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Serious I don't understand how white supremacist-cels exist.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 24160
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Not wanting shitskins infesting your neighborhood has nothing to do with getting sex or not you fucking peanutbrain. "Hurdur this white chick goes to blm rally that means i should also enjoy sucking ni**ger cock h

Inform us how a bunch of losers on the internet are going strengthen the white race.
The white incels here are so low among the pole they can't get an Asian woman to date them and even if they did it doesn't create a white person just another Elliot.
Are you going to be like Hitler and tell mr blue eyed Chad here he should be fucking this white girl? Chad and others will fuck who they please without a care in the world if it strengthens their race.
Even outside of just being an incel, whites have the worst women imaginable and the men are either super cucked or too depressed to do any change.
Are you so brainwashed?
black women are by far the ugliest and have the highest percentage of landwhales. White women are the pinnacle of human females (unfortunately)
Inform us how a bunch of losers on the internet are going strengthen the white race.
The white incels here are so low among the pole they can't get an Asian woman to date them and even if they did it doesn't create a white person just another Elliot.
Are you going to be like Hitler and tell mr blue eyed Chad here he should be fucking this white girl? Chad and others will fuck who they please without a care in the world if it strengthens their race.
Brutal but true. It doesn’t matter that I am racist, because I dont matter.
Are you so brainwashed?
black women are by far the ugliest and have the highest percentage of landwhales. White women are the pinnacle of human females (unfortunately)

Brutal but true. It doesn’t matter that I am racist, because I dont matter.
Imagine thinking white women with all the thing they do are the "pinnacle of female beauty" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Stormcucks go back to /pol/
Inform us how a bunch of losers on the internet are going strengthen the white race.
The white incels here are so low among the pole they can't get an Asian woman to date them and even if they did it doesn't create a white person just another Elliot.
Are you going to be like Hitler and tell mr blue eyed Chad here he should be fucking this white girl? Chad and others will fuck who they please without a care in the world if it strengthens their race.
Ok ni**ger loving cuck
I don't understand either.
Whites are cucked today, but they have the best genetics. Plain and simple. They have been thought leaders and produced nearly all of the innovation which we enjoy and take for granted today. Their nations are the most beautiful and comfortable. These are the reasons behind supremacist views.

Meds still surpass nordics and anglos.

The world existed prior to the 1600s after all, which coincidentally is when coal was discovered.

> Their nations are the most beautiful and comfortable.

Bro, you've gotta be joking w this take. The suicide rate, drug abuse, rape rate, doesn't mean anything?

And that's not even getting into the fact that this superiority largely came from pillaging other lands tbh. Hence why eastern europe, which never really engaged in colonialism, is a greater shithole than the western half
i understand not wanting to have your country overrun by zionist interests and muslim rape gangs, but sfcels don't really care about society, and even if they do, this is often either a secondary reason or not even a reason at all for sfcels to have these views. it often comes from a place of cope. everyone has an ego, and since subhumans can't feel superior about their looks, social lives, sex lives, the one thing they have is their race/ethnicity, so they use that to feel superior and valid and view others as below them. there's a reason some guys in these communities will say it should be legal to rape women then turn around and talk about "protecting our women" when some muslim does it
Cope, humans are naturally inclined to despise mixed race mutts like you whether conscious or not, being a smug agent of subversion doesnt really help your case either sorry bro.
Depends on how mutted one is or how they come out looking. For example, a Turk and Greek mixing is obviously not the same as a Turk and Indian mixing. There are also white-somali mixed people out their who look like they dont have even a DROP of black DNA, mostly because of somali DNA being reciessive. No way in hell they are despised for being race mixed.

Also, that really isn't gonna stop racemixxing, especially when its easier for a white man to tame a black women

People, specially leftards, focus on the race aspect of White Supremacy alone and don't mention all the other qualities it has.

See if they want to live in Niger, Congo, Middle East or China.

I'd live in the middle east in a heart beat if jews and their christcuck slaves stopped invading the place. Though Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi, Turkey, etc are still faily good places to live. So would have Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan if they weren't being blown up by kikes and kike-bootlickers.

I would sooner live in a simple village or moderate town than ever step foot in a first world degenerate city ever again.
Western Europeans are more innovative, enterprising and risk taking than the East, which is why they were capitalists and the East has been socialist. Tale of two Germanys. One rich, the other poor. Guess which one was capitalist?
Yes, that too is/was a factor. Not denying that
Inform us how a bunch of losers on the internet are going strengthen the white race.
The white incels here are so low among the pole they can't get an Asian woman to date them and even if they did it doesn't create a white person just another Elliot.
Are you going to be like Hitler and tell mr blue eyed Chad here he should be fucking this white girl? Chad and others will fuck who they please without a care in the world if it strengthens their race.
Hitler was right about Jews, Muslims, and Christcucks
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Its how whitey copes.

Nothing new. Genetic failure whites have to find a way to feel superior despite not having the intelligence or looks.

Even though their own race wants them dead.

Sad really, but cummys will be cummys.
They’re coping with race
Gangbangers in one big American city shoot more people in one average weekend than 10 years of counry wide incel terror combined.


"Having pride in your race is a cope"

The non-white incels here are left leaning dishonest turds that pretend they are apolitical. The same way they pretend they are upset about non-white foids fucking white guys when they don't even want to fuck their own women anyways. Meanwhile they all post on /JustbeAsian, /justbblack, /r justbwhite, and /ethnicdatingstrategy and /r incelswithouthate lifefuel posts about non-white guys with white foids and tell us we are "race coping". Funny how they call us white supremacists when they are the real white supremacists that want to live in white countries and breed with white women to make their children look whiter.
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Even outside of just being an incel, whites have the worst women imaginable and the men are either super cucked or too depressed to do any change.
You just hope to ascend with some low-smv black bitch or noodle whore.
Hint:you won’t
No, both my parents are rice.
Thats even worse, your parents made money with western trade and sent you to western schools in western cities to live with westerns and now you insult these people by saying their identity doesnt matter and they havent accomplished anything, just because you cant get a white gf, you arrogant pampered chink.
You should know better anyway, Asia is a hotbed of "racism" and thats not confined to the slave castes but goes up to the leadership of countries, the Hong Kongese I met all hated mainland Chinese and told me they are animals which is true btw.
Ok but he asked why white supremacistcels exist, as in why does a fucking genetic failure think he's superior because he happens to be part of a race THAT HE IRONICALLY FAILS TO MEASURE UP TO

It literally makes no logical sense at all

Its like a Tricycle boasting about how awesome motor bikes are and feeling proud because "I'm also a bike" :feelskek:

No, that's not how pride and accomplishment works, these guys are deluded

They not only didn't do anything to be born their race (no accomplishment), they aren't even a desirable specimen of their race, so there should be no pride there at all

I think I do know why white incels have racial allegiance, its because the race dynamics are different to that of ethnics (especially blacks)

To be a "default member" of the white race you just need to be white, exhibit white traits, but blacks for example have a monolithic culture and set roles and feats that one must meet to "prove their blackness" and be accepted by their race (and desired by their women)

So for the most part, white incels feel accepted by their race and not excluded, black incels usually don't like the same cultural norms typical of blacks, for example I don't really like rap music, I can't dance, I can't sing, I don't play sports, I don't care about "swag", etc

There are also physical feats expected of black males - being tall, being athletic, having a big penis, being aggressive, etc

You see this is another core aspect of JBW (Just Be White)

In order to be accepted as a member of the white race, YOU JUST HAVE TO BE WHITE

To be accepted as a black man, YOU HAVE TO PROVE YOU ARE "BLACK ENOUGH", you don't get to just be a member of your race for existing

I made a thread about this:
Thats even worse, your parents made money with western trade and sent you to western schools in western cities to live with westerns and now you insult these people by saying their identity doesnt matter and they havent accomplished anything, just because you cant get a white gf, you arrogant pampered chink.

"Westerners" aren't a culturally homogenous bloc.

I've spent most of my life surrounded by a certain kind of "Westerner": sushi-eating, New Yorker-reading, degree-holding urban liberals who drink $6 lattes and discuss inequality from the comfort of their small $3 million apartments. They're the ones who taught me that their racial identity doesn't matter. Who am I to disagree?
"Westerners" aren't a culturally homogenous bloc.

I've spent most of my life surrounded by a certain kind of "Westerner": sushi-eating, New Yorker-reading, degree-holding urban liberals who drink $6 lattes and discuss inequality from the comfort of their small $3 million apartments. They're the ones who taught me that their racial identity doesn't matter. Who am I to disagree?
fair enough

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