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Venting I can’t handle Reddit anymore — the platform is entirely made up of women and bluepilled men



Dec 3, 2020
I see so many threads — thread after thread where women/bluepillers completely miss the boat and blatantly state untrue things. And then those rise to the top/get upvoted because people are biased idiots.

For example, there was a thread where a guy was asking if it was a red flag that his girlfriend was still confiding emotionally in her ex but wouldn’t talk to him — so many women in the comments saying he’s just insecure and it’s totally fine lmao. Sort by controversial pulled in the real comments about how duh it’s a red flag, but of course all those are downvoted to oblivion.

Another post was about how “it’s OK for you to want to be with someone you’re attracted to” — upvotes to high heaven. NO SHIT Sherlock, but the problem comes precisely from women refusing to date their looksmatch because of the asymmetry that exists between men and women/the supply and demand of it all — that post is only for women in practice so they feel
better about only dating chads.

The worst offender I saw on there today was a thread again upvoted to high heaven where a woman was stating that “Women get rejected for our looks too! You stupid men think you’re special?” And I honestly cannot handle that level of stupidity — if the people upvoting that post and writing the damn thing knew anything about men and women biologically or if they had any self awareness they’d know that they’re talking about Chads rejecting them, not most men. But most men are invisible to women so they’re just making the apex fallacy again. Men are objectively less picky than women by a huge margin looking at dating statistics, but I guess that’s a fact they’d rather just ignore eh?

I’m honestly starting to think that you genuinely cannot reason with women — I used to think perhaps you could with some if you had all your facts in order, but I’ve never seen that happen — even if you have the all your facts lined up/all the blackpill science studies in the world, they will just call say “found the incel” and go on believing whatever solipsistic bullshit makes them feel better while circlejerking each other off, it’s crazy.

How did we get here? Honestly how did we get to the point where women control everything and their views represent the majority and influence everything in big tech/news media?

Needless to say I think I’m done with Reddit/Facebook and all those cucked women sites. That’s what they are at this point straight up — men use social media less I think because we don’t get validation out of it like women do. Chads do of course but for non chads it’s a waste of time.
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Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
Extremely based — DND is a great example too.
I could never handle it in the first place. That place is unironically cuck central.
I see so many threads — thread after thread where women/bluepillers completely miss the boat and blatantly state untrue things. And then those rise to the top/get upvoted because people are biased idiots.

For example, there was a thread where a guy was asking if it was a red flag that his girlfriend was still confiding emotionally in her ex but wouldn’t talk to him — so many women in the comments saying he’s just insecure and it’s totally fine lmao. Sort by controversial pulled in the real comments about how duh it’s a red flag, but of course all those are downvoted to oblivion.
r/AmITheAsshole is a clear example of this.
Another post was about how “it’s OK for you to want to be with someone you’re attracted to” — upvotes to high heaven. NO SHIT Sherlock, but the problem comes precisely from women refusing to date their looksmatch because of the asymmetry that exists between men and women/the supply and demand of it all — that post is only for women in practice so they feel
better about only dating chads.

The worst offender I saw on there today was a thread again upvoted to high heaven where a woman was stating that “Women get rejected for our looks too! You stupid men think you’re special?” And I honestly cannot handle that level of stupidity — if the people upvoting that post and writing the damn thing knew anything about men and women biologically or if they had any self awareness they’d know that they’re talking about Chads rejecting them, not most men. But most men are invisible to women so they’re just making the apex fallacy again. Men are objectively less picky than women by a huge margin looking at dating statistics, but I guess that’s a fact they’d rather just ignore eh?

I’m honestly starting to think that you genuinely cannot reason with women — I used to think perhaps you could with some if you had all your facts in order, but I’ve never seen that happen — even if you have the all your facts lined up/all the blackpill science studies in the world, they will just call say “found the incel” and go on believing whatever solipsistic bullshit makes them feel better while circlejerking each other off, it’s crazy.

How did we get here? Honestly how did we get to the point where women control everything and their views represent the majority and influence everything in big tech/news media?

Needless to say I think I’m done with Reddit/Facebook and all those cucked women sites. That’s what they are at this point straight up — men use social media less I think because we don’t get validation out of it like women do. Chads do of course but for non chads it’s a waste of time.
Outside of manosphere and incel subs most subs are an echochamber centered around bashing conservative leaning and "misogynistic" males tbh
Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
Reddit was bad even when it wasn't as mainstream tbh
TLDR but fuck reddit
I could never handle it in the first place. That place is unironically cuck central.
You’re correct, it sucks because I love the idea of Reddit, but the extreme censorship and how it’s been taken over by women (like pretty much all social media at this point) has ruined it.
You’re correct, it sucks because I love the idea of Reddit, but the extreme censorship and how it’s been taken over by women (like pretty much all social media at this point) has ruined it.
Honestly the ease of access and how streamlined the process is to find specific interests is the sites downfall. Sites that are harder to use and require more knowledge to become accustomed to rarely get swamped with women and simps because they don't want to put the effort in to use them.
In that vein it is fucking hilarious how so many people are like, “NO private business can’t make decisions about who they serve” when it’s a gay wedding cake but when it’s censorship for social media the same people go “YES private business can do whatever they want at their own whims!”

People are such fucking hypocrites — everybody’s fine with censorship as long as it’s not THEM who it targets. The moment that changes they’ll cry foul and flip their stance on its head.

It’s also hilarious how people always pull the whole “make your own platform then” and then when they do (“Parler” for example) even that gets shut down by outside companies and people are like, “NOOO shut it down” lmao.
Honestly the ease of access and how streamlined the process is to find specific interests is the sites downfall. Sites that are harder to use and require more knowledge to become accustomed to rarely get swamped with women and simps because they don't want to put the effort in to use them.
Fair point actually — maybe that’s why 4chan isn’t as bad at this point lol.
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You’re correct, it sucks because I love the idea of Reddit, but the extreme censorship and how it’s been taken over by women (like pretty much all social media at this point) has ruined it.
Yeah. Reddit was always pretty cucked but it's just gotten more and more cucked in the past few years that now it's unusable.

You only have to look at how they systematically resolved to ban all incel subs, and the only ones which remain with any semblance of blackpill themes are the ones which adopt utterly cucked rules like IncelsWithoutHate (rules like "no saying who is/isn't an incel", "all people welcome" (including foids)) etc.

It is quite literally run for foids and white knights.
Yeah. Reddit was always pretty cucked but it's just gotten more and more cucked in the past few years that now it's unusable.

You only have to look at how they systematically resolved to ban all incel subs, and the only ones which remain with any semblance of blackpill themes are the ones which adopt utterly cucked rules like IncelsWithoutHate (rules like "no saying who is/isn't an incel", "all people welcome" (including foids)) etc.

It is quite literally run for foids and white knights.
I hear you mate, well put — at least r/blackpillscience is still up but it’s a pretty small sub seems like.
it's full of landwhales, trannies, and soi. dump that shit
"We bewieve the science"

"Shows them a million peer reviewed blackpilled studies"

"People are like complicated and stuff! :soy:Shutup and believe women! :feels:"
There is no way to make a woman understand the situation of men and less incels, they have everything easier in life that i doubt any of them would know the feeling. Reddit is for cucks and foids only
"We bewieve the science"

"Shows them a million peer reviewed blackpilled studies"

"People are like complicated and stuff! :soy:Shutup and believe women! :feels:"
Lol for real though — usually I don’t even see that, just lots and lots of Ad Hom attacks or at best whataboutism. They’ll do anything to not acknowledge the truth since that would mean acknowledging that they have it better in many ways. The irony is that most women are in the “woke” camp today, but clearly only for attention or when it benefits them.
I have blocked it via my router's parental control settings, I cannot even see the little windows that appear when you link it on .co I see this instead

Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
DnD is the best example I've seen of this
So why the fuck are you there and why the fuck are you talking about it here? Fucking greycel scum. Seriously, those types of threads should be bannable.
lol is there a topic where you are allowed to disagree with a foid? Literally everything you potentially want to discuss with them has only these two opinions: the foid's and the wrong one.
So why the fuck are you there and why the fuck are you talking about it here? Fucking greycel scum. Seriously, those types of threads should be bannable.
Man what bit you in the ass lol — “ban people for this” “ban people for that”. Maybe you should be banned for some arbitrary reason I come up with. Everyone’s a greycel at some point mate, chill.
DnD is the best example I've seen of this
It is a great example yeah
I have blocked it via my router's parental control settings, I cannot even see the little windows that appear when you link it on .co I see this instead

View attachment 395381
Not a bad idea tbh
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Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
Goddamn thank god someone else saw the tainting of dnd and I’m not completely crazy
In that vein it is fucking hilarious how so many people are like, “NO private business can’t make decisions about who they serve” when it’s a gay wedding cake but when it’s censorship for social media the same people go “YES private business can do whatever they want at their own whims!”

People are such fucking hypocrites — everybody’s fine with censorship as long as it’s not THEM who it targets. The moment that changes they’ll cry foul and flip their stance on its head.

It’s also hilarious how people always pull the whole “make your own platform then” and then when they do (“Parler” for example) even that gets shut down by outside companies and people are like, “NOOO shut it down” lmao.
Oh, I cannot stand those "muh private company" faggots whenever someone they don't like get censored. They've been popping up a lot recently due to current events.
Oh, I cannot stand those "muh private company" faggots whenever someone they don't like get censored. They've been popping up a lot recently due to current events.
I hate them — they obviously have no self awareness or they’d perceive their hypocrisy.
I hate them — they obviously have no self awareness or they’d perceive their hypocrisy.
They're very aware of their hypocrisy. It's just now they don't give a fuck.
Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.

The same can said for the internet in general.
They're very aware of their hypocrisy. It's just now they don't give a fuck.

The thing we have to understand about incel bashers (and SJWs in general) is that they have no conscience. Yes, they are fully aware of their hypocrisy. Their lack of conscience allows them to live with it without any problems.

A normal human being, upon realizing that he's being hypocritical about something, will change either his behavior or his opinion so that he's no longer a hypocrite. That's what having a conscience does. SJWs aren't normal. People need to stop thinking they can be "converted" or "reformed," or that they're noble people who are just "misguided" or ignorant. They're not. They're fully aware of their evil actions, they just don't care. They could kill an incel kid and sleep soundly after doing it. They're evil sociopaths and should be treated as such.
The thing we have to understand about incel bashers (and SJWs in general) is that they have no conscience. Yes, they are fully aware of their hypocrisy. Their lack of conscience allows them to live with it without any problems.

A normal human being, upon realizing that he's being hypocritical about something, will change either his behavior or his opinion so that he's no longer a hypocrite. That's what having a conscience does. SJWs aren't normal. People need to stop thinking they can be "converted" or "reformed," or that they're noble people who are just "misguided" or ignorant. They're not. They're fully aware of their evil actions, they just don't care. They could kill an incel kid and sleep soundly after doing it. They're evil sociopaths and should be treated as such.
Honestly how did we get to the point where women control everything and their views represent the majority and influence everything in big tech/news media?
We placed too much responsibility on mothers. Motherhood and mother/son relationships is the primary vector by which feminism and gynocracy spreads.
i left a long time ago, good thing you did the same
"We bewieve the science"

"Shows them a million peer reviewed blackpilled studies"

"People are like complicated and stuff! :soy:Shutup and believe women! :feels:"
i avoid quantitative MSM platforms in favor of qualitative alternatives.

reddit, twitter and FB are gutter tier.


Anything that becomes mainstream gets invaded by foids and their orbiters. Then these orbiters use the newly conquered space to simp for foids to get 0.00000001% of attention. Than it gets invaded by faggots, niggers, trannies etc. And at last any normal people remaining on said forum/site get labeled extremists and pushed away. Happened to every game, activity, hobby and internet site that got invaded.

Just look at subreddits like r/teenagers who in theory should be apolitical because they are kids after all, but no you say one bad thing about faggots or trannies you get downvoted to another dimension
if a woman (before the age of 25) was with a male under 7, she would never be rejected and never betrayed (or at least with very low chances)
Man, this shit really makes me ragefullfiled I can't deal with globohomo and female victimization, these bitches couldn't stand to spend 30 minutes even in the life of a normie, that's why I like it when ER happens 100% of the victims are not incels ie are norman cucks
Anything that becomes mainstream gets invaded by foids and their orbiters. Then these orbiters use the newly conquered space to simp for foids to get 0.00000001% of attention. Than it gets invaded by faggots, niggers, trannies etc. And at last any normal people remaining on said forum/site get labeled extremists and pushed away. Happened to every game, activity, hobby and internet site that got invaded.

Just look at subreddits like r/teenagers who in theory should be apolitical because they are kids after all, but no you say one bad thing about faggots or trannies you get downvoted to another dimension
I hear you mate :feelsbadman:
i left 2 years ago
Good call tbh sites controlled by/overrun with sjw retard types who hate men that aren’t black or gay.
"We bewieve the science"

"Shows them a million peer reviewed blackpilled studies"

"People are like complicated and stuff! :soy:Shutup and believe women! :feels:"
It do be like that, well put
There is no way to make a woman understand the situation of men and less incels, they have everything easier in life that i doubt any of them would know the feeling. Reddit is for cucks and foids only
B A S E D :feelsclown:
Reddit has become mainstream, and once something becomes popular women and simps inevitably ruin it. Just look at D&D. It used to be a fun game for nerdy dudes to have fun with but once it became mainstream women started joining and now the official community is cucked beyond belief.
Love your username lol - also yeah dnd has the potential to be an awesome game, but it’s operated by sjws in California now so it’s really been getting worse in some ways as you say.
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