Let's see...
Ok so in the OP, she essentially repeats my post: I want sex because it would cure me like medicine. But no one wants to fuck me and no one should fuck me. Nothing new here. Notice she says sex involves ''consent'' and attraction. Consent means you either want it, or you don't. If a woman would pity fuck me, that would be consent. But by consent, she means ''attraction''.
So literally 0 arguments in the OP, just rehashing my own comment while admitting ugly subhuman men don't deserve sex to feel better. let's see if the comments are any better.
Top comment, not bad actually. Suggesting escortmaxxing. Yeah, I kinda need to do that.
Ah, the porn hating

The reason I've been masturbating almost daily to porn my entire life is precisely because no woman has ever deemed me attractive enough for sex.
u/its_leslievanilla, if you were to fuck me daily, I would never touch porn ever again, I would have no reason to. Porn is just a result of inceldom, it has absolutely nothing to do with causing inceldom
''If you want sex so bad, why not do it with a man? There should be literally 0 difference''

Ok, so I am a man who is attracted to women. I am not sexually or romantically attracted to men. I don't want platonic hugs or compliments from men, I want them from women. That's how you measure value and power. That's all I want. I want affection, intimacy, sex and validation from women.
You are sarcastic, but all my life has been ruined by me being ugly and not getting affection and sex from women. So yeah, it would cure me. It wouldn't cure you if you had depression, because you're a normie and your depression has a different cause.
I don't exactly know, to be honest. But I imagine a handjob would be the best sex act for the death grip syndrome because the woman could squeeze very hard.
The lack of sex caused depression in the first place, so yeah, actually, even a mere handjob would be validation and pleasure enough to significantly boost my mental health.
Already addressed the ''just have sex with men'' part. No, I don't want to. I want to do it with women because I am only attractede to women. And again, why does it have to be a matter of entitlement? I just want it, I just need it, you could easily do it for me. And yeah, escortmaxxing doesn't count as real ascension. Ascension means a woman is attracted to you and wants to fuck you. Escorts do it just for the money.
I won't speak for other incels, but escorts are the only women I respect. The only problem I have with whores and sluts is they only do it with Chads, who can already get easy free sex from all women. Whores and sluts SHOULD fuck ugly subhuman men, too. Women would unironically be safer with me than with Chads who can afford to be abusive and toxic with them.
Bro, I assume you're a man. If you are able to get ''random sex with strangers'', then you're mogging me into the sun. Of course random sex won't cure your depression because in your case IT'S NOT THE LACK OF SEX THAT CAUSED IT. Why is this so difficult to grasp? My entire fucking life has been ruined by being a 30 yo KHHV. Sex would absolutely help me.
Again, consent to sex means you want to have sex. You either want it, or you don't.
I never said women SHOULD BE FORCED TO GIVE ME HANDJOBS. I only said it would be easy for them to do it. But now her entire wall of text is trying to fight a non-existing argument I never made.
But yeah, she's right. Women have no reason to help us because they gain nothing. She says it well there. That's exactly my point in the original comment. Women could just do it to help us, that's all. No strings attached, just do it. It would reduce inceldom.
Also, I love how she tries to do a ''gotcha!'' with a femcel scenario. Hey sister, I would absolutely DEVOUR

the holes of a so-called ''''femcel'''''. I would fucking LOVE to do it. I have literally 0 standards. She must have an age between 18 and 45. Under 100 kg and no facial deformities. I don't care about literally anything else. A lot of incels feel this way. They had to ban men from the ''femcel'' subreddit because the men kept wanting to date them

This shows me you have no fucking clue what you're talking about, girl. You think we are disgusted by femcels in the same way women are disgusted with incels, but that's clearly not the case.
Also, how the fuck is a random unenthusiastic, lazy handjob a necessity for making anyone happy or healthy?
They can't even begin to comprehend

Girl, you have no fucking idea the sheer desperation I've been suffering. Yeah, even a fucking pathetic 5 minute handjob would be lifefuel for decades for my pathetic sad excuse of a life.