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I can't wait until BOOMERS start dying in droves



Dec 2, 2017
Fucking selfish cunts, I love how their Gen X and Millennial children are shoving them into retirement homes to rot.

of course this excludes anyone in my family and extended family
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I don't want my parents to die
Lol, why? Because they are the last happy and non-degenerate gen? They last gen where thing's worked out for the better? You seem jelly.
lol are you crazy? Things will get much worse when the world is run by millennials.
Lol, why? Because they are the last happy and non-degenerate gen? They last gen where thing's worked out for the better? You seem jelly.
Non-degenerate? LMAO Boomers are just as degenerate. High rate of divorce, the same people who revolutionized the porn industry, the people who ALLOWED millennials to become what they are, the "every child is special" generation. Fuck them.
lol are you crazy? Things will get much worse when the world is run by millennials.
things will get worse because Boomers don't want to hire and TRAIN millennials. I can't wait until that happens because the world wont be ready.
It wont make a difference. By then we will be old as fuck and it'll be completely over for us anyway.
Non-degenerate? LMAO Boomers are just as degenerate. High rate of divorce, the same people who revolutionized the porn industry, the people who ALLOWED millennials to become what they are, the "every child is special" generation. Fuck them.
Depend's on where your from i guess, in part's of the country (the USA)boomer's have the 2nd lowest divorce rate behind the greatest generation.
Depend's on where your from i guess, in part's of the country (the USA)boomer's have the 2nd lowest divorce rate behind the greatest generation.
in the black community it is bad, 70% divorce rate, and will only increase IMO
It wont make a difference. By then we will be old as fuck and it'll be completely over for us anyway.
This. These people are gonna live a long ass time, modern healthcare will make sure of it.
Not enough boomer hate here tbh, people don’t realize how destructive they really were
in the black community it is bad, 70% divorce rate, and will only increase IMO
Yeah, the liberal's screwed up the black community,it fubr now.
hopefull our generation will legalize weed and prostitution
things will get worse because Boomers don't want to hire and TRAIN millennials. I can't wait until that happens because the world wont be ready.

I wouldn't blame boomers or millennials for the lack of people wanting to train them or get trained. It is more of a failure of the system which is currently encouraging people to work until they are around 70 and the younger generations being constantly bombarded by stimuli and things that provide instant gratification. Same shit was said about gen X once they started entering the workforce but it wasn't as bad because everyone basically ignored them.
I wouldn't blame boomers or millennials for the lack of people wanting to train them or get trained. It is more of a failure of the system which is currently encouraging people to work until they are around 70 and the younger generations being constantly bombarded by stimuli and things that provide instant gratification. Same shit was said about gen X once they started entering the workforce but it wasn't as bad because everyone basically ignored them.
Good points, but Boomers work until they are 70 because they have to. They constantly buy new luxury cars etc and other shit they can't afford

Think about it, when the Greatest Generation were exiting the workforce in the 70's, seeing a luxury car was rare a'f. Now everyone and their mother is up to their eyeballs in debt paying it off. Keeping up with the Joneses
Not enough boomer hate here tbh, people don’t realize how destructive they really were
They were the ones pushing female sexual liberation in the 60's-70's. Almost every old guy I know is either a liberal cuck or a tradcuck. They might not be all bad, but I'm predicting when all them die at around the same time it will be an overall positive thing.
They were the ones pushing female sexual liberation in the 60's-70's. Almost every old guy I know is either a liberal cuck or a tradcuck. They might not be all bad, but I'm predicting when all them die at around the same time it will be an overall positive thing.

I don't know about that. I think the damage they've done is here to stay.
I don't know about that. I think the damage they've done is here to stay.
But what comes out of that damage can be a good thing, we'll at least have evidence to point out degeneracy and whoredom leads to societal collapse.
You know what worse then boomer is kike boomer.
ignore this post
I'm not looking forward to this at all.

In fact I dread the day when millennials are running the country. I'm planning to expatriate to eastern europe before that happens but I have no idea if that will realistically be possible.
hopefull our generation will legalize weed and prostitution

Weed, sure.

Prostitution? Fuck no. In fact men seeking the services of prostitutes will be punished even more harshly than now. Millennials will also make sex dolls and all forms of pornography (including hentai) illegal and a felony to possess. If you think that sounds far-fetched, consider the fact that pornography is already illegal in much of the world, full stop. Not just for religious reasons either, because China and South Korea are both fairly secular and it's banned there. There have been Korean hentai artists and doujin translators that have gotten harsh prison sentences.

Also consider the fact that in the west, the most affluent and politically active millennials are SJWs and numales.

Your future law makers, judges, and leaders:



Still looking forward to the boomers dying?
Weed, sure.

Prostitution? Fuck no. In fact men seeking the services of prostitutes will be punished even more harshly than now. Millennials will also make sex dolls and all forms of pornography (including hentai) illegal and a felony to possess. If you think that sounds far-fetched, consider the fact that pornography is already illegal in much of the world, full stop. Not just for religious reasons either, because China and South Korea are both fairly secular and it's banned there. There have been Korean hentai artists and doujin translators that have gotten harsh prison sentences.

Also consider the fact that in the west, the most affluent and politically active millennials are SJWs and numales.

Your future law makers, judges, and leaders:



Still looking forward to the boomers dying?

the next generation of ERs will be unforgiving then if our future resembles anything like that
the next generation of ERs will be unforgiving then if our future resembles anything like that

No they won't. Low LMS men will be submissive to their SJW and numale overlords. Just look at how high inhibition and docile they have become. Active political dissidents will be very small in numbers and quickly squashed.
Your future law makers, judges, and leaders:



Still looking forward to the boomers dying?

And are they out there having sex and relationships?
I am just so this shit show can burn to the ground.

Boomers brought the hippies, free love, and heavy drug use.
Free love has damaged society no doubt,but the gen's after them are even worse.
Weed, sure.

Prostitution? Fuck no. In fact men seeking the services of prostitutes will be punished even more harshly than now. Millennials will also make sex dolls and all forms of pornography (including hentai) illegal and a felony to possess. If you think that sounds far-fetched, consider the fact that pornography is already illegal in much of the world, full stop. Not just for religious reasons either, because China and South Korea are both fairly secular and it's banned there. There have been Korean hentai artists and doujin translators that have gotten harsh prison sentences.

Also consider the fact that in the west, the most affluent and politically active millennials are SJWs and numales.

Your future law makers, judges, and leaders:



Still looking forward to the boomers dying?
That world would get cucked out of existence. Maybe the conservatives, libertarians, and anarchists with cryptocurrency will be able to fight against them.
Lol, why? Because they are the last happy and non-degenerate gen? They last gen where thing's worked out for the better? You seem jelly.
Lol fuck off with that shit, boomers are the most degenerate scum in history.
Lol, why? Because they are the last happy and non-degenerate gen? They last gen where thing's worked out for the better? You seem jelly.
Boomer cucks were behind feminism, negroe rights, multiculturalism, and overall cuckery in general.
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Some Boomers are not that bad.

Stephan padok

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