Come on newcel, you're gonna have to try better than this.
>heard some guys telling they have never approached a girl etc,
If you are not top 20%, you should not approach. There is no point. You will be brutally rejected. Also, women approach men who they like. The meme that women don't approach is a
cope to justify why they're not getting laid. If a woman finds you attractive, she
will approach you. You will be given a chance.
>and some people are just LARPing and u can see right through them,
Report them then and don't bother making a thread about it. If you believe a user to be non-incel, send proof to the mods. They are quick to put down the hammer under most circumstances. Problem is, people often make baseless accusations of fakecelling with no proof. You can't ban anyone with no proof.
>i believe if some of the guys here bother to get off their asses and do a little effort they can make great changes to their lives
Stop... please. You sound like IT. There are TONS of members here, notable or not, whop are shorter than 5'7". You honestly believe they have any shot in the hypergamous 2018 dating game? JFL no they don't. They will get mogged instantly if they go outside with their thot. Women are programmed to pick the best mate, as they have to dedicate 9 months during reproduction and men only have to dedicate a few hours. If a little manletcel goes outside with his thot and she sees a man with the same face but taller, she will leave him 9 times out of 10.
What would you say to these people? Just get taller bro? How can these people possibly improve their situation? How would "getting off their ass" help them?
What about people like myself with autism? Just get new genetics bro? They don't make pills for this, and there is no therapy, treatment, or cure as of now. How is getting off my ass going to do anything? I tried "getting off my ass" when I was in college. I was rejected every time, developed oneitises that I would never see reciprocation from, and damn near fell into a depressive hole that I couldn't climb out of.
Don't even get me started on us here with fucked up faces. Face is number one, and you can only change it so much with extremely expensive surgery.
TL;DR: In my best estimation, you are worried about a nonexistent bogeyman. Ball up. Stop comparing yourself to other incels. You're a monstrous fag if you do. Swallow the blackpill or leave.