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Blackpill I cba with this life



Truecel on Fakecels.Is - On a mission to SEAmaxx
May 1, 2019
What a scam tbh

just be born into random genetic lottery, maybe you're born in some nigger mud village in the middle of Africa, get drafted by general butt naked at 10 years of age and be given a Kalashnikov to kill a local warlord, you can't read or write and get shot then have a local shaman cut off your organs to 'save you'. Or maybe you are born in some local slav shithole and be drafted into another pointless war so the oligarchcels can line their pockets and get drone bombed in a trench.


Maybe you are just born into a rich white family with everything going for them, you wouldn't need to suffer a day in your life, life is good... Or maybe to a dark skinned curry immigrant family and forced to be mogged day in day out.

How can anyone take this world seriously? Where so much of our life is predetermined at birth. Everything about us is shaped by chance, what little agency we have is guided by all the preceding events that happened long before we were here. It is such a fucking joke this place. And best of all, we have the tools and capacity to right all of this, but we won't. Egalitarian my ass, there is nothing egalitarian about modern world, all this virtue signaling its all so fucking insane to me, all those problems that normies are having, like what the fuck are you even talking about when such fundamental principles of life are not even discussed.

It's like everybody just accepts the way things are, like what the fuck how can you accept a world like this, its so fucked up. Fuck this place tbh. I never felt connected to any of this, I always feel like an alien in this fucked up world.

This place just ain't for me.
help me collapse this shithole pls (in gta 5)
World isn't fair. Some people have to grind for peanuts, while others get everything handed to them on a silver platter. Not much to do about this other than play the cards that you've been dealt. It's not about accepting the world, it's about reality being what it is and you having lack of control. Either you can try to gain control to a certain extent (get extremely rich and make useful connections) or you can wheep about what could have been.
World isn't fair. Some people have to grind for peanuts, while others get everything handed to them on a silver platter. Not much to do about this other than play the cards that you've been dealt. It's not about accepting the world, it's about reality being what it is and you having lack of control. Either you can try to gain control to a certain extent (get extremely rich and make useful connections) or you can wheep about what could have been.
the game was rigged from the start
How can anyone take this world seriously? Where so much of our life is predetermined at birth. Everything about us is shaped by chance, what little agency we have is guided by all the preceding events that happened long before we were here.
Brutal biological determinism pill. :feelsrope::feelsrope::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Either God doesn't exist or If he does he is a sadist.

I want a north korean soldier wife :feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee:
Life Is Luck but Well Described .

This Is Worth a Pin tbh @Fat Link @PPEcel @Master @Dregster @SlayerSlayer
Everything is down to luck , if you rolled a shitty hand you are done
Who says otherwise either rolled a good hand or is denying his situation
It's like everybody just accepts the way things are, like what the fuck how can you accept a world like this
You make it sound like we can change anything. And tbh the only thing we really can do is go ER or waste government ressources. We cant just change our craniofacial bone structure, our height or our brain wiring
Based thread dude. :feelsbadman:
Most people get to live life on easy mode. We only get one life on this planet, so it's unfair that my life was set to be a miserable, torturous experience from start to finish, all because of my fucking genetics. Normies can just go with the flow and enjoy every second of their life, because they got lucky in the genetic lottery, while I was born to be a rotting subhuman. Fuck this shit :cryfeels:
You make it sound like we can change anything. And tbh the only thing we really can do is go ER or waste government ressources. We cant just change our craniofacial bone structure, our height or our brain wiring
We could potentially change something if we organized in a large group.
We could potentially change something if we organized in a large group.
Will never happen. If people dont even here trust each other, how should this work in real life ?

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