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Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

SuicideFuel I don’t want to kill myself, but rationally speaking it seems like the optimal move

Thanks a lot, that’s helpful. My plan is to see if someone at work needs a room mate and one thing that put me in a hole is a lightning strike fried my computer through the surge protector (which I use for work too) so I not only had to get another one but also one of those fancy external battery things. I also injured myself on accident/had to spend a ton of money on going to the hospital (USA baby :feelsrope:) so it’s been a rough period. Looking at the stats I’m not even an outlier is the crazy thing — so many working people are one emergency cost away from shitting the bed, this can’t be sustainable right?
The US is utterly fucked. Even my 3rd world shithole of a country is more bearable to live in. But yes the roomate plan is a great idea.
Hey I’m sorry by the way — I think I said some mean shit to you in the past and that wasn’t cool. It’s been bugging me, I don’t like being on bad terms with guys here, but I’m a fuckin asshole sometimes.
I don't remember. I don't take anything personally on this forum, we're all in the same lookist boat at the end of the day so don't worry about it. I like your posts.
How do you guys keep going? My life is a heavy net negative and I have zero hope for a better future. It’s really sad that men like us have to replace actual community and relationships with this forum.

I’m very poor despite working all the time without a break across several jobs for many years and my current job makes me actively suicidal I hate it so much and I’m treated so badly. My female boss is pure evil and the department head is too. I genuinely feel pure unfiltered hatred for both of them and if they died I would probably throw a party for myself.

They’re not even outliers — there’s no “community” for me. I have no connections, there’s really no one that gives a fuck about me. Everyone is so evil and only cares about themselves and it makes sense when you consider the way our system actually works. If I was a hot young woman posting selfies I’d immediately be inundated by weak simp men, even families seem to care more about their daughters than their sons. My whole life I’ve heard basically nothing but scathing criticism directed towards men when I didn’t even do anything.

I’ll probably get fired or laid off soon and at that point it’s just game over. I’ve been searching for another decent job for months with and it’s just hopeless. Nobody will hire me.

I’ve never been a successful man with women and honestly what is even the point in of living if you can’t get a loyal wife that loves you, a decent job that doesn’t actively make you want to blow your brains out, and your own home and family? This country has abandoned its men and we’ve all had our futures sold out by the feminists and the wealthy elites and business owners and the government.

My pain is constant and sharp, I feel hatred for the system and for a lot of people around me. But I’m totally powerless to change anything. Voting does nothing, same shit. I am a slave. I don’t really want to die, I want a better life. I want real opportunities. I did everything they told me to and for what?

EDIT: Just because I know all the gaslighting NPCs always make up excuses in their head for why people like me “deserve” this life of suffering and mistreatment and they always strawman us, I really used to be a good person. I used to believe everything they taught me and for most of my life I really went out of my way to help others and I was kind back then. I still had hope and I didn’t understand truly how the world and people actually were. But at some point after being rejected and betrayed by people you thought were good life has a way of tearing your optimism away and showing how delusional and selfish most people really are. Combine this with a world where you have no opportunity and where common dreams of owning a home and having a family don’t even exist and it’s recipe for total despair and hatred. Obviously it is. Would happen to anyone. It’s like the old Carlin quote: “Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist”.
Work part time.

Live on little.

Get rid of car.

Rent a cheap room.

Use food banks.
How do you guys keep going? My life is a heavy net negative and I have zero hope for a better future. It’s really sad that men like us have to replace actual community and relationships with this forum.

I’m very poor despite working all the time without a break across several jobs for many years and my current job makes me actively suicidal I hate it so much and I’m treated so badly. My female boss is pure evil and the department head is too. I genuinely feel pure unfiltered hatred for both of them and if they died I would probably throw a party for myself.

They’re not even outliers — there’s no “community” for me. I have no connections, there’s really no one that gives a fuck about me. Everyone is so evil and only cares about themselves and it makes sense when you consider the way our system actually works. If I was a hot young woman posting selfies I’d immediately be inundated by weak simp men, even families seem to care more about their daughters than their sons. My whole life I’ve heard basically nothing but scathing criticism directed towards men when I didn’t even do anything.

I’ll probably get fired or laid off soon and at that point it’s just game over. I’ve been searching for another decent job for months with and it’s just hopeless. Nobody will hire me.

I’ve never been a successful man with women and honestly what is even the point in of living if you can’t get a loyal wife that loves you, a decent job that doesn’t actively make you want to blow your brains out, and your own home and family? This country has abandoned its men and we’ve all had our futures sold out by the feminists and the wealthy elites and business owners and the government.

My pain is constant and sharp, I feel hatred for the system and for a lot of people around me. But I’m totally powerless to change anything. Voting does nothing, same shit. I am a slave. I don’t really want to die, I want a better life. I want real opportunities. I did everything they told me to and for what?

EDIT: Just because I know all the gaslighting NPCs always make up excuses in their head for why people like me “deserve” this life of suffering and mistreatment and they always strawman us, I really used to be a good person. I used to believe everything they taught me and for most of my life I really went out of my way to help others and I was kind back then. I still had hope and I didn’t understand truly how the world and people actually were. But at some point after being rejected and betrayed by people you thought were good life has a way of tearing your optimism away and showing how delusional and selfish most people really are. Combine this with a world where you have no opportunity and where common dreams of owning a home and having a family don’t even exist and it’s recipe for total despair and hatred. Obviously it is. Would happen to anyone. It’s like the old Carlin quote: “Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist”.
I don't remember. I don't take anything personally on this forum, we're all in the same lookist boat at the end of the day so don't worry about it. I like your posts.
Same. I think I said racist shit to you but I'm going in and out of myself I can't tell what is real anymore HAHAHAHHAHAH ITS ALL BUT A DREAM
What I’ve been doing for several months is on the weekends (im way too tired from work during the week) I search up jobs on job boards for remote and local and just spam apply my resume anywhere that even looks decent. Thing is, most people are doing that too and all the big boards it’s like every listing has thousands of applications it’s nuts. So many of them too the employer already has someone in mind they know, it’s just surreal how completely fucked the job market is right now. It feels so hopeless after so many applications (to jobs I really am qualified for I should add) I’m losing my motivation to even keep trying.
Oh ok thats good then I thought it would be good advice to provide in case you were not doing it, and you just make the process as automated as possible by spamming the same resume everywhere, if there is a job you really like or have a shot tailoring a resume specifically to it can help but I hate doing all that just to not get the job anyway
And yeah, I’ve been thinking a lot about the advent of computers and birth control/abortion and how both of those things massively changed society. Computers on paper seem incredible except that I’m pretty sure a lot of the gains have gone to the top. Before think about how many bullshit jobs there had to be for just basic things computers do now. Instead of computers making our lives easier job side it’s like companies just used them to get more productivity out of fewer workers then passed along the savings to investors and company owners/execs. Obviously there are tons of cool thing for computers, not claiming otherwise but specifically their effect on the workplace is very interesting to ponder.
You have provided a new perspective for me with this actually, alot of the major benefits have gone to the top with computers and stuff, and I have seen stuff showing that AI may be used to monitor employee productivity so even worse!
I was actually just pondering this in my thoughts before, I think 2023 is the best time to be alive if you are the 1 percent of people so extremely rich/famous/good looking etc. Stuff like that then it is undoubtedly the best time to be alive.
However for advancements in technology and stuff for the average person, my car is literally a decade old lol.
Birth control/abortion/feminism basically means wages get guttered as you’ve just massively increased the workforce (once again great for the wealthy bad for the actual working joes) and nobody has kids anymore. I’m just not convinced all these advancements were really healthy for humanity, at least not without some kind of massive UBI style restructuring, I dunno. Or at least healthcare and higher education in place such that it doesn’t bankrupt people to get retrained. The USA is so greedy and fucking garbage to people like us, it’s unbelievable. I’m basically some kind of neo serf. A few toys, but everything is contingent on continued wage drudgery that makes me suicidal. And thats assuming you can even get a job. But yeah, one does not make up for the other. Not even close.
I am trying to do alot of research when I have the effort to make a thread about this issue, foids in the workplace as sexist as it is to say is fucking horrible for the state of the world. I am trying to research about it and why it's happened to the point where they outperform men, its quite arduous sifting through all the bluepill bullshit saying foids still have a long way to go and stuff :feelshaha: but it is something I am keen to get to the bottom off
Also I am glad you like the analogy I think it absolutely rings true, but its also like we started the game down a queen and our king started in the centre of the board or something, at least chess is fair.
Games were fun back when they were a cherry on top of an actual life. Now that I use them to fuckin cope and escape they’re just not fun for me anymore. It’s like my brain knows what I’m hiding from and won’t even let me enjoy it. Stupid mind, I literally cannot fix the problems you’re upset with, gah. I remember getting genuinely depressed and feeling like my heart was getting crushed when I finished Persona 5 because it just hit me that none of those friends were real, I’m no hero, no one respects me, etc. In the story everyone loves you and you get to roleplay as Chad then life just brutally smashing you in the face. It sound so pathetic obviously.
I did not know it at that time, but when i was young it wasn't so different my reason from playing games/reading fantasy than now. In games you can control the character and while it may take a lot of tries to win, eventually you'll win. In life there's no guarantee, and the consequences are far too daunting to face. There's no reward system like in games.

Escapism is the right word, but i would say it's rather a feeling of "fairness" that pushes me to game instead of meeting people. In life you're constantly judged by your looks, status and money. Things that were given to you at birth, those that manage to make something out of themselves usually don't do it by virtue of hard work alone.

There are always enviromental, genetic, inherited factors at play. I really, really doubt someone with nothing can make incredible things. That's why life for me is just sheer dissapointment.
For investments, I’ve been contributing a little to my 401K over time (goes into a target date fund) but the issue is:
1) market has been down for several years now and there’s no guarantee future index fund returns will match the boomer globalization era where it was like you couldn’t lose
It depends for some but maybe you don't need to get rich, just rich enough to afford basic neeeds and be "content" a part of that need is not facing stupid normies at work who will constantly berate you and judge you by something other than "you", Just the skin you're born with.

I'm happy you're taking things into your own hands, you may reach a small fortune in a couple of years if you're smart with your money. I'm waiting to get a decent job to plan my future more in depth. For now i'm saving a bit to eventually resign and get a job that let's me grind experience in coding in a position like a back end or a data engineer, something that will grant me more freedom and better income.

Question for your username: what are the best isekai? I saw Konosuba and loved it but ive heard it’s a genre full of garbage?
I mean most isekais are trash, what do i mean by this? They're like junk food, you can find them funny. But you won't find deep knowledge or anything. I find them entertaining and i get a bit of happiness from them. Some people prefer romantic comedies or slife of life, but i end up going for edgy things instead.

A few that i enjoyed recently were:

Mushoku Tensei, this is one of the best if not the best isekai out of every one. The show is about a 40yo need who did not socialize and his parents died recently, he ends up getting kicked out of his home and gets killed by a truck trying to save a girl. Then gets transported to an isekai world.
It's really entertaining, has a good ammount of deephness to it and it's really well animated. I would recommed you to give it a shot.

Eminence in shadow. I'll just say this one is the one isekai that's every edgy teen's powerfantasy, it's like one punch man isekai. I won't spoil too much but i recommend you to watch at least 3 chapters before dropping it, cause after that it goes booom.

That time i got reeincarnated as a slime. This one is also another gem, i had a few personal reasons as to why i dropped it. But it's clearly a bomb, and a lot of people enjoyed it.

I could go on and on about shitty isekais but those are some that i enjoyed a lot, if you have a bit of time check them out and tell me what you thought about them. I would love to talk with you about those shitty things lmao
Don't do it bro. One of the few well adjusted and high IQ users here. :cryfeels:
rope is cope and fuck rationality this world has irrationally betrayed incels
rope is cope and fuck rationality this world has irrationally betrayed incels
It definitely is cope — I don’t know if I’d have the guts the go through with it unless I was a drunk or some such but at that point your also much more likely to fuck it up seems to me. And yeah, it’s nutty how much people hate us and blatantly misrepresent our actual views beyond that.
Don't do it bro. One of the few well adjusted and high IQ users here. :cryfeels:
Thanks man — it feels sorta weird to me that the place I’m probably most respected and understood is on this niche forum. It’s kinda nice though to at least have one place where people genuinely “get it” and don’t just attack you with viscous rage.

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