I think it was @GeckoBus , dunno, but somebody said here in this site (in an awesome thread, may i add) that foids are the arbitrers of society and everything that pertains to it.
Which explains a lot. Like how society feeds on an endless quest for neverending delusions and cope, and it would crumble without it.
But, even knowing that, its still crazy to me. Its putting the entire fate of the species to a whimsical and fluctuating irratiomal being who doesnt care about anything other than to appease its never ending desires and will.
You can save the earth from a deadly disease, write the most beautiful songs and poetry, go around the entire world in a paper canoe, wtvtf...
If you cant get foids on board in droves someway, somehow, its utterly irrelevant and, at most, a niche subject that will make you look "uncool", "antisocial" and a "nerd" for doing it.
This is true. In society, whether it be relationship-wise, in business and marketing, or in media - you have to appeal to women in order to make it. Once you understand what is meant by this, you can never unsee it. Consider for example how people complain about porn. Porn is just worship of the female body and female pleasure. Porn is watching other people give as much pleasure as possible to women. Anything becomes "hot" when there is a foid involved.
Recently someone send me a horrific video of kittens being crushed under high heels and similar shock videos of animal abuse. What I immediately picked up on was that the perpetrator always was a young woman. Not a man - always a woman. In one case even a nude young woman. Foid halo is so strong that even torture and bullying becomes permissible the moment a woman does it. Idk how many here have experienced this, when you told your parents about girls bullying you and they just went "ooh that means she likes you" or some dumb shit. Yes, foids calling me quasimodo and telling me I stink means they have a crush on me

Consider how there is no male equivalent to the concept of a dominatrix.
Or to the concept of a "tsundere" like in "please dont bully me nagatoro-san." There is no genere where a man bullies a foid and it is considered cute and sexually pleasing. There is bdsm and other porn where men hardcore abuse the female body - but even this is based around worship of the female body and her pleasure and satisfaction. Very few porn actually is about really hurting women in malignant way. Think about how fucked up male-tsundere porn would be.
Like, just think about it. Some guy pushing a foid into lockers, saying her pussy stinks, bullying her, pulling his dick out in front of her etc. It would be weird as fuck. But if a female-tsundere like nagatoro gropes the MC and does other shit, its fine - cuz shes a woman and the female body is seen as beautiful. The messenger is the message, if the message is "female" then everything goes.
Gender swap these in your head:
Porn is not the only example. Open your eyes fully. Walk the earth paying attention to media depictions and human behavior through the lense of gender. You will notice that the vast majority of commercials depict attractive women. Food packaging only shows neotenous creatures like cartoon characters, and women. If there is an attractive guy, it is often coupled with a woman or family. Men are rarely depicted alone and NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER in a friendly context with another man. Male friendship is FROWNED UPON.
Esther Vilar already wrote in the 70s that commericals aimed at women only use women, not a hot chad with a giant bulge. Even women worship women. Best example is shaving commericals. Men's commericals always show him being touched up by foids after shaving. Female commercials do not show chad lusting over her after she shaves her legs. They show a foid.
Women control 80% of customer spending, and roughly half the money men earn somehow goes to women. This implies that men literally value nothing more than women. We can see this exemplified in how boyfriends and husbands let their woman "mother" them by giving responsibility over the financial budget to her. This is international. The man does not care about his own health, his job, his money. He could live in a cave if he had a six-pack of beer and a playstation. His material needs are met easily. What drives him is only the quest for female validation.
The fact that women control most spending is reflected in marketing, which focuses all its attack on women and children. Children in particular because they again convince women and men to spend money on them, just like women convince men to give half their money to them. One example of how insane female buying power can be, is the the stanley cup.
The stanley cup is a basic metal cup with a lid. Mostly bought by hikers, their target demographic for decades was outdoor men. Then, a few years ago, they changed their audience and marketed to women. They started advertising the cup in more colors, creating tons of accessories etc. The results were dramatic. Within one year, their sales skyrocketed from 60 million a year to 600 million a year. Consider the 80% figure and this makes perfect sense.
Another, independent, instance where a man discovered societies insane focus on women, was in the earl 1990s. This guy wrote a book, "not guilty, the case for men" or something. And he accidentally discovered that when you look at newspaper articles sorted by gender, 74% of them are about women.
Western society is obsessed with women to the point of mass neurosis.
While researching this book I spent some time in the library at the United States embassy in London. It is an invaluable source of information, a repository of books and magazines that are otherwise difficult to find in Britain. One morning I was searching through the 1991 Index to The New York Times, which lists every article published in America's most famous newspaper. The Index is published in four quarterly sections, and as I flicked through one of them I happened to notice that the list of articles under the heading "Women" was far longer than that under the heading "Men." Although individuals males politicians, celebrities, and sports-men, for example were written about very frequently, their sex as a whole was not.
Between July and September 1991, The New York Times published 20 articles about men, including fashion pages, and 135 articles about women. I wondered whether this was an anomaly. Intrigued, I started to count. So, with the zeal of the natural obsessive, I resolved to go through the entire index and count up the articles published on men and women for the year as a whole.
The final tally was: Men, 104 articles; Women, 679 articles.
DAVI D THOMAS. FPT $20.00. ISBN 0-688-1 1024-X. NOT GUILTY The Case in Defense of Men. David Thomas America has a new enemy, and that enemy is man. Forced into the comer by the recent malebashing in movies and in print, the male gender has become the scapegoat for all that is wrong with society. ...
Terrifying quote, "what are men? - what's left over when you've finished talking about women." @based_meme Human society is a matriarchy. Men were never in charge of shit. Even in Hobbes leviathan it is said that power is never concentrated where it seems most obvious. It's easy to point at...
In the same book we also find this douzy:
"The desire to free oneself from work was common to all classes and both sexes. Dr Joanna Bourke of Birkbeck College, London, has studied the diaries of 5,000 women who lived between 1860 and 1930.
During that period, the proportion of women in paid employment dropped from 75 per cent to 10 per cent. This was regarded as a huge step forward for womankind, an opinion shared by the women whose writings Dr Bourke researched.
Freed from mills and factories, they created a new power base for themselves at home. This was, claims Dr Bourke, "a deliberate choice. . . and a choice that gave great pleasure."" --
Think about how whack that is compared to the mainstream narrative.
Women were oppressed for all of history, barred from working until a revolution happened in the 20th century, and women stood up to their oppressors and threw off their shackles!
Women were not barred from shit, everyone had to work anyway simply for survival. Women didnt want to work, because work was hard as fuck, especially during industrial revolution exploitation of cheap labor. In order to stop working, women literally campaigned to get women out of the workforce, promoted the idea of mother-hood and the stay at home mom etc. Then, just two generations later, women pretended that none of this happened somehow and started claiming they were oppressed and barred from working for all of history
Consider all the key areas that women dominate in society:
- 70% of HR deparatment staff are women
- 70% of therapists + their clients are female (mental illness is taken more serious than physical illness because of this + its a sign of high status to be mentally ill now)
- motherhood, custody, early formative years (school teachers, kindergartners etc)
- dating market
- financial decisions
- how men behave (male behavior is based on female behavior, think of the shaving commerical - women want you to shave, so shave!)
Even when you are appealing to men, you have to appeal to women first, indirectly.
Example, you sell gym advice or equipment - why do men even go the gym? Foids.
You make porn for men, hentai for example - gotta draw sexy women first.
Everything is about women in this society. All the "toxic masculinity" behaviors that men have, like drinking, risky behavior - its all just attempts to impress women, or compete with other men for higher status - to get women. A lot of self-destructive behaviors men engage in are also just them self-hating through martyr-complex - because they view themselves as failure from not having female approval. Just look at this forum we are on. Some users here litterally have gifted-tier IQs and shit, and still view themselves as garabage because they dont get pussy. All your achievements, your gifts - worthless without female validation.
This one of the most insane things about men as a gender - their religious obsession with women, a people that blatantly does not care about them and even openly hates them.