us Americunts will probably have ourselves a civil war, the outcome of which is anyone's guess (depends on whom the majority of the military sides with). I look forward to that, even though I'll probably die in it.
Dont worry.
We will be all dead at the time.

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