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SuicideFuel I can’t stand Indians

  • Thread starter gymcel foreveralone
  • Start date
Do you live in an area with many curries? I’n in central NJ and my town is majority curry :feelsbadman:
Oh you have it the worst. You are in a shitty Western decadence situation overall, in a shitty metropolitan place like NJ, surrounded by the heaviest of the Punjabi and South Indian Indians. God I hate places like New Jersey lol.
You are in a shitty Western decadence situation overall, in a shitty metropolitan place like NJ, surrounded by the heaviest of the Punjabi and South Indian Indians
I’m from the suburbs, and it’s mostly Gujjews here
@Misogynist Curry 卐 GTFIH, people are talking about your Curryland...oh wait. I know what you will say I'll just type it for you:

"These are fucking Gangetics abbo darkies not true Indians, they only give my lovely Bollywood princess a bad name Gangetics are the only ones who do bad things rest are superior human race Indian robots gangetic should die by my poison bung lassi !"
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New Jersey has shit suburbs unless you live in Tony Soprano style subs..?
Central Jersey suburbs are alright. I’m not namedropping my town cause I don’t want to self-doxx but it’s among the safest towns in Cuckerica
Central Jersey suburbs are alright. I’m not namedropping my town cause I don’t want to self-doxx but it’s among the safest towns in Cuckerica
Show me a picture similar to the general area. Some are alright I guess. I just think Jersey is one of the worst and yes there are an enormous amount of Gujjus doing Gujju things ...
are you canadian? there've been a lot of complaints in the last few years from domestic college students about international students from india fucking up their education experience here.
Why do Indians feel the need to have a party in the library. They don’t know how to be civilized or what.
If they are FOB, they usually don't. They travel in groups and now you can't say shit to them because WOKE MAFIA!
are you canadian? there've been a lot of complaints in the last few years from domestic college students about international students from india fucking up their education experience here.
Doesn't matter. They are allowed to fuck up white (and anyone who "acts white") man's college experience because woke mafia says so. Everyone else must obey ! :feelsbadman:
@JayGoptri I apologize. I agree with your posts about it and the wests decline. The issue is that it affects normal Indians like us. Our SMV decreases as more FOBs come.
@JayGoptri I apologize. I agree with your posts about it and the wests decline. The issue is that it affects normal Indians like us. Our SMV decreases as more FOBs come.
I have to agree. I remember reading in 60s,70s curries in west had it easy. But now there are too many of us and too many fobs/scammers too. fucking our rep
Some things you are expressing are certainly true. But one thing, yall need to do when making these sort of comments is differentiate between whether you mean Indians in India or Indians in the West, they are different things (mostly). I'll assume you mean, Indians in the West.

Most Indians in the West are influenced by the liberal white man. So you need to start by blaming that segment of whitey first. This is one major reason they become this way. Sikhs and Gujarati business folks who accept the cuckservstive like of thinking and are from the upper-middle class, do not behave the way you described. Whereas, from my experience and observation the rest of the Indians in America and Europe do (especially America.

North Indians behave like this more regularly. The Indian diaspora to the West in previous generations did not behave like this, but the last 20 years or so has become a mess. But again, you need to recognise and blame liberal Americas tendencies for a lot of their behaviors. Even the recent Hindutva bullshit about flying aircraft 3000 years ago is all due to the support they get from social justice warriors.
It's very ovER so this so called nation led by this creature

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8ypraEielc
@JayGoptri I apologize. I agree with your posts about it and the wests decline. The issue is that it affects normal Indians like us. Our SMV decreases as more FOBs come.
I know brother. Believe me, I know and I have felt your pain for many years. I am older and wiser now, but the scars are still with me. :feelsbadman:
I have to agree. I remember reading in 60s,70s curries in west had it easy. But now there are too many of us and too many fobs/scammers too. fucking our rep
In the 60-90's things were better (starting to be noticed but Indian behavior of FOBS was not a known quantity especially in the South according to whites), but it quickly declined. You can't just blame the FOBS though. Face the music. The FOBS would NOT be able to permeate through Western culture and become leftists and make a bunch of noise in America IF the Leftist white man himself were not allowing and promulgating it. Remember the Hunter Biden's of the world don't give a shit what consequences it has for low smv brown men. He will still say things like "Indians are awesome and welcome in droves cause they are so smart and super nice" etc etc. The wave of Indians who came after (like my cousins) who don't know shit about Western or American culture but just take exams after exam and then become annoying academics or NGO whores.
fuck off faggot
Ironic coming from you of all people.

Screenshot 2023 04 13 at 30945 PM
welcome to canada, marpinder

View attachment 739482

$3000 a month, btw, $700 security deposit. hopefully that taxi driver gig works out well
Fucking Neo-Liberal cucks made this shit happen, and foids voted them in.

It was a mistake to give foids voting rights.
Jfl way to start a civil war on .is but yeah I don't like em either and they've basically taken over my country (Cucknada) now. At least they aren't as cucked as the libtard whites here tho
Jfl way to start a civil war on .is but yeah I don't like em either and they've basically taken over my country (Cucknada) now. At least they aren't as cucked as the libtard whites here tho
Ironic coming from you of all people.

View attachment 739956
I have to agree. I remember reading in 60s,70s curries in west had it easy. But now there are too many of us and too many fobs/scammers too. fucking our rep
LOL. Nobody on this forum hates curries more than curries

The libtard whites are responsible for 90% of all the cuckery and sjw + curries virus in the West. They can't tell who the good curries are and who the evil ones are. Just like @wereq was noticing while living in Canada and like I noticed in America. They aren't able to tell quality blacks from negro scum, (white House press secretary is a negro scum and she is rude to an actual African journalist trying to do his job) and finally they aren't able to tell good Latinos from bad ones. Seeing a pattern here? If they are able to tell, it's even worse because it means they are willfully manipulating minority groups to spite the cuckservstive whites.
my impression of indians that are fresh off the boat from India is bad, but the indians who live here for a few generations are good.
One thing I want to know as a sample, is if on the Western world; it's the North Indian and Gujjus in America causing the most noise, or now days South Indians also? In the past it's was the North Indians (Punjabi Sikhs)& Gujjus. In your guy's opinions?

@Transcended Trucel
@gymcel foreveralone
@Misogynist Curry 卐 (you observe)
@Indracel (your an arrogant prick but let's have your opinion too)

Tried to tag everyone who expressed an opinion on this curry stuff on last two threads. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. Please chime in.
One thing I want to know as a sample, is if on the Western world; it's the North Indian and Gujjus in America causing the most noise, or now days South Indians also? In the past it's was the North Indians (Punjabi Sikhs)& Gujjus. In your guy's opinions?

@Transcended Trucel
@gymcel foreveralone
@Misogynist Curry 卐 (you observe)
@Indracel (your an arrogant prick but let's have your opinion too)

Tried to tag everyone who expressed an opinion on this curry stuff on last two threads. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. Please chime in.
my impression of indians that are fresh off the boat from India is bad, but the indians who live here for a few generations are good.
I tend to agree. As the older white men died out, nobody berated immigrant Indians the right way for success in their families. Instead the "Equality" umbrella came over everything and so the eventual result is dysfunction of every imaginable kind. Now it's impossible to know what is right and wrong for immigrants.
One thing I want to know as a sample, is if on the Western world; it's the North Indian and Gujjus in America causing the most noise, or now days South Indians also? In the past it's was the North Indians (Punjabi Sikhs)& Gujjus. In your guy's opinions?

@Transcended Trucel
@gymcel foreveralone
@Misogynist Curry 卐 (you observe)
@Indracel (your an arrogant prick but let's have your opinion too)

Tried to tag everyone who expressed an opinion on this curry stuff on last two threads. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. Please chime in.
Dont care + OP is a retard + jews should dump more war torn syrians and somali subhumans where he lives specifically
Dont care + OP is a retard + jews should dump more war torn syrians and somali subhumans where he lives specifically
I didn't mean to tag you. You are legit Indian. Right? Yeah interesting thoughts all the same...but um thanks for the heads up lol. Looks like you and OP are frenamies.
I didn't mean to tag you. You are legit Indian. Right? Yeah interesting thoughts all the same...but um thanks for the heads up lol. Looks like you and OP are frenamies.
No im extra terrestrial
One thing I want to know as a sample, is if on the Western world; it's the North Indian and Gujjus in America causing the most noise, or now days South Indians also? In the past it's was the North Indians (Punjabi Sikhs)& Gujjus. In your guy's opinions?

@Transcended Trucel
@gymcel foreveralone
@Misogynist Curry 卐 (you observe)
@Indracel (your an arrogant prick but let's have your opinion too)

Tried to tag everyone who expressed an opinion on this curry stuff on last two threads. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. Please chime in.
All Currys play their music loud in their shops and cars when they become many in a certain area, its a noisy culture playing that bagra music i guess, dunno though. Go to London UK or Durban South Africa and see for yourself how they behave. But otherwise they allright , no violent robberies commited by them etc plus they like Turks, they prefer to stick to themselves
One thing I want to know as a sample, is if on the Western world; it's the North Indian and Gujjus in America causing the most noise, or now days South Indians also? In the past it's was the North Indians (Punjabi Sikhs)& Gujjus. In your guy's opinions?

@Transcended Trucel
@gymcel foreveralone
@Misogynist Curry 卐 (you observe)
@Indracel (your an arrogant prick but let's have your opinion too)

Tried to tag everyone who expressed an opinion on this curry stuff on last two threads. Forgive me if I forgot anyone. Please chime in.
These days it's still Punjabis and Pakis causing the most trouble in the West. Gujjus are incredibly shrewd but they're one of the least violent. They're practically the kikes of the curry race.
All Currys play their music loud in their shops and cars when they become many in a certain area, its a noisy culture playing that bagra music i guess, dunno though. Go to London UK or Durban South Africa and see for yourself how they behave. But otherwise they allright , no violent robberies commited by them etc plus they like Turks, they prefer to stick to themselves
Lol. I don't need to go anywhere. I lived in 2 major countries and 3 cities, 2 suburbs, I know exactly how they behave. It's embarrassing. But negros and Latinos do the same sometimes. We (Western curries) find it harder to tolerate Indian fobs because they are closer to us in appearance and so it is embaressing as hell.
These days it's still Punjabis and Pakis causing the most trouble in the West. Gujjus are incredibly shrewd but they're one of the least violent. They're practically the kikes of the curry race.
Jains also aren't that physical. But annoying as hell with their insistence on eating shitty food for everyone..
at least I’m not wasting my time on an incel forum when I could be fucking snowbunnies :feelshaha:
Ookay. Thanks for the dissasociative disorder type compliment, I guess? But yeah. You're life will continue to suck because you are a worshipper of sex havers and you have no experience in life so you think this sort of thing is what sustains humans. It does not.
are you canadian? there've been a lot of complaints in the last few years from domestic college students about international students from india fucking up their education experience here.
Mainland curries are the most annoying creatures on Earth.
When faced with the choice of fucking a snowbunny or being around men, only a homo would choose the latter :feelssus:
Lol. You are such an NPC. A choice is merely a degree of possibilities which are constantly counteracted by a million other opposing tasks and possibilities. Tougher and tougher as one ages also. So really, there is no "golden choice" like you make it out to be. Like I said many times, you are young and don't know shit so you interpret all these misanthropic "laws" from the Blackpill which need to be reinvented cause standard understanding is flawed anyway.
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That’s a lot of words just to say that when faced with the opportunity of fucking foids you instead choose to be with other men :feelshaha::feelshaha:
You are an assumptive faggot and you know it. "Opportunity"? What opportunity? What the fuck are you even talking about LMAO.

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