I reach that same point everyday, too. Fucking, mental breakdown, everyday. I don't know what the FUCK to do.
I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack or stroke at this point from sheer, mind killing misery.
As someone who was coaxed into therapy for a while, it is complete shit. Go and find out for yourself if you must, but, I really believe it cannot work on the blackpilled, or, anyone who thinks for themselves, really. I think SSRI's and all that crap is a joke, too, so when people say, "get help", I just fucking laugh, there is no help. Why are normslime so obsessed with 'GETTING HELP', and leaving FUCKING SUICIDE HOTLINES ALL OVER THE FUCKING INTERNET, JESUS CHRIST, FUCK. It's infuriating. Damn, I hate the world, man. Hate the world, hate everyone in it.
At this point, I think I may be so full of rage that upon death I may be reborn as a devastating plague of flesh eating creatures that will destroy civilization. That'd be sick.