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Serious I don't want to be a "man"

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

Everything burns
Nov 29, 2022

I don't want to be a "man." I don't want to spend my entire life grinding away at a rate race and suffering just so I can brag to other men "how masculine I am" and please a woman. There's no point in it. It's all just pointless ego and cope. I hate these redpill bros obsessed with hustling and getting women. Fuck that
Another foolish grifter
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
Incentives are required for extreme work ethic and self-sacrificial behavior.
View attachment 1242733

I don't want to be a "man." I don't want to spend my entire life grinding away at a rate race and suffering just so I can brag to other men "how masculine I am" and please a woman. There's no point in it. It's all just pointless ego and cope. I hate these redpill bros obsessed with hustling and getting women. Fuck that

I thought Hoe Math was a watered down blackpill channel, never knew he also does redpill coping.
Fuck these "muuuh be a masculine macho" redpill faggots
I personally believe that men are the superior gender

but whenever a redpiller talks about 'being a man,' it feels disgusting and it's like why would you ever want to be this kind of 'man'. literally nauseating
Be a man, die on the war
Be a man, get stabbed while protecting some whore from Tyrone she is in love with
Be a man, raise another men's child
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Another foolish grifter
I don't think he's grifting. He's a delusional egotistical idiot who gets putting down other men and propping up himself.

Fuck these "muuuh be a masculine macho" redpill faggots

hoe_math fell off
Yes. He's convinced himself that he's in the top ten percent and all men can be if they aren't lazy. Fucking redpill retard

I thought Hoe Math was a watered down blackpill channel, never knew he also does redpill coping.
Same. He probably thinks he's hot shit because he has a popular jewtube channel
Be a man, die on the war
Be a man, get stabbed by protecting some whore
Be a man by rising another men's child
I personally believe that men are the superior gender

but whenever a redpiller talks about 'being a man,' it feels disgusting and it's like why would you ever want to be this kind of 'man'. literally nauseating
I don't think he's grifting. He's a delusional egotistical idiot who gets putting down other men and propping up himself.


Yes. He's convinced himself that he's in the top ten percent and all men can be if they aren't lazy. Fucking redpill retard

Same. He probably thinks he's hot shit because he has a popular jewtube channel
Fair point
He's just foolish then
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
NEETmaxxing is the best someone could do, even better if you drain resources from the state.
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
Correct. They call any man who isn't a slave to woman a fake. Pure gynocentrism
Shit, i actually liked that channel, or at least thought it had potential to highlight what we go through and communicate it somewhat understandably to normies. He's the same as the rest i guess.

The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
Based as fuck.

"real man" is a human with a dick and balls. That's it.
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
We should popularise calling fatties and uggos not real women
I want to have a masculine mindset, i.e a logical mindset. That's a big part of being a man. I disagree with some of you though, I think being courageous, honourable and protective (of your younger siblings and mother for example) should be encouraged. Even if I'm an incel I refuse to be meek or effeminate. But you can't expect everyone to be Rambo of course.
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I don't want to be a "man." I don't want to spend my entire life grinding away at a rate race and suffering just so I can brag to other men "how masculine I am" and please a woman. There's no point in it. It's all just pointless ego and cope. I hate these redpill bros obsessed with hustling and getting women. Fuck that
Being a man doesn't necessarily mean you worship foids and only care about sex. Personally, I think it's more about being independent, decisive and self-controlled - all things that foids often lack.
Real men work to the bone for goldstein with no safetry regulations, minimum wage, and then go die in a war for Israel. /s
High IQ post. How are we gonna become manly and tough by obeying some societal norms?

A good husband = cuck

A good man = cuck

Being a man doesn't necessarily mean you worship foids and only care about sex. Personally, I think it's more about being independent, decisive and self-controlled - all things that foids often lack.
This isn't what modern society calls "a real man".
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
They do when it comes to trannies and lgbtfags but yeah no not used in the same way.
"Be a man" = settle down with a used up roastie and pay for everything she wants because you're afraid that she'll leave you at any moment
Same. I’m gonna enjoy whatever anime or video games I feel like. You women already made it so I can’t get love and sex. I’m not gonna be a mindless slave to them as well
Another foolish grifter
he's been a slave to the pussy since before his channel, from what I recall he's a chad that got tired of fucking different women every week and now wants to be an e-celeb
he's been a slave to the pussy since before his channel, from what I recall he's a chad that got tired of fucking different women every week and now wants to be an e-celeb
Makes sense
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
A real man is a man that’s useful to foids.
View attachment 1242733

I don't want to be a "man." I don't want to spend my entire life grinding away at a rate race and suffering just so I can brag to other men "how masculine I am" and please a woman. There's no point in it. It's all just pointless ego and cope. I hate these redpill bros obsessed with hustling and getting women. Fuck that
The entire reason men manned up is because they got a reward for it. There is no reward now.
The entire reason men manned up is because they got a reward for it. There is no reward now.

Society is dangling a carrot on a stick in front of our faces, but now the carrot is rotten and disgusting so there's no reason to chase it
I thought Hoe Math was a watered down blackpill channel, never knew he also does redpill coping.
He's pretty retarded. He finds the evidence that proves the black-pill, but he always somehow arrives at the wrong conclusion.
I watched this guy's stuff for a time, but then he got a gf. He changed entirely. Became a red pill "just improoove yourself" channel. He even takes her opinion into account when making his videos. Complete idiot.
The terms "Real man" & "Real men" Are gynoncentric. A man is any human who has XY chromosomes. Notice red pillers never use the terms "Real woman" or "Real women" Says it all.
Pretty much, its a shaming tactics to force you into working for general good for peanuts and to never complain. "real man" will do whatever suits them, like real man likes obese foids and real man will raise others children. And so on.
View attachment 1242733

I don't want to be a "man." I don't want to spend my entire life grinding away at a rate race and suffering just so I can brag to other men "how masculine I am" and please a woman. There's no point in it. It's all just pointless ego and cope. I hate these redpill bros obsessed with hustling and getting women. Fuck that
that retard doesnt know that chads are out there watching anime/playing games and fucking endless women?:feelsseriously:
no on ever says women need to stop watching anime and playing videogames if they want to become a real woman

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