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Venting I can't find any motivation due to being 23 yo KHHV



25 years old KHHV from Turkey
Jun 30, 2020
I just can't see any point of doing anything when I am a 23 years old talkless,flirtless,kissless,hugless,handholdless virgin who missed on all social development milestones due to getting discriminated based on my looks all of my life.
Same. But 25.
Oh hello younger me. Don't worry, in about 10 years you will turn into me.
Aaa, Knk bu ben ama 5 yıl sonra
That's one of the issues I have too, at 26 now. Constant intrusive thoughts like "why even bother to change", "what's the point", or "no women would want me anyway".
same, I dropped out of university in the last year and am a permarotting neetcel now. vidya coom food ldar
Aaa, Knk bu ben ama 5 yıl sonra
Umarım bir şekilde kurtulursun inceldomdan benim yaşıma gelmeden,keep trying on ascension young brother if its possible since you can be late a bloomer,for me it's already over.
Umarım bir şekilde kurtulursun inceldomdan benim yaşıma gelmeden,keep trying on ascension young brother if its possible since you can be late a bloomer,for me it's already over.
Knk 2 yildir 1.74üm boyum uzamadü yüzüm de tipsiz.

Estetik ameliyat tek çozum ama onun için de baya para lazim
Isn’t it normal to be virgin until like 24 in the Muslim nations? More suifuel in the west when everyone loses theirs at 16
I don’t have any motivation either
Same but living to long
Well I am a 24 year old virgin. I know that feel bro.
Isn’t it normal to be virgin until like 24 in the Muslim nations? More suifuel in the west when everyone loses theirs at 16
Yes, it is but we don't live in those countries. Having said, even in those countries people lose it at 15/16 because there's degenerate whores everywhere, but they do it under the guise of "marriage."
How can you sustain this lifestyle?
I inherited some money after dad. also I don't spend too much and live with my mom(but pay for my stuff and food/bills). I think it's cool but if she started being bitchy with her normie expectations I could just fuck off to the middle of nowhere buy some land, build a shed on it and continue ldaring
I inherited some money after dad. also I don't spend too much and live with my mom(but pay for my stuff and food/bills). I think it's cool but if she started being bitchy with her normie expectations I could just fuck off to the middle of nowhere buy some land, build a shed on it and continue ldaring
Do you have that much money to do it on the long run? Because I'm thinking you probably own millions now. Kek.
Do you have that much money to do it on the long run? Because I'm thinking you probably own millions now. Kek.
I'm good for at least 20 years, if I invest even moderately well I'm good indefinitely. also my mother owns two large properties, she's neeting hard off one of them as well. it's a rigged game
I'm good for at least 20 years, if I invest even moderately well I'm good indefinitely. also my mother owns two large properties, she's neeting hard off one of them as well. it's a rigged game
If she's a NEET then she can't bitch at you. Are you Jewish?
If she's a NEET then she can't bitch at you. Are you Jewish?
nah :lul: well she used to be a wagie for like 20 years but she hasn't worked in another 20. well who can predict a foid :waitwhat: I remember getting the dividends when I was little, we got like 3x the average normie yearly salary at once for doing nothing. that's when I realized I'd rather rope than slave
nah :lul: well she used to be a wagie for like 20 years but she hasn't worked in another 20. well who can predict a foid :waitwhat: I remember getting the dividends when I was little, we got like 3x the average normie yearly salary at once for doing nothing. that's when I realized I'd rather rope than slave
Yes not everyone of us is so lucky, most of us have to wageslave, myself included. But I'd rather do something with less money I like doing than something I don't and get more money.
talkless,flirtless,kissless,hugless,handholdless virgin who missed on all social development milestones due to getting discriminated based on my looks all of my life.
Same but 20
I have the same issue

If its not going to get me a gf I dont care
cope ldar or rope. there is nothing else we can do
I just can't see any point of doing anything when I am a 23 years old talkless,flirtless,kissless,hugless,handholdless virgin who missed on all social development milestones due to getting discriminated based on my looks all of my life.
same, I dropped out of university in the last year and am a permarotting neetcel now. vidya coom food ldar
I have the same issue

If its not going to get me a gf I dont care
cope ldar or rope. there is nothing else we can do

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5hu7o2Q62k
I just can't see any point of doing anything when I am a 23 years old talkless,flirtless,kissless,hugless,handholdless virgin who missed on all social development milestones due to getting discriminated based on my looks all of my life.
And, unfortunately, it gets worse, man.

31 here.
Oha amq.

.co Turk dolmuş. As bayraklari as as @muharremabi @Cuyen @Blacktarpill
1 year older than you and can relate so much, everything is pointless i dont even care about the money i make from wageslaving, dont even spend it.

everything in life seems pointless if your an ugly male who foids ignore
Ftfy this part which is very rare for Turkish race. You need to be in top 1% to get laid.
Yes, definitely, dude has to be at least a 6/9. SORRY. I didn't mean to imply all Turkish guys are moggers.
That's one of the issues I have too, at 26 now. Constant intrusive thoughts like "why even bother to change", "what's the point", or "no women would want me anyway".
its over
And, unfortunately, it gets worse, man.

31 here.

Can confirm the motivation lessens with age. 42yo here. I was still doing digital art on my computer at 27 and getting fulfillment from it, despite being a virgin. I also liked photography, cycling, indoor soccer, antiques and working as a volunteer at a cat charity. I could easily fill my day.

Hobbies and interests that used to motivate me and give enjoyment no longer do. I'm just an empty shell of a man that shitposts on forums all day.
I just can't see any point of doing anything when I am a 23 years old talkless,flirtless,kissless,hugless,handholdless virgin who missed on all social development milestones due to getting discriminated based on my looks all of my life.

Your logic is warped, you literally cited your motivation in your title stating you don't have motivation lol


I don't get how you don't see it that way, guys like you are just coping, if "something good" happened to "motivate" you, you'd just raise the bar again for another excuse of "needing more motivation" and on and on it goes in an endless loop

If your current life (which you hate) isn't enough to make you want to change your life (to something you don't hate), then NOTHING will EVER motivate you to change

To me this sounds as stupid as someone holding their hand over a fire and asking - "whats my motivation to move my hand?"

IDK, your current fucking predicament of intense pain

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