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I don't hate women

Lol I'm literally banned from reddit as a whole because they're pansies who can't handle contrary opinions just like you cuck.
How ironic when you have been simping for foids and being a faggot throughout the entire thread. Learn to insult properly lol.
Another day another GrAYcel using mental gymnastics to defend women's psychotic behavior.

It's funny how NPCs like you always fall in the same fallacy. You find it reasonable for women to cheat, verbally abuse men, passively-agressively treat low status men like subhumans, exploit mentally ill men into paying them stuff, exploit other men for clout and money, gaslight men into telling them they are trash privileged rapists BUT you find it abhorrent for a group of bullied virgin men victims of women abuse to criticize them.

You are not convincing anyone of your bullshit dude. Go back to reddit, that's quite the place where you can find other soycuck retards to circlejerk with.
Well, me and many more here do hate them, and we have every right to. Attention seeking your first few posts will not be met positively here, as you can see.

Women make society hell for men and are privileged as hell yet still have the guts to call the less privileged, the privileged ones.

my hate for them goes beyond them just not wanting me

This is not your turf buddy

"Just ignore all the damage women have caused to society since they were liberated, bro. Just forget about the humiliation and looks of disgust, bro.":soy:
Why would they give me a chance when they can get a much better looking guy easily? Women just have higher inherent SMV by virtue of biology, that's just the way it is. The only people I can really be mad at it is leftist degenerates who have completely destroyed the idea of having a society where committed monogamy is the norm and women don't have sex until marriage.
Most rosties are leftist degenerates. Btw if it's foid's nature to be hypergamous whores then it's men's nature to rape and not contribute to a cucked soyciety that hates them for not being chads or rich.
Another day another GrAYcel using mental gymnastics to defend women's psychotic behavior.
How ironic when you have been simping for foids and being a faggot throughout the entire thread. Learn to insult properly lol.

"REEEEEEEEE IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME AND HATE ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE YOU'RE A SIIIIIIIIIIIMP." stay mad turbosperg. All you've been doing is shitting up this thread because you can't handle different opinions.
Another day another GrAYcel using mental gymnastics to defend women's psychotic behavior.

It's funny how NPCs like you always fall in the same fallacy. You find it reasonable for women to cheat, verbally abuse men, passively-agressively treat low status men like subhumans, exploit mentally ill men into paying them stuff, exploit other men for clout and money, gaslight men into telling them they are trash privileged rapists BUT you find it abhorrent for a group of bullied virgin men victims of women abuse to criticize them.

You are not convincing anyone of your bullshit dude. Go back to reddit, that's quite the place where you can find other soycuck retards to circlejerk with.
"REEEEEEEEE IF YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ME AND HATE ALL WOMEN EVERYWHERE YOU'RE A SIIIIIIIIIIIMP." stay mad turbosperg. All you've been doing is shitting up this thread because you can't handle different opinions.
Lol I am glad I derailed your shitty thread cuck. You literally got shit on by foids and still worship them. Fucking pathetic lmao. And you think you are some hotshot here while you worship foids irl. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself cuck. Absolutely nothing of value will be lost.
Lol I am glad I derailed your shitty thread cuck. You literally got shit on by foids and still worship them. Fucking pathetic lmao. And you think you are some hotshot here while you worship foids irl. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself cuck. Absolutely nothing of value will be lost.
Post tranny gore like I did. This will make "him" go away. "He" still hasnt posted anything since then
Another day another GrAYcel using mental gymnastics to defend women's psychotic behavior.

It's funny how NPCs like you always fall in the same fallacy. You find it reasonable for women to cheat, verbally abuse men, passively-agressively treat low status men like subhumans, exploit mentally ill men into paying them stuff, exploit other men for clout and money, gaslight men into telling them they are trash privileged rapists BUT you find it abhorrent for a group of bullied virgin men victims of women abuse to criticize them.

You are not convincing anyone of your bullshit dude. Go back to reddit, that's quite the place where you can find other soycuck retards to circlejerk with.

More lies. I never said it was wrong to criticize women. I never said I find it reasonable for women to cheat or to treat anybody like shit. I never even said it was wrong to hate women, I just said that I personally didn't but apparently that's just too much to handle. Also can't go to reddit as I've been sitewide banned and all the Incel subs have been deleted.
Post tranny gore like I did. This will make "him" go away. "He" still hasnt posted anything since then

Why would tranny gore make me leave? All trannies deserve death.
I never said I find it reasonable for women to cheat or to treat anybody like shit. I never even said it was wrong to hate women, I just said that I personally didn't
If your only reaction for women's sociopathic behavior is ''I don't hate them'' then that's a clear indication that you find it reasonable. Think of someone getting stabbed in the neck and said victim says '' I don't hate him for stabbing me in the neck''
Also can't go to reddit as I've been sitewide banned and
all the Incel subs have been deleted.
Inceltear and IncelExit are still avaiable. You can talk about how much a self-loathing self-hating cuck you are there and how women are never accountable for anything.
Why would tranny gore make me leave? All trannies deserve death.
Trying too hard to larp here buddy. You can't pretend to be part of a blackpilled group and act like a soycuck at the same time.
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If your only reaction for women's sociopathic behavior is ''I don't hate them'' then that's a clear indication that you find it reasonable.

I hate the foids who were shitty to me. I don't really hate the ones who were just sort of indifferent.

believe it.

Inceltear and IncelExit are still available

Those are for people in denial of their inceldom, which I am not. Your problem is that you're confusing the fact that I don't personally hate ALL women with me thinking women are above criticism or even hatred. I'm fully blackpilled on female nature. If you're someone where every interaction you've had with foids is them shitting on you then you are perfectly justified in your hatred. But I actually had instances in life where there were foids who were decent to me. They didn't want to date me or hang out with me but they didn't go out of their way to shit on me or anything, they were just kind of neutral. And while I've had plenty of foids who treated me like shit and bullied me, my worst bullying, also being based on my appearance, was from a group of dudes. I guess my main point is that the foids who simply were decent to me but didn't want to date me, i don't outright hate because if I was in their position I likely wouldn't date me either.

But I do hate all feminists and simps. Every single one without exception.

Trying too hard to larp here buddy. You can't pretend to be part of a blackpilled group and act like a soycuck at the same time.

I'm not larping. There are few things in this world that disgust me more than fucking trannies. I view people who encourage kids to go on hormones and tell young girls chop their tits of to be worse than child molesters.
I hate the foids who were shitty to me. I don't really hate the ones who were just sort of indifferent.
Those are for people in denial of their inceldom, which I am not. Your problem is that you're confusing the fact that I don't personally hate ALL women with me thinking women are above criticism or even hatred.
Now you are just backpedaling. :feelsYall:
Now you are just backpedaling. :feelsYall:

I'm not backpedaling at all. This has been my consistent position from the start. You just like to extrapolate a bunch of shit.
I hate the women but I love them too. :bluepill::blackpill:
Are you an infiltrator
why do you feel the need to let everyone know this?
Gingers are either ugly as fuck or too good-looking. There seems to be no middle ground.

It seems as if the same holds for mental capacity. I'm sorry that you're so retarded OP.
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I hate the rotten soul of this world
I try not to hate them, and there are a few women I don't hate. But for most of them, what they do and how they treat me, or the likes of me makes it very difficult to love or respect them.
*sips tea*

If you don‘t have a hate of women for various reasons you are a fakecell and need to be banned.
Why would I blame them for acting according to their nature and not the weak faggot cuck simp hippies who "liberated" them? Men decide the structure of society, not women. If women are doing this shit it's because we gave the reigns of power to weak men. During the hunter gatherer days the women just fucked the chads and the LVM just died. Civilization was created so that if you were capable of contributing to society in a productive manner, you were basically guaranteed a mate. Women only do this because the men in charge have been derelict in their duty to properly slut-shame and police female sexuality.
In arranged marriages some women deny men sex. Societal structure doesn't matter.
Well, I can understand why women are not attracted to me I don't blame them for it. I would not be attracted to myself either If I was a female I understand that and it is not my fault but neither is it theirs. I was just born with shitty genetics and that is all there is to it. Who would want to settle for something ugly. It is just engraved in our DNA to detest ugliness. It has a more deeper impact than any would like to imagine. Most just don't bother to think about it but some of us have no choice, for people like us blackpill was forced down our throat. If we were lucky we would be none the wiser to all of this shit.

I will never forgive all this people for treating me like trash. Females especially. Just because of the way I look. They think they are above me they always did. In school, work, life. Everywhere. It is all about looks. All this motherfuckers always trying to put you down. Most of them anyway. It is unforgivable. Everyone is trying to usurp one another and they all fucking cling to the most meaningless things to put themselves higher than the rest. What a cancer mentality.

I just really hate the fact that it has to be this way. I understand I am unattractive but do I really deserve to live a shitty life on top of that just because of that fact? It is not enough life fucked me over I gotta be stomped into the ground by my society too while we are at it. I can count the people who supported me in my life with my one hand. Those that can look past your perceived social status are rare and hard to find. The only people you can really depend on are those you share your burden with.

Life is a rat race with no meaning and no prize. All is temporary. Even our suffering. Cut it short, live out your life, makes no difference. So find your own meaning I guess, just make a choice that is all you can really do, that is all life is really about. Making choices.
Yeah yeah, you stink the fakecel cuck so much that it's almost unlivable.

Did anyone noticed that all those fakecels have 3 things in common ?
1) They're all brand new members who immediately post a lot of shitty topics instead of reading
2) Their names always have numbers because they don't care about lasting long here and
3) Their profile have no picture because they aren't there to stay with us.

Plus they arrive here and immediately insult honorable members like my bro @JosefMengelecel
In arranged marriages some women deny men sex. Societal structure doesn't matter.

Although usually in societies with arranged marriages. There's no such thing as marital rape. In traditional societies they viewed it as a woman's obligation to sexually satisfy her husband.
Yeah yeah, you stink the fakecel cuck so much that it's almost unlivable.

Did anyone noticed that all those fakecels have 3 things in common ?
1) They're all brand new members who immediately post a lot of shitty topics instead of reading
2) Their names always have numbers because they don't care about lasting long here and
3) Their profile have no picture because they aren't there to stay with us.

Plus they arrive here and immediately insult honorable members like my bro @JosefMengelecel
They also never add prefixes either. When you see these retarded threads they are almost always in lowercase and have no prefix. But this one chimped out like some uneducated monkey after I called him out. Also the “insults” are stuff that only faggots say.
I really don't. I just hate my fucking life. I can't really blame them for not being attracted to me when all i see when I look in the mirror is a fucking freckly curly-haired ginger frankenstein looking back.
But they hate ur GrAY ass
I can understand why women are not attracted to me I don't blame them for it. I would not be attracted to myself either If I was a female I understand that and it is not my fault but neither is it theirs. I was just born with shitty genetics and that is all there is to it. Who would want to settle for something ugly. It is just engraved in our DNA to detest ugliness. It has a more deeper impact than any would like to imagine. Most just don't bother to think about it but some of us have no choice, for people like us blackpill was forced down our throat. If we were lucky we would be none the wiser to all of this shit.
If they weren't cunts you'd at least be able to get your looksmatch, and they wouldn't vote for cucked laws.
Lol go back to IT cuck and practice your gay shit there faggot. You literally just joined two days ago and you think you can freely share your cucked shit huh? Well you are in for a rude awakening.
He stinks on IT from miles away "its not women fault, its circumstances, its biology:soy:"
@tacotown2142 They sure as hell hate you, you should hate them back.
He stinks on IT from miles away "its not women fault, its circumstances, its biology:soy:"
@tacotown2142 They sure as hell hate you, you should hate them back.
Obviously an infiltrator. They don’t even try anymore
If they weren't cunts you'd at least be able to get your looksmatch, and they wouldn't vote for cucked laws.
They are. Most of them are. Everything got fucked ever since progressives gave women too much rights. Now we have to live with the consequences. Technology just fucked everything even harder. Everything is so fucked.

You don't have to specifically "hate" anyone to be blackpilled :blackpill:

But I feel ya, OP, about being painfully aware of our physical shortcomings. Have you found anything to make the pain a bit better? For me, ironically, it's social isolation.
Aren't you a ginger? Your kind is rapidly dying out because of women and yet you still cuck for them?
I don't hate women just because they refuse to date me, I hate them because choose to act like degenerate whores.

They live life on tutorial mode, oblivious to the struggles sub-8 males experience on a daily basis. They act entitled as fuck, constantly bitching about nonexistent problems. In fact, everything foids do is for the sake of drawing attention to themselves. The way the speak, the way they dress, EVERYTHING about them just screams "look at me!" They're vain, shallow, dishonest, immature, hedonistic and cruel.

Everything about them aside from physical appearance disgusts me. They're the ones responsible for pushing all the degenerate shit we see in society, from "sex positivity" to all the double-standards when it comes to false rape accusations. They hate us simply for existing, which is why I hate them back.
How can you not even have a small disdain for them?
A lot of you incels here are sounding a lot like IT cucks tbh. At this point I don’t even hate women either, I just dislike them as people. Hating women for being hypergamous is no better than hating a man for liking teen roastie meat. It’s nature.

OP is based for coming on a forum and expressing his opinions despite what the fakecel hivemind on here thinks.

The people I truly hate are the jews that allowed hypergamy to run rampant.

If women were under control we would all have virgin wives by now.
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They live life on tutorial mode, oblivious to the struggles sub-8 males experience on a daily basis.

probably because I don't hate chads either and I've seen first hand how chads literally live life on "tell me a story" difficulty. I used to be a theater kid. At any point our theater group had around 4 or 5 straight guys MAX. There were two guys in particular that even the hottest fucking chicks just fell over themselves trying to get at. One of these guys literally walked up to me one day and said "hey tacotown2142, this morning I woke up to (theater chick who was all over him) sucking my dick. Is it just me or is that kinda weird for a chick to suck a guy off while he's sleeping?" Keep in mind this was high school. All I could respond with was "well I can think of worse things to wake up to."

My brother also has chadlite facial structure and is a typical soy leftist. He's never had trouble getting chicks and all of his GFs have been really decent, attractive, modest chicks who usually he dumps because he gets bored of them. He once dated a really cute semi-chubby redhead chick and then decided to dump her because she wasn't comfortable with an open relationship. His first GF he dumped because he literally just saw another chick that he thought was hotter. Imagine being a truecel and having someone like that as your brother.

I hate thots and whores but there are SOME women out there that are just kinda normal, not really any more degenerate than your average dude. They do exist but they still have high as fuck SMV so they'd never date an incel.
probably because I don't hate chads either and I've seen first hand how chads literally live life on "tell me a story" difficulty. I used to be a theater kid. At any point our theater group had around 4 or 5 straight guys MAX. There were two guys in particular that even the hottest fucking chicks just fell over themselves trying to get at. One of these guys literally walked up to me one day and said "hey tacotown2142, this morning I woke up to (theater chick who was all over him) sucking my dick. Is it just me or is that kinda weird for a chick to suck a guy off while he's sleeping?" Keep in mind this was high school. All I could respond with was "well I can think of worse things to wake up to."

My brother also has chadlite facial structure and is a typical soy leftist. He's never had trouble getting chicks and all of his GFs have been really decent, attractive, modest chicks who usually he dumps because he gets bored of them. He once dated a really cute semi-chubby redhead chick and then decided to dump her because she wasn't comfortable with an open relationship. His first GF he dumped because he literally just saw another chick that he thought was hotter. Imagine being a truecel and having someone like that as your brother.

I hate thots and whores but there are SOME women out there that are just kinda normal, not really any more degenerate than your average dude. They do exist but they still have high as fuck SMV so they'd never date an incel.
Don't you feel the slightest bit resentful? You've clearly been blackpilled multiple times already.
Don't you feel the slightest bit resentful? You've clearly been blackpilled multiple times already.

I'm mainly resentful of the people who actively treated me like shit and they were male AND female. I'm resentful of society for how liberal attitudes toward sex have forced ugly men into a life loneliness. I'm resentful of simps for artificially inflating female self-worth through their cuckery. I'm resentful of god/fate/chance or whatever you want to call it for making me a serious uggo who was kind of socially awkward as a kid (never officially diagnosed with aspergers but I was never tested and It wouldn't surprise me at all if I had a mild case of it). I'm resentful of thots and whores for having zero dignity. I'm resentful of feminists (and the true believer sort not the sort of normal chicks who just say they are from brainwashing). But i Just find it hard to be resentful of normal women just for simply not being attracted to me because of course they're not, I'm ugly as shit. It's like being mad at someone for not wanting to eat a cheeseburger that got dropped on a dirty sidewalk and stepped on.
I'm mainly resentful of the people who actively treated me like shit and they were male AND female. I'm resentful of society for how liberal attitudes toward sex have forced ugly men into a life loneliness. I'm resentful of simps for artificially inflating female self-worth through their cuckery. I'm resentful of god/fate/chance or whatever you want to call it for making me a serious uggo who was kind of socially awkward as a kid (never officially diagnosed with aspergers but I was never tested and It wouldn't surprise me at all if I had a mild case of it). I'm resentful of thots and whores for having zero dignity. I'm resentful of feminists (and the true believer sort not the sort of normal chicks who just say they are from brainwashing). But i Just find it hard to be resentful of normal women just for simply not being attracted to me because of course they're not, I'm ugly as shit. It's like being mad at someone for not wanting to eat a cheeseburger that got dropped on a dirty sidewalk and stepped on.
It's a male nature to be aggressive. Male nature is restricted by soyciety everywhere. Those psychos who act uncontrollably aggressive like attacking random people on the streets, killing someone are put in jail. And female whoring is not restricted. They can act sexually provocative and no one cares ( except some of them get slut-shamed by other women, men are beaten or put in jail for acting according to their nature ). Living in a civilized society is always a self-sacrifice. You need to compromise, sacrifice part of your nature in order to function in society. Women dating and having sex with unattractive men would be their sacrifice and contribution to society. It's always male nature that get restricted. Do you think many men want to die fighting for interests of some corrupt leader? No one asks them.
I'm not angry at women, I'm just disappointed
How can you be an incel and not hate foids? What more do they have to do for you to hate them?
I have some respect for tacotown for being true to himself even whilst on this forum and not giving to the hivemind of being edgy and much bAseD. In this forum they always complain how normies are NPC's and followers. But it seems even here,you have to follow a certain criteria to be accepted as a true inkwell. It just goes to show human nature can never be escaped,not even on a incel forum like this one.

Although Im suprised you don't have atleast a bit of hate for foids, even me, I understand where your coming from. But wouldn't you atleast hate foids atleast a little bit? I mean they like being raped by dark triad men.
incel trait: you hate womens :yes:

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